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Sniper lvl 47 quest unbeatable...


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I used Lokin but he was fully equipted. Im wondering what happens now they took all my companions away after leaving Voss. Do we get back? Ill look in other threads. but Lokin works great healing if equipted with good stuff.
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I had the same problem. I'm a lethaliy sniper, tried to kill him but he kept healing, my tank companion died after 1 minute fight and he still wasn't down, then he fought against me for some minutes and I died. Not because he is strong, but because he outheals my damage.


after my second death time, I just got a sith assasin that was running near by to help me, the crazy alien went down fast this time xD


that's convenient,and i destroyed Xanar as a MarksManship sniper

Edited by xephoniphulus
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  • 2 months later...

Completed this quest at 44 as a operative, hybrid lethality and healing. Failed with Kaliyo tanking. Succeeded with Doc healing, making it easy to keep my focus on Big Bad so I could interrupt most of his heals.


It's a slow burn: keep your dots on him, keep your shield up, interrupt heals when you can (use flash bang and debilitate to pop off a couple of your own heals as Doc won't keep you up 100%). Watch your energy; this is a slow burn, not a burst fight if you're under-level. Heroic moment will help, but I already popped mine with Kaliyo, so it can be done without it.

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As a MM Sniper, at 46, I just burned through his healing. Started with Shatter (Which is a healing debuff too iirc.) then hit one interrupt, one flashbang and Lokin's Freeze. With Lokin healing and burning defensive cooldowns, he got off 2 heals total and got me down to no lower than 50% health.


This sounds like the OP has a gear issue. Granted my green sniper rifle isn't exactly stellar................

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One of the better challenges. I used Lokin on full healing and just wore him out. As a Sniper I tend to find cover and entrench but when I fight healers I usually go melee now so I can use eviserate. Having that extra interupt really helps. Edited by Ravenwhyte
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  • 1 month later...

op 46 medic. Had scorpio tanking him first, but too complex to look after her in close range and stop his healing as well as putting out dps. Came here, followed the advice on using temple and staying just outside range... had a bit of a poor start with bad timings and being just too close to the bad guy (jump him from range if you use her). Pulled her on passive, let him heal back up. By the time he got to us, we were all healed back up for round 2.


Stayed on top of interrupts, used other two as well, and no problems. She is woefully undergeared in truth, but the result was 1-0 to the empire. And a win is a win no matter how ugly it looks. :)


If youre having bother, just use temple, stick her at range, leep the dot up and interrupt every second heal (and every heal when you have the 2 biggy cooldowns). Should be fine.

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  • 9 months later...

Okaayy, just killed him as a lvl 46 Operatiove (non sniper), already complained about this guy on another thread but after a few more tries I finaly saw the light and I thought I'd share it with you guys, and YOU, yes YOU, I suppose you came here seeking a way to kill him so here's how;

Comp Dr L

Let doc attack the guy and have him draw agro (he can stand his own pretty well), when doc has agro get closer and stab him a few times, then draw him closer to the crates, (by now you should know which crates) I did it like this; when I started my run to him from cover behind the crates I used "shiv" "laceration" and "distraction" then turn to the right and run behind the computer terminal, try to draw him, you must have his undivided attention by now, whe he starts moving run to the crate/cover nearest to the comp terminal and Big Guy will change direction and come close enough to you to use "distraction" from cover and that was what did it for me (the rest is easy) when you can stay in cover and still interupt it is just a matter of time

Every second heal you can interupt so that is easy, even no need for flash bang, Dot him and dps him down (don't forget to interupt every 2nd heal) when you run out of energy use "rifle shot" it is free so why not? refil your energy and dont forget to interupt

Rinse and repeat (Dot, dps, interupt) it will take a while but its not dificult when you get the hang of it, I ended the fight with 100% Hp and so did Doc L, proof enough that you can easily kill him but it takes some time and a few tries


Well, I hope my lifes' story helps you a bit, if my strategy seems incomprehensible you might have to do the fight a few times more to get to know the "arena" better


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  • 6 months later...

finally made it with IA operative without any interrupts. knowing he's deadly at close range i went to the cover and slowly dps him from the distance. took some kolto injections and a medipack. Temple assisted well, she survived till the end of the fight


p.s. and don't forget corrosive grenades!

Edited by aladalad
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There's this thing called Marksman with Orbital Strike. MM's Orbital Strike hits like 3k damage per hit.


As a Marksman Sniper you should use this rotation.


Laze Target > Orbital Strike > Cover > Shatter Shot > Snipe > FT > Snipe > Snipe > FT > Ambush > FT > Shatter Shot > SoS > FT > SV > SoS > FT > Overload Shot > Wash Rinse Repeat (though if you are in cover and dont need to move, stay in cover)

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