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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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If losing 1 day of playing a week is this important to you, you may want to think about stopping playing games because you are probably addicted. This maintenance always hits me and my brother. So we do something else, i know its a crazy idea but it does work.


Do you know what i want to do while the servers are in maintenance? Just Sleep as the american people does. No more no less.

Simple enough?

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why do you assume everyone is at work or school i assume your american...some of us work nights or cant work


you know what they say about assumption



HEY YOU EU players.. I work all the time and have no set time sched I AM MAD the servers are down because NOT EVERYONE IN THE US works the hours or does not want to play at night... I like to play from 12 am to 6 am myself.







*see how that works?*



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I'm sure Bioware would "learn to cope" with reductions in sub retention if they took THAT attitude to issues with the service.


And make no mistake, they ARE providing a service. One that the customer is expected to pay for. And therefore one that the customer expects to attain at least the level of quality that it's competitors offer in certain regards.

Edited by Tarka
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If losing 1 day of playing a week is this important to you, you may want to think about stopping playing games because you are probably addicted. This maintenance always hits me and my brother. So we do something else, i know its a crazy idea but it does work.


It is not 'losing 1 day of playing a week' but losing a potential day of playing!


And that is what I'm paying my subscription fee for, the option to potentially play a game.


Whether I do it or not (and thereby have wasted that money) that is up to me... assuming that I could actually have played the game as it was available in that time for playing.


So please, I think you are probably the addict here as you only think in 1 day out of 7 that you are not playing.


What if that day/time of maintenance were to sit perfectly well with the one and only day I can play? Or would want to play with my friends?

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Do you know what i want to do while the servers are in maintenance? Just Sleep as the american people does. No more no less.

Simple enough?




They can't grasp this simple concept. We're whiners, and even worse, we're non US whiners. We're trolls, and even worse, we're non US trolls.

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Rift is not SWTOR. Stop comparing and the Rift is not even large as SWTOR so you are just comparing apples to oranges especially since Rift largest known user base was at 800k a few months ago.


The amount of servers is largely irrelevant. Most of the maintenance can be done in parallel on all the servers at once. For there to be 16x difference purely due to numbers you would need something on the order of 100 or 1000x the amount of servers Rift has, which is obviously not the case. What is far more likely is that swtor has bad or inefficient server coding or horribly bloated item databases that does not have the needed garbage collection and therefore needs manual maintenance.


In the end it comes down to this: Bioware has chosen a bad strategy for server maintenance if it will require weekly downtimes at all, much less 8 hour downtime every week.

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No. They dont't.


Weekly maintenances are an outdated relic of the past. Modern Server systems are redundant and can be maintained while active.


RIFT doesn't have weekly maintenances. And downtimes for small patches and hotfixes are around 30 minutes. Major content patches around 2-3 hours.

And they have seperate windows for NA and EU. EU Servers get their patches at 3:00am!


EVE:Online has daily scheduled downtime at around 10/11am (GMT) for an hour. They like to shut-down the servers, check all of their systems and then commit a reboot. I personally think a good idea. Gives the servers a refresh of their RAM.

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Do you know what i want to do while the servers are in maintenance? Just Sleep as the american people does. No more no less.

Simple enough?




They can't grasp this simple concept. We're whiners, and even worse, we're non US whiners. We're trolls, and even worse, we're non US trolls.

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Bottom line is you agreed to it when you set up your account and clicked on the "I Agree" button that came with the ToS. If you don't like it ....stop playing.


why do people like you even respond at all? Or even read this thread for that matter. Youre a troll. Did you take 20 minutes to read that 40 page document of legalese? The developers didnt, its a document they had their lawyers draft up for them. Either stop trolling or stop being willfully obtuse.

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Those of you who played an mmo from launch will know this is very typical. In vanilla wow I did not get to play on Tuesdays. I accepted that early on and it was disappointing but fine. Nothing new here.


*cough* exception to 'rule': DAoC*cough*


Given that Mythic is now integrated in BW one would have assumed that things could be better at time of release.


Plus: the maintenance is not patching as was with certain MMOs being in dire need of getting triple patched in the first week of launch, this maintenance is supposed to be servicing/controlling of systems...


which in short means the don't trust their servers - yet...?


Maybe an open beta would have fixed that?

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I guess, I should feel sad that the EU is being treated as a second-rank compared to our USA cousins.


What suprises me is that some americans come here and start complaining about our requests... Why care if, we get separated from the USA or not? Are you that bored that you need to come here and complain? or do you fear that Bioware/EA will change it so you WILL miss out some playtime instead?


Do not fear my friend, Bioware/EA, will not do this, your interest is much more importent than ours, after all we are second-rank citizens.:p





I do agree, having the EU and the USA maintance separated is probaly the best choice, I doubt many care if the USA will get the patch a day earlier. It worked on the World of Warcraft and I dont remember seeing lots of people complaining about the USA getting a patch first.


Isnt it logic that a customer wants to get the best out of the product that he/she has invested in with their money?

Edited by Laerune
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Those of you who played an mmo from launch will know this is very typical. In vanilla wow I did not get to play on Tuesdays. I accepted that early on and it was disappointing but fine. Nothing new here.


Funny that, I played WAR from release and there were no 8 hour downtimes every week, neither did Rift which I also played from Head Start. If their servers are not capable of staying online for even a full week without needing maintenance then they need to upgrade their servers or optimize the server code.

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logic is not your strong point isn't it...


if u keep your car in the garage, then its your choice. but consider renting a car and paying for 14 days, but the company takes your car to refuel and service it 8 hours (from morning and extending it up until 22:00, not during the night), 2 days out of 14 then it's not quite that "all righty" now, isn't it?


if you still don't get it, don't worry. i'm pretty sure i can explain even for a 3 year old child, and admittedly this feat might not suffice for you, but i can sure give it a try.


Yes, please explain it to me. Then I will explain to you what sarcasm is.


It was meant to say that you guys will complain about anything. The fact that you took it seriously is fantastic.


Look, I don't work normal hours. I'm a manager of a movie theater. One night, when they had downtime starting at like 2:00am central, I was just getting home from work. I was all set to play and I found out I couldn't. Guess what I did? Something else. I will also not be able to play when I get home from work Tuesday night because of the downtime.


It happens. Does it suck for you guys, absolutely. But do you think that coming to the forums and spending all day complaining about it will actually change this? Not to mention that you could be spending all this time playing.


So please, go play the game that you are whining about not getting to play.

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I just want to add my voice to those acknowlodging that 8 hour maintenance seems a bit insane in a game for 2012 it reminds me of the server outages for Everquest back in 1999 Trion kept the weekly maintenance to 20-30 mins often less than that if they can do it, I just do not see why a company like EA/BW with its resources cant match it.


So the issue here for me is not about when this maintenance happens but the length of it SWTOR the game has its problems like many new games do and a long ongoing maintenance is just another thing to turn players away from the game and these things add up.


So please BW sort this sooner rather than later.

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I don't get it. Why are they even doing these maintenance times, the very first ones after after release were fine, in the US they started at midnight or 1am, in Europe it was like 8am, and the maintenance took maybe 3-4 hours. Now they are shooting for eight full hours right into the middle of the day, ending at 5pm CET, which means if anything goes ever wrong (which they have proven can go easily) and extends by a few hours, they're blocking EU right in the middle of prime time.
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why do you assume everyone is at work or school i assume your american...some of us work nights or cant work


you know what they say about assumption


So in that case what percentage of the entire player base do you think those times effect? I would say it's probably the least amount of people that get effected. Midnight to 8 in the US is prime sleep time so we're mildly effected (there's some people that work nights here too that are completely effected), and the majority of people work 9 to 5 or so. Not to mention it's on a Tuesday which has zero celebrated holidays for work time off.


How can any other time slot possibly be better?

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before i get flamed BIOWARE this has to be addressed


being a European player im going to throw a few numbers out there 8 hour maintenance 8AM TILL 4PM once a week is 4x8 hours a month that's 32 hours a month


over the year that's 16 days we lose out on not accounting for any other maintenance you will do ....and you decide to do this during the day will we get them 16 days refunded no i think not


i understand this work has to be done but pls pls pls split American and European down times so at least everyone gets a fair crack at the whip :)


sorry, it sucks

Edited by Scathan
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It is bad customer service from EA/Bioware to not have Europian service times, simple as that.


If I would get tons of email from my customers saying they don't like something, it would be fixed asap.


I find it strange, that we haven't even got a proper answer from EA/Bioware from this matter.

Maybe they can afford bad customer service...

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