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Entering storyline instance with same class party member


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Entering storyline instance with same class party member. In beta if you were an SI....no other SI could jump into storyline instances with you. Now, Ive notice that my game partner is able to jump in and help. Even showed me a drop down menu which gives you that option. I however have been unable to do the same for him.


Before launch I cleaned out all folders of TOR then re-downloaded....Id rather not have to do this again....anyone have any ideas whats up? how to fix it?

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Its default is off. He had his turned on... you didn't. Turn yours on in Preferences and you should be fine. I've had this one turn itself off on me (without any actions by me) in the current build - sort of like "Show Sith Corruption" keeps turning itself on. Edited by Morfedd
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