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Question about Taris timeline


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During the Beta weekends, I played a Commando to the mid-20s, and completed the Taris storyline.


Now, I'm playing my Sith Sorcerer and also have completed the Taris story.


The two storylines are, of course, contradictory, so I'm guessing that one happens after the other in the game's timeline. Which one happens first though? My guess is the Republic side is first. Or am I totally off base?


Also, are there any other planets that have a similar construction?

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I think there are several instances like this. I was looking up some quests last night and on Voss both the Republic and Empire have quests where they kill/capture a specific NPC in their world quests.


With Balmorra and Taris, the planet storylines are supposed to be occuring at different times. The Republic characters are on Taris and the Empire characters are on Balmora before the war heats up again. So those stories are about building up the forces that exist on the planet. When the factions visit the other planet the war has started to rage again and at least on Balmora(haven't done an Empire character yet), the planet is a bit more war torn and the storyline is about trying to take the planet.


Balmora is an interesting case because I know there is an NPC from the Imperial bonus series that appears in the JC class story.

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