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a complement on the launch


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I have to say that reading the forums today I am appalled at some of the negative things iv seen written about the way the game is being released. First off: I have never seen a large scale MMO launch a WEEK EARLY... mad props to the developement and testing teams for comming out of a difficult task ahead of schedual. Second: having played many MMO's i will testify that the launch days are one of the hardest times to get quality playing time and the idea of spreading the launch out over a few days is genious... i normally wait 24-48 hours after the a MMO launches to even think about actually dedicating time to play because the sudden spike in player density causes bugs and server crashes... it may be annoying to some people... but holy crap... you are still getting access to the game early even with it being spread out over a few days. Third: there have been forum posts for several days saying that not everyone will get access to the game today and that it would be spread out... so those like me who waited to pre-order need to just suck it up for a little longer. Fourth: I saw many complaints about the customer support being inadequate... I can honestly say you couldnt pay me enough to be on the SWTOR support staff right now... lauching a new product is always a hard time for MMO producers... let alone when it has been this highly anticipated... with hundereds of thousands of pre-orders and accounts to work on, the in game bugs that inevitabley occurr, people who are confused about how the early access works (of which i was admittadly one), and other general mayhem im not suppriesd they seem like they are a little over their heads... but they are working on it... its a WEEK before the game was supposed to launch... show a little appreciation and support for the people who made it possible to play this early... you will get your chance.
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people will be people, and apparently we have kids mostly on here, as there are a lot of tears pouring down, i didnt get in today but im fine about that, heck i didnt preorder till oct 3rd so i dont even think ill be online till sat or sun, but thats still BEFORE the 20th right? we all knew about the launch and how it would be handled . now explain why anyone opened new threads about it being bad just to cry, is beyond me. this section should be about real problems people are having, you not getting in or disagreeing with the launch process is not a problem in my books. cannot log in or lag, is
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I have to say that reading the forums today I am appalled at some of the negative things iv seen written about the way the game is being released. First off: I have never seen a large scale MMO launch a WEEK EARLY... mad props to the developement and testing teams for comming out of a difficult task ahead of schedual. Second: having played many MMO's i will testify that the launch days are one of the hardest times to get quality playing time and the idea of spreading the launch out over a few days is genious... i normally wait 24-48 hours after the a MMO launches to even think about actually dedicating time to play because the sudden spike in player density causes bugs and server crashes... it may be annoying to some people... but holy crap... you are still getting access to the game early even with it being spread out over a few days. Third: there have been forum posts for several days saying that not everyone will get access to the game today and that it would be spread out... so those like me who waited to pre-order need to just suck it up for a little longer. Fourth: I saw many complaints about the customer support being inadequate... I can honestly say you couldnt pay me enough to be on the SWTOR support staff right now... lauching a new product is always a hard time for MMO producers... let alone when it has been this highly anticipated... with hundereds of thousands of pre-orders and accounts to work on, the in game bugs that inevitabley occurr, people who are confused about how the early access works (of which i was admittadly one), and other general mayhem im not suppriesd they seem like they are a little over their heads... but they are working on it... its a WEEK before the game was supposed to launch... show a little appreciation and support for the people who made it possible to play this early... you will get your chance.



you go fanboi, silence those critics who say the implementation sucks, after all they dont know anything about anything

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thats not true , i suggest they put out more info from with wave the pre order dates are , sow ppl can take leave from there work or skip school :p


i'd like to see more info about it from bioware what date is in what wave makes it easier for all of us thats why i am little mad on bioware nothing else , still think they do a great job and its an awesome game

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I agree. I've never seen such a smooth launch (nor an early one, to be sure).


What a bunch of crybaby whiners. Christ on a Cracker, it's like every crappy forum troll and QQer on the WoW forums has found their way here.


Anyway, good luck to all and may those that are worthy actually get into the game early. So far general chat on the start planets has been fairly quiet and civil. That will change all too soon, I'm afraid. During the last beta weekend, general chat looked like Barrens chat in the old days... it was toxic and vile and I had a huge ignore list. I am hoping my server has some adults on it.



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thats not true , i suggest they put out more info from with wave the pre order dates are , sow ppl can take leave from there work or skip school :p


i'd like to see more info about it from bioware what date is in what wave makes it easier for all of us thats why i am little mad on bioware nothing else , still think they do a great job and its an awesome game


You know every time I see this it makes me laugh, it's just assinine to me to consider taking time off from work just so I can play a game. Get a grip it's just a game and not important enough to miss time from work over.

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You know every time I see this it makes me laugh, it's just assinine to me to consider taking time off from work just so I can play a game. Get a grip it's just a game and not important enough to miss time from work over.


i think for me this is important , i work to live not live to work

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I have to say that reading the forums today I am appalled at some of the negative things iv seen written about the way the game is being released. First off: I have never seen a large scale MMO launch a WEEK EARLY... mad props to the developement and testing teams for comming out of a difficult task ahead of schedual. Second: having played many MMO's i will testify that the launch days are one of the hardest times to get quality playing time and the idea of spreading the launch out over a few days is genious... i normally wait 24-48 hours after the a MMO launches to even think about actually dedicating time to play because the sudden spike in player density causes bugs and server crashes... it may be annoying to some people... but holy crap... you are still getting access to the game early even with it being spread out over a few days. Third: there have been forum posts for several days saying that not everyone will get access to the game today and that it would be spread out... so those like me who waited to pre-order need to just suck it up for a little longer. Fourth: I saw many complaints about the customer support being inadequate... I can honestly say you couldnt pay me enough to be on the SWTOR support staff right now... lauching a new product is always a hard time for MMO producers... let alone when it has been this highly anticipated... with hundereds of thousands of pre-orders and accounts to work on, the in game bugs that inevitabley occurr, people who are confused about how the early access works (of which i was admittadly one), and other general mayhem im not suppriesd they seem like they are a little over their heads... but they are working on it... its a WEEK before the game was supposed to launch... show a little appreciation and support for the people who made it possible to play this early... you will get your chance.



+1 I agree with you and I could add more things but lets just leave it here. :-)

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i think for me this is important , i work to live not live to work


+1 I do this all the time.. mostly when you are a "worker" not a boss, you put in 120 hours a week so your boss can get rich and you get a stupid raise, the only times all workers are the same and will loose the same is when is a cooperative.

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Mad props for the longest queue times in MMO history. The truth is, some will be waiting a matter of days to play! Past MMO's you had to wait a couple of hours. Honestly though i'm over it, some things are worth the wait. :cool:


Also, a week early is an exaggeration. It's two days early. Impressive, but not "week early" impressive.

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I have to say that reading the forums today I am appalled at some of the negative things iv seen written about the way the game is being released. First off: I have never seen a large scale MMO launch a WEEK EARLY... mad props to the developement and testing teams for comming out of a difficult task ahead of schedual. Second: having played many MMO's i will testify that the launch days are one of the hardest times to get quality playing time and the idea of spreading the launch out over a few days is genious... i normally wait 24-48 hours after the a MMO launches to even think about actually dedicating time to play because the sudden spike in player density causes bugs and server crashes... it may be annoying to some people... but holy crap... you are still getting access to the game early even with it being spread out over a few days. Third: there have been forum posts for several days saying that not everyone will get access to the game today and that it would be spread out... so those like me who waited to pre-order need to just suck it up for a little longer. Fourth: I saw many complaints about the customer support being inadequate... I can honestly say you couldnt pay me enough to be on the SWTOR support staff right now... lauching a new product is always a hard time for MMO producers... let alone when it has been this highly anticipated... with hundereds of thousands of pre-orders and accounts to work on, the in game bugs that inevitabley occurr, people who are confused about how the early access works (of which i was admittadly one), and other general mayhem im not suppriesd they seem like they are a little over their heads... but they are working on it... its a WEEK before the game was supposed to launch... show a little appreciation and support for the people who made it possible to play this early... you will get your chance.


I agree with you. And, the kids or 'young adults' who are crying ...are probably going to quit anyway after playing. They are the ones who'll want to level to 50 as quickly as possible and find out that they'll be slowed down by story driven quest. And go back to WOW, because they can grab 20 quest at once and do them without reading a thing.


I haven't been picked to play yet. But, I have patience for a great game.

Edited by druvokus
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You know every time I see this it makes me laugh, it's just assinine to me to consider taking time off from work just so I can play a game. Get a grip it's just a game and not important enough to miss time from work over.


I gotta agree. My work's too important to me to take time off. Also, I enjoy having money. <_<

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You know every time I see this it makes me laugh, it's just assinine to me to consider taking time off from work just so I can play a game. Get a grip it's just a game and not important enough to miss time from work over.


You don't get paid vacation days, compensation days or personal paid days? That sucks.

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I agree. I've never seen such a smooth launch (nor an early one, to be sure).


What a bunch of crybaby whiners. Christ on a Cracker, it's like every crappy forum troll and QQer on the WoW forums has found their way here.


Anyway, good luck to all and may those that are worthy actually get into the game early. So far general chat on the start planets has been fairly quiet and civil. That will change all too soon, I'm afraid. During the last beta weekend, general chat looked like Barrens chat in the old days... it was toxic and vile and I had a huge ignore list. I am hoping my server has some adults on it.




Where do you get off acting all high and mighty? So were not worthy if we have a legit gripe?


All I am going to say about that, even though I would like to give you an ear full, but I value my account.


Oh and FYI, it was a smooth launch because the servers were LIGHT TO MEDIUM population all day and they stopped the waves to early.


Oh but you wouldn't know that, you're spouting nonsense and ASSUMING you know the issue.

Edited by Liberate
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