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star wars trilogy arcade - space combat


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Needs more X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter



I really like the space combat right now for what I believe it was meant for in this early stage...a fun distraction. However if they made like the X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter id never land on a planet again.... So many hours of fun with that game!

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becuz this is a good example of how rail shooters can be fun


No, this is a good example of nostalgia, you like the game because you played it long ago, and you do not realise how bad it is now.


If you would have both those games released today, you would never go for the old one.


I love retro games myself, and I could quote you some best games of the late 80s and early 90s, and I still love playing them, but when I actually stand back and look at them, they wouldn't stand a chance even with the most average modern game.


God knows how many hours I wasted playing the Star Wars in vector (Can't remember its name) first person shooting game, it was a fun game and one of my favourite, but in NO WAY, it could stand anything else made today.

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BioWare never gave any false indication that Space Combat would recieve heavy focus


Which is sad because it's the only part where I actually feel like I'm in the Star Wars universe.


They should had used that combat system for the base of the rest of the game, not thrown it in as some side distraction.

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