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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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But these stats all make sense assuming the other team is smart enough to focus the healer, thats entirely your teams fault for not supporting you and not making themselves a threat to attack instead of you.


You're joking right?


Even a good team can't save me from that and even if they could then what good am I doing? It's nearly impossible to get a heal off with the slow cast times and the insane interrupts/cc.


Really, just go try playing an operative healer. I dare you.

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The OP doesn't really understand what is going on in warzones right now. I think he/she means well enough, but just doesn't understand what is happening, since he/she thinks teamwork and communication would have a team of 10s and 20s winning over a team of 50s in full gear.

Edited by Laserstrike
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Only a good team can get you so far. Try to put up 4-6 level 10-20's against my level 50 fully T2 and T3 geared Marauder. I'll easily kill 3 or 4 of them before dying.


What I personally hate is you cannot make full 8 man pre-mades, cause then you get stuck with 4 scrubs that don't do crap. It may take 3 to 4 players to do a match decently, but it also takes just few n00bs to screw it all up.

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Apparently he missed the part where I'm not new to this. I realize every mmo has its issues but my class is nearly unplayable in pvp atm.


For instance, the interrupts only locking out the spell it actually interrupts... Good idea and all... except when your other heals require you to have a buff that you gain from the heal which was interrupted.

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You're joking right?


Even a good team can't save me from that and even if they could then what good am I doing? It's nearly impossible to get a heal off with the slow cast times and the insane interrupts/cc.


Really, just go try playing an operative healer. I dare you.


You just answered your own question, A good team could save you with that lol Did you ever take into account that everyone else on your team has CC of their own? As a tank specced powertech all I do is try to keep my healer alive because healing is what generally determines the winner of team battles.

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You just answered your own question, A good team could save you with that lol Did you ever take into account that everyone else on your team has CC of their own? As a tank specced powertech all I do is try to keep my healer alive because healing is what generally determines the winner of team battles.


"Even a good team can't save me"


Did you read what I wrote at all?

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"Even a good team can't save me"


Did you read what I wrote at all?


Yes, but how would you know the answer to that because it sounds like the tanks you play with dont put any effort in to defend you, and theres no communication taking place at all.

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Playing a sith warrior juggernaut, certainly undergeared at level 10 and without a grasp of the class but in about 5 levels of warzones and some minor upgrades I would say I'm competitive. Maybe not topping damage and kills, but what is the expectation? Walk into a warzone and immediately dominate without any time our effort invested?


Dear bioware give me all my epics for free and make it so I one shot everything without any skill. Then we can all complain about how pvp is so easy and we aren't challenged. Current state it's not any worse than looking at it as a few twinks per warzone. Level is just a number

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Whatever happened to the days when...

...CC or buff heavy classes did little or slow damage (the long lost support classes).

...Damage heavy classes had little to no cc and very little self healing if any at all.

...Healers could heal without being locked down by one player from 100% to 0%.


Where did this go?

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Yes thats right, In my opinion I think for now bioware has done a great job handling their pvp and launch and have given all the tools to make it happen, in, and outside the warzones. The most common hate "Warzones are horrible and repetitive, NO world pvp, Ilum is broke can all be blamed directly upon the player.


1. If you think the warzones are horrible, or imbalanced Its simply because you yourself are not a skilled enough player to contribute to your team, or your team is not skilled enough to play an objective based game properly. The bolster system makes the winner of these warzones come down to TEAMWORK and SKILL. The only advantage another team can have is if they are all 50 premade with expertise gear, but no one has complained about that yet, just pugs, and most pugs have a balanced amount of 50's on each team.


2. If you strongly believe there is no pvp on a pvp server, your wrong, and just " Not putting yourself out there" to do some [ will explain more at end of post]


3. Ilum can be done in a way to get the rewards without touching a player of the other faction, this is done because at the time most of the people on your server who are 50 have no desire to lead a strike against the republic, and are probably hardcore raiders. Once more pvpers become 50 leaders will come about and people will start to realize that " Hey, we dont want them getting their rewards AND its fun killing them".


On the topic of world pvp, at the moment there is no motivation to do it outside of Ilum except for pure fun, and enjoyment. If your truely interested in it, and not just rewards then you would put some effort in to get what you want. Find people of your faction that share that interest that are on the same planet as you, and form a warband to go kill everything you find, who knows maybe you'll encounter resistance and it will escalate. Or find A guild that organizes pvp events throughout the world




That was on Launch day, so when people say world pvp isnt possible....they're just wrong, and like many of them " not putting themselves out for it."


SWTOR gives players all the tools they need to have fun with the pvp, but what the people on your server make of it is up to them.


I still want brackets. Nuff said.

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Whatever happened to the days when...

...CC or buff heavy classes did little or slow damage (the long lost support classes).

...Damage heavy classes had little to no cc and very little self healing if any at all.

...Healers could heal without being locked down by one player from 100% to 0%.


Where did this go?


I guess those top healers i always vote mvp in warzones I do are always constantly locked down from 100% to 0%, i totally forgot. As far as damage heavy classes go they have cc, every class has atleast 1 form of cc it wouldnt be fair if they didnt, but the self healing if any is very minor. Healers change the tide of battle, not self heals.

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the whole "skill" thing still doesn't explain why I lasted a pretty long time 1v1 against someone 34 levels above me, yet still died in the end while barely denting their health


Your a tanky character? I still have stated many times 1v1's that occur and their results have absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

Edited by Chrisbox
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I guess those top healers i always vote mvp in warzones I do are always constantly locked down from 100% to 0%, i totally forgot. As far as damage heavy classes go they have cc, every class has atleast 1 form of cc it wouldnt be fair if they didnt, but the self healing if any is very minor. Healers change the tide of battle, not self heals.


You completely just missed the point of what I said.

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Despite an entire thread of people trying to explain to this guy the flaws of the pvp system he refuses to believe (or comprehend) any of it. All I can think of is that he's either delusional or incredibly arrogant to believe that he's the only one who has any kind of skill. Apparently he was born with the knowledge of how every class in the game works and interacts with each other and is able to tell each and everyone of us that we're just bad and need to learn to play. It's amazing, really.
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Despite an entire thread of people trying to explain to this guy the flaws of the pvp system he refuses to believe (or comprehend) any of it. All I can think of is that he's either delusional or incredibly arrogant to believe that he's the only one who has any kind of skill. Apparently he was born with the knowledge of how every class in the game works and interacts with each other and is able to tell each and everyone of us that we're just bad and need to learn to play. It's amazing, really.


Shhh, maybe if we're lucky he'll take on apprentices and show us the error of our ways.

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Shhh, maybe if we're lucky he'll take on apprentices and show us the error of our ways.


Well if your getting CC'd all the time and cant heal either you suck, or your team does not know how to work together and function properly you and your friends can blame it on whatever imbalance that doesnt exist but playing well would solve all of your problems, in matter of fact you've just been making an example of how useless you are as a healer, and as a result you can conclude that the teams you play with arent good either because a good team would protect their healers. Healers= winning. Theres no arguement against that.

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Haha. If only I was so lucky to have such a knowledgable mentor. My life would be complete then.


Your last post was : calling all bad players that complain as much as i do keep posting on this thread to make me feel better for losing an arguement! I lol'd when i read it

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Wow!!! Thank you for informing me that my getting cc'd all the time is just me sucking. If only I had known this sooner. Now I can go into warzone and kick some ***! You are talking about using the force right? If I just believe hard enough.. the cc won't work on me :D
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Wow!!! Thank you for informing me that my getting cc'd all the time is just me sucking. If only I had known this sooner. Now I can go into warzone and kick some ***! You are talking about using the force right? If I just believe hard enough.. the cc won't work on me :D


Being sarcastic wont make your healing go up at the end of each warzone. I've wrote this already " A good team can save you from alot of CC and pressure" doesnt always have to be you that isnt performing but your too ignorant to even think through what you read on here. Find some friends to play with that dont suck and like keeping their healer alive so they can win, maybe then. But judging from your personality I doubt you have too many...

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Your last post was : calling all bad players that complain as much as i do keep posting on this thread to make me feel better for losing an arguement! I lol'd when i read it


Umm.. yea.. sure. That's what it was. Totally lost the argument you caught me.



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I probably had one of the best Open World PvP sessions ever, I went onto Tatooine and got 2-3 people together and went hunting.. At first it was easy as we took one of their outposts..


Then they called in for 3-4 level 40's and it made us run to the hills, only to come back with more people..


It was fun as hell, did we get anything out of it? Hell yeah.. Broken gear, but who cares? It was fun. Thats what I play this game for.


EDIT: The only thing that pisses me off in Warzones, is the fact that no-one wants to work as a team, they just go for kills.. I say a warzone for purely TDM would stop this and maybe a Warzone picker or atleast a Prefered Warzone..


That way I wont get Hutball all the time..

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