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Take ideas from this LFG feature


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I dont like the idea of randomly grouping ppl for a high level instance. maybe the leader/guild feels they want all of X class instead of diversity(this could be instance dependent where certain flashpoints are completed better with certain classes), maybe they want to make sure the ppl in group have the right gear and/or stats, whatever the case might me.


I came from DDO and I have to say I LOVE their LFG panel. You can look at it here. . .








and it allows for a whole bunch of ways to group for a whole bunch of activities. it's not restricted to just raids and quests. with this path, you could put up an LFG for a world boss or to hunt down the opposing faction, farming for items, etc.


this lets the leader be in charge of who they let in, lets us be in charge of what we're doing and it's a insanely simple system. there's no teleport mechanic. it just lets people request to be in your group for whatever activity when they double click the LFG for that person. the leader gets an accept/decline option and the party fills over time.


i am highly biased since this is the MMO i came from, but I really do enjoy the system.

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Yeah something definitely needs to be done. Without a global chat it's become nearly impossible to find any groups without camping in Imperial Fleet.


Like does Bioware expect us to go to each planet to advertise for LFG's?


I mean the LFG system should be across the entire server, not the planet you're on.


I absolutely LOVE this game, but if it continues to be near impossible to find hard mode flashpoints I dont know what I'll do. It's literally impossible right now without camping on Imperial Fleet twiddling your thumbs.

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I dont care for a dungeon finder. Other games had excellent LFG tools that didnt make the group for you.


I'd much prefer to have control over who is in my group. And for that to happen we need a much better tool. Final Fantasy 11 did it perfectly. You would just type "/who all 45-50 lfg" and then everyone in the entire server that was between 45 and 50 looking for a group would come up. In SWTOR...You need to search each zone manually...REAL pain in the butt.

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I dont care for a dungeon finder. Other games had excellent LFG tools that didnt make the group for you.


same. i barely host my own lfms. but people on the server start to build a reputation and it becomes very easy to find groups that you wont waste your time joining. I have a feeling the let them put together a group for us is going to cause a lot of wasted time

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