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Human Surnames - Advice wanted.


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Perhaps an obvious question for most, but for those of us who are newer to the Star Wars universe perhaps someone could give a little guidance regarding Human surnames.


I know the obvious Skywalker and Solo, but that really is all I have to go on. Are traditional surnames carried over into far away galaxies? Are there still families called Brown and Jones? What of the profession based names we have now such as Smith and Cooper?


I have what I feel is a suitable first name but trying to find a surname is vexing me!

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Pretty much yeah. I mean the world has some level of disbelief when it comes to names. Look, there is a race called "Mon Calamari" for crying out loud.


For example, look at my Legacy below in my signature. Been using it for years now since the 3rd day of SWG. Even have a full background of the family. They were in Galaxies nobility on Rori (Naboo's moon) that were attending a wedding on Alderaan, but the "black sheep" of the family was late for the wedding... lucky for her. Back in this time period, they are not down to 1 like then, but they are kinda small, and not really nobility any more since the fall of Taris. They will someday regain their nobility (probably beyond the scope of this game), but in the mean time, the family name is very important to them, and even if married (none of them are yet), they would insist on keeping their family name for their daughters. They have strong force sensitivity in the family, and even though only Ashley (my Knight) and Jennica (my consular) have enough to be Jedi, Racquel (Smuggler) and Jordan (Trooper) are both mildly Force Sensitive (which is why Jordan who will be dark, will have Sith Corruption)

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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It seems to me that anything is an appropriate name in Star Wars. Consider that the Galactic Republic consists of at least 1000 planets, and at some points in its history has had three million planets. I'm not sure what the number is in the time period the game is set in, but there's a lot of planets in the Republic.


With millions of planets, the number of cultures and local traditions for naming is probably in the billions. Which means that if you can think of it, it's probably used as a name somewhere, by someone, in the Star Wars galaxy.


Beyond that, you can consider the names of some of the secondary and supporting characters. Just off the top of my head from the movies there's names like Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissian, Mon Mothma, Tarkin.. A little random browsing on wookieepedia can turn up dozens more names to use as examples, too.

Edited by Mnemnosyne
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Human names and surnames are very varied, possibly depending on their planet of origin.


Boys on Tatooine seem to have fairly "normal" names (Luke skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, Owen Lars). Other human groups have much more exotic names (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jango Fett, Maximillian Veers, Joruus C'baoth and many others).


Considering we're talking about a galaxy made of millions of inhabited Star Systems and a human civilization spread on the majority of them, I'd say anything goes as far as names, so long as they're not ridiculous like "Peek Achoo".


Alien names are more difficult to figure out because some species have very specific naming conventions (such as Twi'leks and Chiss).

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