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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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You know this is untrue. Why do you say this? They could have separate maintenances for American and European servers. That would cause a smaller amount of people to be affected.


They can't seriously think that European players would really care about receiving a patch a day later more than losing a lot of game time without getting any compensation.


For those who like whining about people being in work or school... Consider this. School often ends at around 15 (or even earlier for younger students). Maintenance ends at 18 EARLIEST in Eastern Europe. Workdays often end at 16, sometimes earlier too. If the maintenance gets extended that's at least 2 or 3 hours of lost game time.


For those who say "Do something else!". Not everyone is a college kid. Not everyone has such flexible schedules. While doing something else during the maintenance is easy, finding that time to play some other time is NOT.


Oh Christ. 2 or 3 hours of game time? Please give me a freaking break.

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Someone's always going to be effected by maintenance...that's an absolute truth, but it has to be limited to the smallest number.


The stupid 'get a job' responses need to stop. A CONSIDERABLE number of people work at the weekend. Don't believe me...go into town on a saturday and walk into any shop. Pick up the phone and call one of your utility companies. Walk to the industrial estate and see the smoke coming from the chimney stacks. Take a drive and look at the number of vans advertising a service. There are a lot of people losing almost half of their possible game time because of these crazy maintenance times.


If EA/Bioware want to compete with the best, it might be a good idea to...well...compete.

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Complain the game has bugs. Complain Bioware is going to fix those bugs. Complain, complain, complain, complain....


So you'd be happy if you took your car to a mechanic to fix a brake light and they took 2 years to do it just because it'd be wrong to complain when they're fixing the problem?


No one's complaining about them fixing bugs as well you know.

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There seems to be two schools of thought and both have their issues. Keep things like things are now and you have Europe inconvenienced. Or ala WoW where the servers are split and Europe gets patches, releases, etc about 6 hrs earlier than NA. That creates its own storm of threads for world firsts, etc.


So I will just /popcorn. ;)


In WoW the US gets their patches a few hours earlyer then Europe cause patching day in the US is tuesdays while for Europe it's wednesdays. And there is no discussion about it from both sides, cause every1 accepts that.


Playing SWToR as an European means being able to play only 6 days a week. Realising that in the end, if SWToR maintains their growt, that will cost them hundreds of thousands (if not miljons) of European customers. Cause i don't know what they were thinking, but we Europeans don't like to be shafted.


Edit: "Little negligences can be the top of an iceberg." As an European i'm annoyed by the time display ingame and on the forum. Exept for the GB isles, the rest of the 500 miljon inhabitants of the EU (and the large majority of the 7 biljon inhabitants of this planet) use the 00:00 - 23:59 timestamp. We also use dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy. Next patchday is 4-1-2012, which is in the middle of a school holiday for the largest part of the EU. All these little details addup ontop of current maintenance-schedule's and make me question how much they care about their European customers, and how much they actualy know about us. (and atm it doesn't look good)

Edited by Combopoint
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Edit: "Little negligences can be the top of an iceberg." As an European i'm annoyed by the time display ingame and on the forum. Exept for the GB isles, the rest of the 500 miljon inhabitants of the EU (and the large majority of the 7 biljon inhabitants of this planet) use the 00:00 - 23:59 timestamp. We also use dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy.


Just for the record, the UK also uses dd/mm/yyyy and we also use the 24hr clock as a time stamp.


We aren't that different afterall :p

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4PM eastern time would be solid for me. Servers get full at about 6pm


On that note, my server (as seen in my sig) has had queues starting at around 9:00 GMT from head start until I went on vacation earlier this week, so I sincerely doubt that that is the timeslot when the least amount of EU players are inconvenienced by this when the server has no queue in the middle of the night.

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Looks like this is hear to stay. Just gotta get used to it guys, but it is strange why they must need so much time for minor bug fixes/balancing. I dread to think how long that content patch will take coming out this month/next.
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Looks like this is hear to stay. Just gotta get used to it guys, but it is strange why they must need so much time for minor bug fixes/balancing. I dread to think how long that content patch will take coming out this month/next.


I'm betting it will take them 2-3 full days to deploy a patch if regular maintenance and small patches are 8 hours.

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If EA/Bioware want to compete with the best, it might be a good idea to...well...compete.


EA only wants to compete with the income of the best, they care **** about how satisfied the mmo customers are at the end of the day. Why? Because they have enough customers who play their single player games.

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Looks like this is hear to stay. Just gotta get used to it guys, but it is strange why they must need so much time for minor bug fixes/balancing. I dread to think how long that content patch will take coming out this month/next.


I'd be willing to bet that there's no such thing as "minor bug fixes" this soon after launch. There's probably some pretty major stuff going on behind the scenes.


I'm sure they're not taking long maintenances just out of spite.

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I'd be willing to bet that there's no such thing as "minor bug fixes" this soon after launch. There's probably some pretty major stuff going on behind the scenes.


I'm sure they're not taking long maintenances just out of spite.


Not out of spite, but because they fail at coding efficient systems that don't require constant maintenance.

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why do you assume everyone is at work or school i assume your american...some of us work nights or cant work


you know what they say about assumption


In your case this is an exception to what is being said... but... I am an American and I also work nights. So YOUR assumption does not pertain to me either. So because I am an American means that I can only work a 9-5 job right???

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That's normal work time lol, everyone works from 9 to 5 or kinda in that timeframe, that's why they did the maintence like this, this topic is dumb.


Fine all you say its ok to alternate the maintenance times

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Welcome to MMOs. You ***** and moan about 8 hours. 8 hours that keeps the servers functional and is required. Go read a book, watch some movies, or go outside and see if the sun is still there. Ill gladly trade 32 hours a month for servers that work.
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Welcome to MMOs. You ***** and moan about 8 hours. 8 hours that keeps the servers functional and is required. Go read a book, watch some movies, or go outside and see if the sun is still there. Ill gladly trade 32 hours a month for servers that work.


For me, if they wanted they could bring the servers down every day, but just from 1AM to 9AM time period (Central Europe Time)..


I believe you missed the point here..

Edited by nitan
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In your case this is an exception to what is being said... but... I am an American and I also work nights. So YOUR assumption does not pertain to me either. So because I am an American means that I can only work a 9-5 job right???


If you bothered to support the EU and their separate maintenance times, you'd be able to play on EU servers during US downtime....

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No. They dont't.


Weekly maintenances are an outdated relic of the past. Modern Server systems are redundant and can be maintained while active.


RIFT doesn't have weekly maintenances. And downtimes for small patches and hotfixes are around 30 minutes. Major content patches around 2-3 hours.

And they have seperate windows for NA and EU. EU Servers get their patches at 3:00am!

true enough or do it like EVE an hour each day that would be much more tolerable than 8 once a week

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I prefer an 8h downtime so US and EU get the updates at the same time and we can play in EU or US servers. That is a good thing. To make it fair they could rotate the maintenance times so one week it's during EU daytime and another week it's during US daytime so everyone would feel equal and unicorns.
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