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Suggestion: Item Buyback


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Multiple times I have either had lag issues or mistakenly bought items that were duplicate or that I did not need. It would be nice to have the ability to sell items back for the same cost, whether that be credits or commendations, within a certain time frame. It doesn't have to be long, even 5-10 minutes would suffice because if you bought it by accident you'll immediately sell it back.
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Multiple times I have either had lag issues or mistakenly bought items that were duplicate or that I did not need. It would be nice to have the ability to sell items back for the same cost, whether that be credits or commendations, within a certain time frame. It doesn't have to be long, even 5-10 minutes would suffice because if you bought it by accident you'll immediately sell it back.


When I unlocked my CE, I went up to the CE vendor. I accidently hit cntrl + right click to view an item, and bought the item instead of viewing it.


I support a small window to sell something back and getting a refund. Also, make it so cntrl + right click doesn't buy an item.

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