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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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If I want to pvp, I'll go play MW2 of BF3..alot more fun. If I want to sit around and get stunned all day and spam attacks until my fingers hurt, I'll play pvp on SWTOR and WoW.


More then a few of us consider SWTOR/WoW pvp downright boring. More than a few people consider MW2/BF3 style pvp boring. To each his own... but yes..pvp in MMOS sucks.

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Good to hear its still a decent leveling method, At the moment the character im leveling has been doing the warzones every once and a while but I plan on rolling a character solely for pvp leveling or if they somehow incorporate a twinking method.



I usually play in primetime only, so warzones pop faster than my load times.. unless i want to ignore the pvp, i can't really pve anyway :p.


Knowing my RNG luck, the 6 champion bags i'll be able to buy at 50 will all give nothing :)

I'd just like to reitarate that the experience has been enjoyable, and my ranking in each game has been equivalent to the amoutn of effort i put in, as opposed to my current gear and level.


One of the few times i got the 300k damage medal, was whilst i was level 18-21 can't remeber exactly.

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Pvp is wonderful in this game. If you suck and die constantly it's pretty much your own fault. Try putting in the effort to put together a team and go into a WZ. I have a steady group of guys that I pvp with everyday. Get mumble or vent or some form of communication method aside from in game text. If you actually take the time to coordinate and plan then more than likey you will win. We crush the Empire every night we pvp. It's all about communication and team play. If you go and try and rambo then you deserve to lose.
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No, false. I want to assume your saying all these pugs your in you tally the amount of 50's each time has and yours always has less? Ok even if that is the case unless they're premade and have all 50's its possible. I bet no one is ever communicating with you, or even using the operations chat in the warzone to coordinate. Its a team game, the majority of people dont play it like one as you'll come to realize once you start doing more pugs that you've lost. But blaming it on 50's wont change anything I assure you.


Lol. You didn't even read the post you quoted. He said if his team has the most 50s it isn't fun because it isn't a challenge and thus not fun. Not a hard concept. 50s need their own bracket period.

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Lol. You didn't even read the post you quoted. He said if his team has the most 50s it isn't fun because it isn't a challenge and thus not fun. Not a hard concept. 50s need their own bracket period.


False, he stated how whichover many group has more 50's wins period.

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Comparing FPS gameplay and balancing to an MMO pretty much invalidates anything you have to say.


There wasnt a single comparison in there, I simply used those games for examples because they use the same exact system, and it works. Theres nothing invalid about saying that.

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Pvp is wonderful in this game. If you suck and die constantly it's pretty much your own fault. Try putting in the effort to put together a team and go into a WZ. I have a steady group of guys that I pvp with everyday. Get mumble or vent or some form of communication method aside from in game text. If you actually take the time to coordinate and plan then more than likey you will win. We crush the Empire every night we pvp. It's all about communication and team play. If you go and try and rambo then you deserve to lose.


+1 for this.

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ROFL at the OP. Yeah a Level 10 who cant beat a Lv 50 is all about the player skills huh?


I am amazed to see so many %*(%@! on the forums.


ROFL at people like you. I thought warzones were a 8v8 not a 1v1? I have never once talked about 1v1 in this thread the discussion has mostly been about teamplay in warzones, and how superior teamplay and skill will win. But yea keep trying to 1v1 those 50's....your not gonna get any better at pvp

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Yawn, another person who feels his opinion is superior. They will bracket PVP, and your opinion won't change that





When people whine about lvl 50 killing them, they conveniently tend to forget that there are lvl 50 on their side too :rolleyes:


I wouldn't mind if they remove expertise from the lvl 50 gear, but that wont make the whiners go away, they will complain about other things


I just can't understand how people pay their subscription to just come here and complain, those are my 2 cents


"ya brah, like totally, just like 50s, I mean we get all the abilities as well.....oh wait"


Another 50 who is skill-less. It's easy to beat warzones when you can roll low levels.

Edited by Liberate
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Yawn, another person who feels his opinion is superior. They will bracket PVP, and your opinion won't change that







"ya brah, like totally, just like 50s, I mean we get all the abilities as well.....oh wait"


Another 50 who is skill-less. It's easy to beat warzones when you can roll low levels.


And as many people on this thread have said, low levels are capable of "rolling" 50's . But if your lvl 15 wants to rambo a 50 and try to take him on thats a different story.

Edited by Chrisbox
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Well said.


People run off, try to take 50s on their own like a BAWS, guess what not the way forward. If you are looking for that go play COD or Global Agenda / APB if you want to be one mans army.


Sure 50s with expertise gear are pain but for now its better then having the 20% of Community waiting for Queues.


Learn to play as a Team. I went through this in Beta and I know how it feels, yet when we seen 50 premade we still won due to being better as a team, even tho we did not match them on the damage and heals. Though this is mainly talking about Voidstar and Huttball. In Aldy, 50 will destroy and win most of the times.


So which is it, if teamwork can't when alderran than your premise of teamwork > 50 is FLAWED. Really did you read what you wrote before you hit send? Your whole argument was about teamwork but if one warzone won't allow that, than the system is favoring a level 50 majority group.



And as many people on this thread have said, low levels are capable of "rolling" 50's . But if your lvl 15 wants to rambo a 50 and try to take him on thats a different story.


Im going to call you BS right now. I can give you a level 11 toon of any class, and a competent 50 will destroy you.


Put that 50 in pvp gear, and it isn't even close.

Edited by Liberate
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ROFL at people like you. I thought warzones were a 8v8 not a 1v1? I have never once talked about 1v1 in this thread the discussion has mostly been about teamplay in warzones, and how superior teamplay and skill will win. But yea keep trying to 1v1 those 50's....your not gonna get any better at pvp


you keep saying we have teammates to back us up,


the enemies have teammates too, and almost always (on my server), they have a significantly higher amount of high levels

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you keep saying we have teammates to back us up,


the enemies have teammates too, and almost always (on my server), they have a significantly higher amount of high levels


He's a level 50 that actually lacks the skill to play against other 50s so he has to protect the system where he gets to fight lower levels.


His comment that low levels can 'roll 50s' just proved that. He won't take a level 11 and video tape fighting a level 50 to back up his talk, because he can't

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you keep saying we have teammates to back us up,


the enemies have teammates too, and almost always (on my server), they have a significantly higher amount of high levels


So outplay them, every team ive played against pug wise has had an extremely varied level base and to be honest levels 10-30 have the same threat level to me in pvp, and i think most people dont really care what level you are in pvp unless your 50, because its quite balanced otherwise. Obviously A level 10 wont have as many skills as a level 30 but a level 10 can still dish out quite a bit of damage on someone if left unchecked. Most people desire a 1-49 and 50 brackets because premade 50's on a team are the only thing that could ever cause an imbalance.

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Is it my fault that I'm having no fun at all in the PvP that this game was supposedly built for?


Ilum is a joke, and is nothing but people trading nodes back and forth to complete their daily/weekly quests.


Warzone PvP is the same 3 over and over. Huttball is the only one I can stand, but they only give you rewards if you ignore the objectives and just deathmatch.


World PvP has no incentives. You just run around with your heal pet and poke at eachother.


Where is the fun?


Edit: Oh, and if you create an exploitable system, expect it to be exploited.

Edited by Mirrandor
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Pvp is wonderful in this game. If you suck and die constantly it's pretty much your own fault. Try putting in the effort to put together a team and go into a WZ. I have a steady group of guys that I pvp with everyday. Get mumble or vent or some form of communication method aside from in game text. If you actually take the time to coordinate and plan then more than likey you will win. We crush the Empire every night we pvp. It's all about communication and team play. If you go and try and rambo then you deserve to lose.


I guess you've never tried healing as an operative in pvp.


With all the interrupts/cc in mind now add:


-Main heal has a 2 sec cast time.

-In order to use my shorter cast time I need stacks of tactical advantage which I obtain from using my long cast heal.

-My instant HoT is nearly worthless.

-My free heal is channeled and ticks for way less than my HoT even does.


That pretty much sums up operative healing. Now you try doing that for a week in pvp then come back here and tell me how incredibly enjoyable it was.


I've been healing in mmos for years across multiple games. This is the worst experience I've ever had attempting to heal pvp.

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He's a level 50 that actually lacks the skill to play against other 50s so he has to protect the system where he gets to fight lower levels.


His comment that low levels can 'roll 50s' just proved that. He won't take a level 11 and video tape fighting a level 50 to back up his talk, because he can't


I've been doing a significant amount of warzones since lvl 10 on all my characters, I forgot when you figured out every single thing I do in game. By the way, your totally neglecting the fact that I've said multiple times " Take your level 10" 11 whatever " and charge a lvl 50, you will lose " . Its true you will lose, ITS A TEAM GAME not a 1v1 game. 1v1's rarely occur in any warzone because you wont win like that, and thats why your so butthurt because you always lose and blame it on an imbalance that you create. Im glad your unsatisfied and hope that it leads you to unsubbing, because warzones would be alot better without people like you.

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Anyone who has been in an unbalanced warzone and watched 4 level 50s running around effortlessly mowing down low levels KNOWS that the OP is living in a fantasy land.


Last warzone I witnessed Empire had 20-25 kills. The Republic had 1-4. The damage ratio was a joke, too.


LOL if you are so naive to think THAT was about teamwork. Pretty hard to work as a team when you are all at the spawn point in 2 hits.

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I guess you've never tried healing as an operative in pvp.


With all the interrupts/cc in mind now add:


-Main heal has a 2 sec cast time.

-In order to use my shorter cast time I need stacks of tactical advantage which I obtain from using my long cast heal.

-My instant HoT is nearly worthless.

-My free heal is channeled and ticks for way less than my HoT even does.


That pretty much sums up operative healing. Now you try doing that for a week in pvp then come back here and tell me how incredibly enjoyable it was.


I've been healing in mmos for years across multiple games. This is the worst experience I've ever had attempting to heal pvp.


But these stats all make sense assuming the other team is smart enough to focus the healer, thats entirely your teams fault for not supporting you and not making themselves a threat to attack instead of you.

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OP, you need to believe the lower levels have just as much chance as you do if they would only play more skillfully...Because that means YOU have skill.


If you understand that: you have a bazooka and 50% deflection armor... and they have a dull knife and no armor, you realize you are not achieving anything by blasting the poor guy with the dull knife.

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