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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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Send me a self addressed stamped envelope each time the system is down for maintenance and I will gladly pay you $.18 for the down time.


Now this is 18 cents I am talking about so you must prove that you did indeed actually attempted to play during that time.


You are welcome!


I'm not asking you to refund me, but what strikes me as plain idiocy is you advocating that i am not entitled to a refund when i am not allowed access to a service that i pay for (a full month), more than you even, from 10AM to 10PM, one day out of each 7. Of course, all of this adding to your incredible deep hypocrisy, because your downtime takes place at a very convenient time.


And please, keep your oil and blood stained $ for yourself. I pay E, i want E.

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When you ride on an airplane, do you tell the pilots that 30,000 feet is just way too high? Or if you ride a train, do you tell the conductor that it takes far too long because the tracks don't simply go straight?


you sir, make no sense at all.


please do explain how an airplane or a train has anything to do with an MMO and/or server infrastructure, which is what is being discussed in this topic.

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I'm not asking you to refund me, but what strikes me as plain idiocy is you advocating that i am not entitled to a refund when i am not allowed access to a service that i pay for (a full month), more than you even, from 10AM to 10PM, one day out of each 7. Of course, all of this adding to your incredible deep hypocrisy, because your downtime takes place at a very convenient time.


And please, keep your oil and blood stained $ for yourself. I pay E, i want E.


You should read the contract which you signed when you had paid for the service it states that this includes downtime. Bioware has the data to tell when offpeak hours are, you just have your own opinion with no data to support that it isn't.

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agreed but some people dont and we are talking about losing DAYS not nights so all these people keep posting oh you should have jobs etc yes some dont some work nights some are incapacitated in some form and enjoy playing


why cant this work be done at night that is all we ask paying for 30 DAYS not nights game time


They should seperate the EU/US server down time.


Off topic this you should be at work business? bottom line its none of anyone elses business why other ppl are not at work/school/college.

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You have never played WOW because it does have maintenance every other week that are 8 hours and the patch days typically take longer because of unforeseen issues cropping up. DCUO, AOC, Warhammer, CoH/COV series have all had weekly maintenance not sure what world you are living but its not the real one.


Never played WOW, but it is somewhat excused as upgrading both their server architecture and updating the needed code is far too much work and it has been out for quite a while.


I played WAR from release until a year ago, there was no weekly maintenance on EU side that I can remember (unless there were actual patches to release which were released at separate times to minimize the downtime for both EU and US players).


Now if you take MMOs released recently, say Rift, that is the kind of servers an MMO released now should have as a bare minimum. Having scheduled weekly maintenance is a step BACKWARDS in terms of service and shows poor planning and knowledge of available systems on Bioware/EAs part.

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AGain with the same poor argument, you think it is a good time to patch all weeks, ok let european people get your downtime and you get ours.

For me not problems at all


How is it a poor argument? All I keep hearing is that maintenance is during prime time for EU. 8am till 4pm is hardly prime time, unless you have a different definition for it out here.


However, I am fully behind the idea that you should have a separate maintenance window than North America. I don't know if it's feasible for BioWare to do that yet, but I'm in support of it.

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manage an enterprise network with a with 22 servers multiplexed to a satellite office with another 6, and close to 500 client pc's. I've seen a server crash take 8 hours to repair but that was only because recovery was ill-planned and ill-prepared for. I have never seen a software update take 8 hours.


Not complaining, i wasnt going to say anything at all but then i saw this thread and thought well since it's already there........i am kinda curious about what exactly takes 8 hours?


I'm not a programmer but I am with a software development company so I do know the drill....you test the new patch out on a test network, work the kinks out and then you roll it out on the real network in a manner that affects the user base as minimally as possible and for the shortest duration. Even if you have to clear temp directories, upgrade ram, check disk integrity and reboot all servers it still does not take anywhere near 8 hours.

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When you ride on an airplane, do you tell the pilots that 30,000 feet is just way too high? Or if you ride a train, do you tell the conductor that it takes far too long because the tracks don't simply go straight?

Try something more like this: When you ride a BOEING-737 at 30,000 feet when you normally ride it at 40,000 feet, do you tell the pilots that they are going way too low? YES YOU DO.


People having gotten used to a certain standard from other games and taking a step back is the wrong thing to do, telling Bioware that is something that should be done. Just like telling them that the horrible UI and GTN are unacceptable when we have games that are far older who managed to implement perfectly acceptable UIs and trading facilities. We also tell them that having mail be time-delayed is retarded when you have instant travel between planets.

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Dude it hits during the middle of my prime play time... Don't even get all "oh americans can wake up and play" First off, anybody who can play in the morning has no job/school, and in that case, they're not waking up til noon anyways. And if they have a job/school... that's where they are.


I work 2nd shift and i watch my youngest son in the AM in America.... I get up every day at 6 am. I do school work during that time online, and then if the servers are down I find something else to do with my son usually. I dont dedicate my full time to playing a video game. Since they give an appointed and scheduled maintenance time I usually plan to do something else during that time. MMOs have always inconvenienced some group of people since all they do is play online. If that is the case look at a second game to keep you occupied during the downtime . Maybe a PS3 or a Xbox360 game since majority of game players have those other systems. Just grow up and stop QQing here my canoe can only travel over so much before it is being flooded down river!

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manage an enterprise network with a with 22 servers multiplexed to a satellite office with another 6, and close to 500 client pc's. I've seen a server crash take 8 hours to repair but that was only because recovery was ill-planned and ill-prepared for. I have never seen a software update take 8 hours.


Not complaining, i wasnt going to say anything at all but then i saw this thread and thought well since it's already there........i am kinda curious about what exactly takes 8 hours?


I'm not a programmer but I am with a software development company so I do know the drill....you test the new patch out on a test network, work the kinks out and then you roll it out on the real network in a manner that affects the user base as minimally as possible and for the shortest duration. Even if you have to clear temp directories, upgrade ram, check disk integrity and reboot all servers it still does not take anywhere near 8 hours.


Are you working with anything that involves the complexity and variety that an MMORPG has? Also, you only mentioned 500 pcs, now try it with millions of pcs.

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does anyone read EULA's anymore?


its in there that loss of time due to maintenence doesnt mean you get a refund. its a term you agree too.


this cuts into my game time as well.


they have also stated why they do global downtime in the link provided in earlier posts.


so now you have all of the information about this before hand. how is that bad customer service? they tell you why they are doing this, they are fixing bugs and updating servers, hell they tell you at least a week ahead of time that they are going to do it so you can make other plans for your day.


they have clearly explained to you how their service works WELL in advance. you can like it or you can just stop playing. so many people are complaining about their rights as a paying customer. if you dont like it why dont you exercise those rights and cancel your sub and play something else.

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How is the maintenance hitting you while you're at work/school such a big problem?


I work nights and am awake in the day, thus meaning many like me ( nad yes MANY, im not the only nightworker, have to suffer aswell, add in the people that either don't work, can't work, can't get a job ( remember Europe is ****ed atm economy wise), are too lazy to work, too young to work), theres many reason why people are playing in the day. and its only fair it gets SHARED between timezones OR the servers are done at the non-peak times of EITHER.


E.G. US servers patched 12 hours later than EU.

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I work nights and am awake in the day, thus meaning many like me ( nad yes MANY, im not the only nightworker, have to suffer aswell, add in the people that either don't work, can't work, can't get a job ( remember Europe is ****ed atm economy wise), are too lazy to work, too young to work), theres many reason why people are playing in the day. and its only fair it gets SHARED between timezones OR the servers are done at the non-peak times of EITHER.


E.G. US servers patched 12 hours later than EU.


What happens to the people in your particular time zone who have free time when you don't? Are you saying that their time is less valuable than your time?

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i dont see the point in doint this all at the same time.


i can understand when eve online does it because they have only 1 server, but when you have hundreds of tiny servers and half of them are even physically in the EU, there really isnt any reason to do maintenance at the same exact time when it cuts right in the play time of the EU customers.


Just do it 6 hours earlier or 18 hours later, whats the big deal.

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All you people quoting me and and you still didn't read, just interested in complaining (and taddling to the CSRs).




None of you have any comprehension what it takes, or how to support, network and server infrastructures that are on an entirely different continent. It takes time for those procedures to be put into place. :rolleyes:

Edited by iain_b
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manage an enterprise network with a with 22 servers multiplexed to a satellite office with another 6, and close to 500 client pc's. I've seen a server crash take 8 hours to repair but that was only because recovery was ill-planned and ill-prepared for. I have never seen a software update take 8 hours.


Not complaining, i wasnt going to say anything at all but then i saw this thread and thought well since it's already there........i am kinda curious about what exactly takes 8 hours?


I'm not a programmer but I am with a software development company so I do know the drill....you test the new patch out on a test network, work the kinks out and then you roll it out on the real network in a manner that affects the user base as minimally as possible and for the shortest duration. Even if you have to clear temp directories, upgrade ram, check disk integrity and reboot all servers it still does not take anywhere near 8 hours.


Just curious do you work with a video game company because video games are the peak of software development and its not just a single server that is being handled but upwards of 150+ that all have to do what you just stated. They also can't do all the servers at once in order to keep consistency and keeping issues at the bare minimum. Thats good you have some insight on Server maintenance but I doubt very much you have an idea of the complexity of a game that is upwards of 20GBs that needs to be maintained on 150+ servers with over a million users.

Edited by Phoenixblight
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Just curious do you work with a video game company because video games are the peak of software development and its not just a single server that is being handled but upwards of 150+ that all have to do what you just stated. They also can't do all the servers at once in order to keep consistency and keeping issues at the bare minimum. Thats good you have some insight on Server maintenance but I doubt very much you have an idea of the complexity of a game that is upwards of 20GBs that needs to be maintained on 150+ servers.


How does other games manage perfect stability without weekly maintenance and what downtime they have is at the very most (major content patches) less than half of what this game is scheduling for routine maintenance then?

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Hey if people at those hours work and go to school etc... why not do it on those hours for USA..


Yeh enough said right? :')


Think its pretty obvious they're just pissing on the EU customers.

They press a button in the us and then its starts there at 2am.

Ofcourse timezone difference means it happens here at 8am roughly.


It just goes to show its not split at all.

The only question i have is why isnt it?


I will cancel my subscribtion after roughly 2 months by the way.

So maybe my opinion doesnt matter so much in the long run.

Reasons for cancelling dont really matter though this maintenance ******** is definitly in the top 5.

Edited by SithyJerry
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How does other games manage perfect stability without weekly maintenance and what downtime they have is at the very most (major content patches) less than half of what this game is scheduling for routine maintenance then?


What are you talking about, every MMO has weekly downtimes and maintenance... :rolleyes:

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