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Worst Looking High Level PVP Gear EVER.


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50 Powertech Full Champion Supercommando gear.


Love it. Absolutely love it.


Ugly Helm (I also have a face rug showing through it) - Check

Stupidly long title to get the attention of tiny baby men?

<Ironsights Al'ori'ramikade, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt>



Laugh with glee as the enemy focusses me over my healer and I burn them all - A thousand checks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i actually like the Champion and Battlemaster sets. the turn signal helmet model on others i can do without.


other thoughts, not a fan of the over-reliance on palette-swapping. apparently BW counts that as one of their "thousands of armor variations" promotions, however, i do not.


This. They just need to implement a dye/coloring system if they're just gonna switch out colors.

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Why the hell did they choose the worst looking BH set from Beta to be the champ and centurian pvp armor sets? They look absolutely HORRID on any body shape other than the big burly shape.


It looks like I'm wearing a cardboard box with chicken legs on my small size dude...


Shouldn't the high level gear look more mandalorian... Hell the level 50 blue pvp set looks better.


If they implement a way to use other items in appearance slots I don't care but for now this is so dumb, could of at least chose the old pyro set that is now a PVE raid set, :(.


I mean imo there should be mods with +expertise so we can just mod our own stuff to be pvp geared. Even if you had to pay a lot of coms for them I'd rather do that.


Anyway... I mean look for yourself,






-disappointed BH.


you have seen the Jedi Knight one? You have seen it, right?

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I think they are all pretty ugly, I would like to put heavy emphasis on that. I dont know who the concept artists were, but man...wow.


I was hoping they would have at least got the KOTOR Mandalorian armor style into the game...but nope...the iconic Mando look of the era and one of the coolest suits in KOTOR didnt even make it in. Why do MMO art teams suck so freaking bad.

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Completely agree. Especially the helms on the BH pvp gear are uuuugh.


Unfortunately, this applies for most empire classes at lvl 50. Personally, for me, the only armor set I actually like is the PvE armor set of the IA, and some armor parts for the sith assasin.


Imo, from the pvp gear, the IA one looks okish, but once you put the helmet on, you MUST choose to hide headslot, the marauder/jugg armor sets look exagerated, the helms are uggly, and it looses all sense of a lightsaber wielding class to me (hell, the PvE armor set for the Jugg looks like freaking Robocop), BH PvP armor is terrible, and SI is also a bit overdone.


Have to say it, armor design wise, I'd rather play Republic, or stay a lvl 20-30 character on empire side, that's where the armors seem to look the best.


PS: And the designer who made that SI helm that looks like a giant orange carrot should REALLY consider changing careers!

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I think they are all pretty ugly, I would like to put heavy emphasis on that. I dont know who the concept artists were, but man...wow.


I was hoping they would have at least got the KOTOR Mandalorian armor style into the game...but nope...the iconic Mando look of the era and one of the coolest suits in KOTOR didnt even make it in. Why do MMO art teams suck so freaking bad.


This, this, this, and THIS! How the hell was this an oversight? It was THE iconic sign of a Mandalorian in. I LOVED that armor in KoTOR I & II. I mean, this is supposedly the sequel to KoTOR, right? Hell, even Galaxies tried putting it in (but messed up the helmet). Come on Bioware.

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Why the hell did they choose the worst looking BH set from Beta to be the champ and centurian pvp armor sets? They look absolutely HORRID on any body shape other than the big burly shape.


It looks like I'm wearing a cardboard box with chicken legs on my small size dude...


Shouldn't the high level gear look more mandalorian... Hell the level 50 blue pvp set looks better.


If they implement a way to use other items in appearance slots I don't care but for now this is so dumb, could of at least chose the old pyro set that is now a PVE raid set, :(.


I mean imo there should be mods with +expertise so we can just mod our own stuff to be pvp geared. Even if you had to pay a lot of coms for them I'd rather do that.


Anyway... I mean look for yourself,






-disappointed BH.


I take it this is an attempt at humouring BH? On left side you present a BH, and on right side is some alien creepy bug with 2 antenaes and some cybernetic implants? Come on! :D

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Thats why I might just keep using the armor I got from the first flash point. Blue and white, kind of like a power armored marine without extra junk.


Hopefully I can put in purp mods in orange gear to make it just as good as level 50 purps. Lot of that stuff is realy retarded looking.


Thats one of the downsides of some of the design of the game, they have a wow complex when it comes to designing end game gear. Thinking the less normal it looks, the more desirable it is. In that vein, giant shoulder pads, and junky gawdy accessory, and whacked out colorschemes give us the mess of end game gear.


You get more by having less, ever look to a movie, and remember seeing the heros and villains wearing this junk.... yea... no.. never.


Bioware is slightly redeamed for not having this problem in all outfits.

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OK, guys I got it. The BH end game gear needs to have big mountains on it. And snowflakes. and clouds floating around. And then all the weapons need to be Dragons. Space Dragons. That are on fire. Yep, on-fire space dragon blasters.


Seriously, what a bunch of crybabies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks absolutely horrible.


Although, can't help but say, if the 50 lvl PvP/E Gear would look awesome, who and which of you guyz would have something to look up too when they add more content ?


Makes sense to me, tbh. ****y gear for 50 lvlers so that when they add the 60 or 70 lvl PvP/E gear most of us will go nuts to get our hands on them...

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