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serverwide chat


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i bet someone asked this before but i cant find the search option .....


Maybe i missed the option but as far as i know the general chat applies only to the zone you are currently in ... so searching for a group for flashpoints while solo questing isnt possible. Sure you could search for lfg but since almost noone turns it on (and searchign for it doesnt work good atm) it doesnt help much.


We need an serverwide chat or preferable (because of the spam and so on) a better lfg tool.

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Server wide chat used for finding groups :/ have you ever played an mmo before? They always devolve very quickly into global general/troll chat.


General chat in each zone works great while you quest because you are with players your level. You can find groups then go to the fleet to run them. Or /who people you need. You can look players up by zone level class its an amazing tool.

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