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Free Trial for friends


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I am unsure if people asked about this already but I am going to ask it anyway hoping Bioware picks this up and considers this. I am loving this game. WHat I'd strongly would like to see however is free trial avalable for friends. I want to get some friends to play with me, and I keep hearing that they wish there was a free trial for this game. Any chance that will happen soon?




Darth Behemel

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I honestly hope it doesn't happen anytime soon. The servers are already jam packed during the peak hours with paying players, we don't need anyone else trying to log in at the same time. If they did a system where the trial account gets placed always at the end of the queue, then I'd be ok with it.
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Then the credit farmers will use the free trial to spam everybody, unless they cripple the account so much it isn't playable.


Seriously, they can see videos on YouTube if they want to see the game before deciding to buy it. They get their first month free after buying the box. Most non-MMO games aren't even played that long.

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So in other words, no; it's probably not going to happen


Speaking for myself at least, if I had a 14 day Free Trial (or even a 7 day free trial), I would not have bought this game


No, you would have used that time to level up to 50, and then figured you beat the game already, so why buy it.

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