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BW's Amateur Mistake Screws PVPers


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Every MMO makes this mistake: they leave something in the game that can be exploited. It gets exploited by the first few at level cap. Then the company nerfs it, leaving the other 90% screwed.


This has happened with Illum quests and Outlaw's Den chests. You have a small group who traded quest turn ins and farmed the chests, now the rest of us won't catch up for a long time.

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People would get the champion bags in ilum regardless of win trading

It would just take longer than a few minutes


In reality the problem is that you are leveling too slow.

You will only have to capture 5 sections a day in ilum for the daily, and 15 in a week for the weekly.

People would do that regardless of win trading. You are being put at no extra penalty.


Once you get to 50, you will realize how quick the thing is, and that it's not repeatable in a day.

Once you win trade past 5 in a day or 15 in a week, you get absolutely nothing else.

And people would achieve those 5/15 regardless of wintrading.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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