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A compromising request...


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Would it be so difficult to put in an arena system with ranking and WITHOUT balancing? That is honestly all I want... Some sort of competitive ranking system


Of course this seems insane, but I believe both sides of the arguement would get what they want. Hardcore, competitive pvpers would get their arena (aka me) and the lameasss pvers( no offence) won't have to cry about losing their dps and stupid crap like that. That is the biggest problem with competitive pvp, the balancing.


Well I say just put arena in, while informing us that balancing will not be done as extensively as WoW does it.


All I am asking is to throw the pvpers a bone. Everyone knows arena keeps

Alot of subscriptions going for WoW. A huge amount of pvpers are craving for a new

MMO to test their skills at.


The biggest flaw of this compromise would be that people would cry like crazy, talking about the cookie cutter combos and the op classes, but hopefully people would remember the times of no arena and the blessing that is arena that was given to us.


In conclusion, I would be perfectly content with ranked arena without hardcore balancing. At least I would have some bloody arena to participate in!!!!


What do you think?

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