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4th january maintenance time


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again 9 am gmt +1 for 8 hours..


srsly who thought up the plan that the whole world should have maintenance at the same time.


.. as likable as having the whole world work at the same time.. meaning to say.. it isnt ><


It is what it is, we can't change anything about it , last maintanance there were also 10 threads asking why they were at these times and asking to split the mainanance for europe and the US, basicly it ain't going to be happening soon :)


Guessing we're going to have to live with it :jawa_mad:

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We are just asking for a fair treatment, it is not fair that an american customer get the downtime while he is sleeping and dreaming with Katy Perry or angels... and a european player is eating every week a patch during the day.

Just turn the downtime in europe and america and you will see how mature and understandings are their customers there.

Just as an experiment the next patch time do it this way.

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To be fair, they have in fact scheduled the downtime for when most people will either be a) asleep or b) at work/school/whatever.


If you're one of those people who happens to be at home all day, erm, you'll live.


If you work nights or you have a work pattern that means you spend a lot of time at home - like one of our guild members works on a 2-weeks-on/2-weeks-off rota - I have a lot more sympathy for you. It would be nice if they could change it from time to time - someone is always going to lose out over it, but it would be nice if it wasn't the same people all the time.

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