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Worst Looking High Level PVP Gear EVER.


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I gotta admit..it looks like someone scavenged a junkyard and just duct taped a bunch of durasteel pieces to their body...I play a Knight..I woulda been happy with the armor they show master Zallow wearing..simple non elegant but functional..but instead I get like a samurai helmet and junk... I hope they do something to fix it.. I want to be a Jedi..not a samurai..
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To each his own I guess. I personally love the way the gear looks. The battlemaster is nice and sleek and I already have 2 pieces of that.


And I love the PvE stuff.


I totally agree, and am really surprised there is so much hate for it. The main reason I started playing and stuck to BH is because of how much I loved the look of the lvl 50 pvp gear. Granted not the helm that was shown in the original picture but the 'bug helm' everyone has also been complaining about looks great as far as im concerned.


I just hope that if there is a dev response to this they will take into account that some people actually like the look.

Edited by Demetres
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I agree 100% but if you think about it not many high lvl PVP sets in this game look any different, Ive looked thru all them and can honestly say not impressed with the way they look either. Hopefully they will either add new looks or as you said add a feature that will allow us to change how they look, and I'm not talking about Matching.. when and if they bring that back.. I hope you can toggle it on or off..
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okay, admit it - they let Disney create all the hats and helmets.

Mando helmet with fins or those insect goggles? Or those roof gutters on the other helmet. Not to mention the strange crossbreed of a knight's helmet and a turned ice-cream cone for inquisitors...


Well bless Bioware for the social option No1 :D

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I really really really wish they would swallow their pride and give an update one what they are going to do with all the level 50 gear in general. It doesn't matter what class or faction you are, they all look pretty bad.


It's like they put the guy who wasn't doing anything in charge with creating them and he took a long vacation and then tried to rush them in at the last minute.


It's just pathetic, I am really irritated by the lack of response considering the negative feedback about this gear is overwhelming!

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I really really really wish they would swallow their pride and give an update one what they are going to do with all the level 50 gear in general. It doesn't matter what class or faction you are, they all look pretty bad.


It's like they put the guy who wasn't doing anything in charge with creating them and he took a long vacation and then tried to rush them in at the last minute.


It's just pathetic, I am really irritated by the lack of response considering the negative feedback about this gear is overwhelming!


I feel the same way.


Just can't believe these are the first tier of sets they made, the ones that are supposed to make people like their characters even more once they hit 50.


I got the Champion Helmet yesterday... Personally I feel really discouraged playing my BH now since I have to look like a walking scrapheap with a bug helmet.


The simplest solution for Bioware would be to let us mod other gear with the same stats.

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Obviously the helmet gives some kind of hidden buff.. With all that "hardware" strapped to it just has to.. right? I'll just tell myself that to feel better about it. I mean why can't my armor look like my Avatar's?! Or like ANY of the avatars? That would be nice.. Seems like they teased us with cool pics of bounty hunters then threw junk at us instead. Maybe those things on the side of the helmet are for peaking around corners so you don't get your head blown off? But what is that other BH armor I saw? The one that is mostly red but looks kind of camouflage in a sense.. More hunter like. The helmet has what appears like.. no visor or eye slits Edited by sologungod
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i actually like the Champion and Battlemaster sets. the turn signal helmet model on others i can do without.


other thoughts, not a fan of the over-reliance on palette-swapping. apparently BW counts that as one of their "thousands of armor variations" promotions, however, i do not.

Edited by theunwarshed
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Why the hell did they choose the worst looking BH set from Beta to be the champ and centurian pvp armor sets? They look absolutely HORRID on any body shape other than the big burly shape.


It looks like I'm wearing a cardboard box with chicken legs on my small size dude...


Shouldn't the high level gear look more mandalorian... Hell the level 50 blue pvp set looks better.


If they implement a way to use other items in appearance slots I don't care but for now this is so dumb, could of at least chose the old pyro set that is now a PVE raid set, :(.


I mean imo there should be mods with +expertise so we can just mod our own stuff to be pvp geared. Even if you had to pay a lot of coms for them I'd rather do that.


Anyway... I mean look for yourself,






-disappointed BH.

haha, so true.


The orange PVP gear from the "pvp vendor" that is bought using warzone commendations looks 1000000000 times better.

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I remember when i first saw the set - i walked up to the guy wearing the full thing and was like "Dude, no offence but you look like a chicken! why is your armour so damn ugly?!" - He tried to explain but I was too in awe of how BAD it looked.


Im a lvl 50 powertech now and im trying to find all sorts of alternatives to that awful armour.

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