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How to lose 400,000 subscribers in the first month, by BioWare


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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


if you are tanking 3 people then they must suck at PvP because I see lower levels take down 50's all the time. Not sure what your smoking.

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I'm not sure if this has already been said so here goes:


Number 1 reason a lv 50 PVP bracket must not exist currently


1) Say you like to PVP and you've spent enough time questing as well to finally hit lv 50. Congradulations you are now lv 50 as a reward, you get your own pvp bracket and can no longer PVP because the Qs take ridiculously long to fill........



That's the only reason BW needs to not have a lv 50 bracket for a pretty long time. Once lv 50 is common then they will likely make one, but for now it is unreasonable to punish people for spending the time to reach lv 50.

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The biggest problem with having brackets is that I wouldn't be able to play with my friends who aren't level 50 yet. Bolster worked out really well in testing but as soon as you add Expertise to level 50 gear it gets rid of any balance.


Expertise is the problem here. Get rid of it and we'll have balance in warzones.

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Couldn't agree more.


Level 50 myself, playing this game mostly to PVP, leaving at the end of the month.


Simply pathetic how one sided the matches are. Just got out of one where I had 59 kills and the number one player on the other team had 7.


It was like doing hammer station easy mode at level 50 in a full group.




Why are you hiding in a story driven PvE game?


I know it has some pvp elements but its core is a story driven pve game.

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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


Ah, the age old ploy of "being concerned for the lower players". You sir, are full of ****! You are not a 50 and you could care less about tanking 3 level 10's. You are one of the level 10's being tanked, not the other way around. Level up, get gear, get good, and win.

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Its rather sad, as a level 50.


I almost feel bad (even when im on my sith), killing lowbies over and over and over. Like they have no chance against my Marauder who has 4/6 PvP gear (dont get me started on champ bags). I literally kill them with 75% health at least.


For our sake - and more importantly - the sake of the lowbies, make brackets bioware.\


Of course naturally there is that one skilled low player who has a chance to kill me - and I die a lot, trust me - but it doesnt really illustrate the true nature of things. In an arena 1v1 (as an example) lower level players have a slim margin for victory.

Edited by Stanimir
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You rushed to 50. Its not Biowares fault you have a wee bit too much time on your hands.


Your response is dumb. If you cant realize the OP was saying that its bad for everyone, then you may be also.


I think the reality is most of the 50s are going to care less than the people they are farming.


I have a 50 and I have lowbies. My low level characters are at a disadvantage but can still compete against all the bad 50s out there. The real issue is Huttball where high level characters are at a clear advantage with all of the different pulls and leaps.


I understand the reasons for no tiers, but I still think there should be 2 or 3. I dont think that level 10s should be in competition with end game characters.

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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


You know I understand about the 50's ruining pvp I get it. I have seen it but oh well I will continue to level with my friends and kill people. Being 50 doesn't mean you are good though. The 50's in the warzones when you think about it is a temporary issue. Eventually everyone is going to hit 50 with the exception of a few slower people here and there. It should get better.


However I do understand the frustration and I also think they should have thier own tier simply because of the gear they can have. a 10-49 tier would be ideal then a straight 50 one. Although at the same time I am currently level 37 and my brother who is in a 4 year college doing it in 2 years has an 18 due to xmas break. I like the fact that even if I hit 50 he can pop on and I can still play in a warzone with him.


It really has its good sides and bad sides to it. I am not going to quit over this. Also asking for a new warzone roughly 2 weeks after launch is a bit much imo. They will put one in when they put one in end of story. They are also suppose to be doing a content update they said around 30 days after launch so we will see what we will be getting.


I think overall people need to give this game a shot and quite crying about the warzones and open world pvp. I am sure Bioware has gotten the message and are working on a fix that won't be over night. For everyone who is quitting well all I have to say is enjoy your pandas.

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I like the 50s in WZs. They die good. Best is when they come back 3 times in a row to get over after getting smacked down and still get worked. Bunch of carebears pretending to be PvPers... lawl


I have seen this myself.My group there are 4 of us and are mid 30's have rolled 50's who are in premades. Yes it can happen. 50 does not equate to skill. I have also been in voidstar where the highest player on our side was 38 and the other team had a premade of 50's and we still stopped them at the second door and we got through to the datacore. Not all the 50's are good that is a fact.

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Real simple: Not having level 50s in their own warzone queue. I happen to be level 50 myself. It's just stupid that I have the time to type "/giggle" while tanking three level 10-30s on my healer, and I guarantee it's not fun for them.


Also, if we don't have a new warzone by the end of the first month, that's another few hundred thousand subscriber subs gone. The original three warzones are already hideously boring, and nobody but Sages/Inquisitors likes Huttball at all.


huh, huttball is legit you baddie.

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