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all the cc wouldnt seem so bad if...


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Resove actualy worked.. but plain and simple it takes to long to build and dissipates way to fast.


The reason cc seems seems worse is because you are receiving multiple full length stuns on your way to immunity . In other games DR kicks in right **** the first cc. In Rift for example its full length then half length then IMMUNE, snares included. Now while that's a little carebear it makes sense because no one likes to love control of their character for 10+ seconds while eating dmg.


My easy solution .


1.) Using your trinket ability adds HALF a bar of resolve.


2.) After 50% of your resolve bar is full.. all cc lengths are cut in half


Will this solve everything? No. But its a start

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can feel overwhelming sometimes, but only in outnumbered scenarios or ones where you're focused. i dont think you should be allowed to be attacked in some, though. seriously? being held in the air choking while some ******e works your ribs? or a 10-year knockdown? nah. Edited by syztem
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