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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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before i get flamed BIOWARE this has to be addressed


being a European player im going to throw a few numbers out there 8 hour maintenance 8AM TILL 4PM once a week is 4x8 hours a month that's 32 hours a month


over the year that's 16 days we lose out on not accounting for any other maintenance you will do ....and you decide to do this during the day will we get them 16 days refunded no i think not


i understand this work has to be done but pls pls pls split American and European down times so at least everyone gets a fair crack at the whip :)

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How is the maintenance hitting you while you're at work/school such a big problem?


Sorry, but this maintenance lasts until 5PM and for some it even lasts to 6 or 7 PM depending on the time zone.


That's not school/work times anymore.


Not to mention (and this really is the biggest thing) it could be extended. And let's face it, that chance is very reasonable. And once the maintenance is even extended by a small amount of time, it cuts right into EU prime time.


Edit: Forgot, also: there's a big topic in this regards already http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=78385&page=75


Easier to consolidate and spam that tbh. ;)

Edited by Archannon
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How is the maintenance hitting you while you're at work/school such a big problem?



Did you even think about all those who work late/nights dont work etcetc.....


But i guess if this was US hours there would be a whine storm on these forums.

Edited by Sejia
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why do you assume everyone is at work or school i assume your american...some of us work nights or cant work


you know what they say about assumption


Indeed i do, I'm an Aussie. So much for your assumption, huh?


BTW the timing for us is even worse, deal with it.


Holidays. Think twice please.


I work over the holidays, so does everyone in my family and all my friends. Must be a sweet job you got.

Edited by Cormey
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Indeed i do, I'm an Aussie. So much for your assumption, huh?


BTW the timing for us is even worse, deal with it.




I work over the holidays, so does everyone in my family and all my friends. Must be a sweet job you got.


This.. Why is it so hard to understand that they have maint. when the LEAST amount of people are affected. Understand? LEAST AMOUNT, got it? Quit with the whining already. Do SOMETHING else 1 day a week, or a few hours a week, gaming isn't everything is it?

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This.. Why is it so hard to understand that they have maint. when the LEAST amount of people are affected. Understand? LEAST AMOUNT, got it? Quit with the whining already. Do SOMETHING else 1 day a week, or a few hours a week, gaming isn't everything is it?






how is my original post whining? lol let me put it this way hey bioware give me back my 16 days im going to be losing <<<<<< thats whining

Edited by DarthSerparic
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This.. Why is it so hard to understand that they have maint. when the LEAST amount of people are affected. Understand? LEAST AMOUNT, got it? Quit with the whining already. Do SOMETHING else 1 day a week, or a few hours a week, gaming isn't everything is it?

You know this is untrue. Why do you say this? They could have separate maintenances for American and European servers. That would cause a smaller amount of people to be affected.


They can't seriously think that European players would really care about receiving a patch a day later more than losing a lot of game time without getting any compensation.


For those who like whining about people being in work or school... Consider this. School often ends at around 15 (or even earlier for younger students). Maintenance ends at 18 EARLIEST in Eastern Europe. Workdays often end at 16, sometimes earlier too. If the maintenance gets extended that's at least 2 or 3 hours of lost game time.


For those who say "Do something else!". Not everyone is a college kid. Not everyone has such flexible schedules. While doing something else during the maintenance is easy, finding that time to play some other time is NOT.

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You know this is untrue. Why do you say this? They could have separate maintenances for American and European servers. That would cause a smaller amount of people to be affected.


They can't seriously think that European players would really care about receiving a patch a day later more than losing a lot of game time without getting any compensation.


For those who like whining about people being in work or school... Consider this. School often ends at around 15 (or even earlier for younger students). Maintenance ends at 18 EARLIEST in Eastern Europe. Workdays often end at 16, sometimes earlier too. If the maintenance gets extended that's at least 2 or 3 hours of lost game time.


For those who say "Do something else!". Not everyone is a college kid. Not everyone has such flexible schedules. While doing something else during the maintenance is easy, finding that time to play some other time is NOT.



well put my good man

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If you have a job/other priorities, then that time frame shouldn't be any issue for you.


agreed but some people dont and we are talking about losing DAYS not nights so all these people keep posting oh you should have jobs etc yes some dont some work nights some are incapacitated in some form and enjoy playing


why cant this work be done at night that is all we ask paying for 30 DAYS not nights game time

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over the year that's 16 days we lose out on not accounting for any other maintenance you will do ....and you decide to do this during the day will we get them 16 days refunded no i think not


If you're getting upset about losing 16 days out of a possible 365 days then you really need to get out more.

Buy another game to play while maintenance is going on, go for a walk, talk to people, you know do something else.


Maybe I shouldn't point out that you're going to lose at least 100 days because you're asleep and an entire day sitting on the toilet.


I live in England and have no problem with the downtime at all.

Edited by Woodspoon
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It's one damn day of maintenance...go outside or watch tv or go play a different game for a few hours...It's not that big of a damn deal geez.


Sure. But since it's one day per week that i pay for, and that sums up to a grand total of 14% of the service time i pay for in one month. So instead of us Europeans paying 15 E/month, we should be paying 12.85 E/month.


While that doesn't sound that much, i'm pretty sure a reduction of 14% in the European income won't feel that nice for them, huh?


Before you come and say "suck it up, it's not prime time"or whatever, consider that more than 75% of the Europeans were unable to access the service they payed for (and they payed more than our American... erm... friends) up until 22:00. Add the infinite ques after that since people tried to log in all at once, evidently.


Highest quality of service, right?

Edited by Urdnaxela
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Yes 8 hours over a tiny patch we in the EU have to pay for with our gaming time while the players in the US is asleep and can wake up to servers ready to play.


Dude it hits during the middle of my prime play time... Don't even get all "oh americans can wake up and play" First off, anybody who can play in the morning has no job/school, and in that case, they're not waking up til noon anyways. And if they have a job/school... that's where they are.

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Sure. But since it's one day per week that i pay for, and that sums up to a grand total of 14% of the service time i pay for in one month. So instead of us Europeans paying 15 E/month, we should be paying 12.85 E/month.


While that doesn't sound that much, i'm pretty sure a reduction of 14% in the European income won't feel that nice for them, huh?


Before you come and say "suck it up, it's not prime time"or whatever, consider that more than 75% of the Europeans were unable to access the service they payed for (and they payed more than our American... erm... friends) up until 22:00. Add the infinite ques after that since people tried to log in all at once, evidently.


Highest quality of service, right?


I'd like some of that reduced price, we all can't access the game equally, time is irrelevant.

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Sure. But since it's one day per week that i pay for, and that sums up to a grand total of 14% of the service time i pay for in one month. So instead of us Europeans paying 15 E/month, we should be paying 12.85 E/month.


While that doesn't sound that much, i'm pretty sure a reduction of 14% in the European income won't feel that nice for them, huh?


Before you come and say "suck it up, it's not prime time"or whatever, consider that more than 75% of the Europeans were unable to access the service they payed for (and they payed more than our American... erm... friends) up until 22:00. Add the infinite ques after that since people tried to log in all at once, evidently.


Highest quality of service, right?


I don't care if its prime time or not. Maintenance comes with the territory with MMO's, most of us here understand this and just don't give a damn. You are just crying like a little kid over something that is not that big of a deal. And asking for some sort of discount or a refund has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Maybe you should count the amount of hours you play during the entire week compared to the few hours you lose not being able to play for one day. Seriously, go cry somewhere else, no one gives a damn.

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