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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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1. Its a guild.

2. Those who you call "kids" also include me, SWTOR is not a premium MMO, while it has the AAA tag stuck to its ***, it really doesn't live up to it. The systems of the game are lack lustre and the developers have screwed up both PvE and PvP in different ways. Does this mean I dislike starwars? No! Does this mean I will quit?! Hell no! I will wait until it is fixed however I will make my displeasure well known through every avenue I can. I have emailed Stephen Reid multiple times now with quite a few harsh words explaining my displeasure and with respect to the guy he has replied thanking me for the criticism. Developer arrogance has caused these systems to be as shoddy as they are, also helped by the corporate idiots pushing to launch.


You really do need to look more in-depth before you paste everyone with the same brush.


Well if your looking at the game so in-depth you would've realized by now the kind of pvp it has to offer was expected a long long time ago.

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Then maybe they should have made people aware, especially during PAX when they displayed Ilum. The pvp was hyped up so much with gabe saying about 200v100s etc... I am yet to see a 5v5 on Ilum.


I stated earlier, once more pvp interested level 50's come about it will hopefully be much more likely on all servers to have these hundreds of player battles. But the majority of the level 50's right now are hardcore raiders who jump up and down at the thought of server first.

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I can roflstomp any lvl 10-20 by spamming Stock strike with my 50 Vanguard. Probably they are not skilled enough. What a great idea you have.


If anyone sits there and lets you stock strike them forever then yea they aren't to intelligent, I bet you feel really impressed with your skills though.

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To the OP -


You cant blame me for having to fight geared out 50s because of a lack of brackets.


When a consular can pop out of stealth and remove half my health in one hit; that is not my fault. I cannot do anything to stop that. I cannot play better nor can my team keep me up the next 2 hits.


I love this game and right now, because of the horrid pvp system, I hate the pvp. Makes me sad. :(

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I stated earlier, once more pvp interested level 50's come about it will hopefully be much more likely on all servers to have these hundreds of player battles. But the majority of the level 50's right now are hardcore raiders who jump up and down at the thought of server first.


Server firsts mean nothing as most have been achieved by now. The reason people arent fighting on Ilum is simply because its not beneficial to kill someone who is going to flip an objective so you can take it.


Its terrible game design from developers who should have known better, nothing more or less. Trying to defend that is defending incompetence and that is one thing I will never do, even though I think bioware are a great company.

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- To the OP


What you say is wrong on so many levels. Swtor is a new game that has been out less than 2 weeks yet you insist it is our fault we arn't enjoying the pvp when clarely it is imbalanced and has not been tested intensively enough. No doubt you play 1 of the few classes/specs that benefit from the current situation and thats why you feel its current state is fair, balanced and viable


Changes that need to be made for PvP:


- Longer CD's on pushback or give all players an ability that lasts 3 secs that can abosrb pushback. I see so much pushback abuse in warzones and its no fun playing a class that has no utility being bounced about like a ping pong ball consistently


- level brackets for all those low lvl's QQing about lvl 50 expertise operatives/smugglers killing them so fast. I play a concealment operative and agree it can happen to low lvl players but not other lvl 50's, tanks and healers are especially hard to kill


- Give SW's/JK's some form of cc they so desperately need. I believe in some specs they dont have any, if this makes them OP then tone down there damage slightly


- operative/smuggler stealth specs escape mechanisms suck beyond imba bad. Evasion only protects against ranged and mele damaged and not the 80% of damage all players use. Please explain how I am supposed to use toxic scan to remove dots, then evasion and then cloaking screen to escape while also being bombarded with aoe's to knock me out of stealth or hit with stuns, or worse both. It requires 3-4 abilities to do all that which is why the process is a complete failure.


It would be better to make evasion remove all dot effects, stop ranged and mele dmg for 3seconds and guard from being knocked out of stealth via pushback or aoe so then we can atleast use cloaking screen to some effect. As it stands it is completely flawed


- afkers should be removed from warzones after a certain amount of time spent unactive. Its no fun for the rest of us who are actually playing


- players should be punished for leaving a warzone as an incentive to play it start to finish with full commitment. Stop them from queing for another warzone for 10 mins should they choose to leave

Edited by Zoraida
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" Probably Your fault" is clearly written in the title , lets grow up for a second. Obviously if you know you have a good computer that is capable of running the game smooth and responsive its not your fault, that is not what this is about.


The unresponsive crap in this pvp has nothing to do with pcs, I am running a PC you probaby would consider a dream pc along with 20mb fios....it is the game. There is some strange delay with abilities, everyone knows it except you.

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The unresponsive crap in this pvp has nothing to do with pcs, I am running a PC you probaby would consider a dream pc along with 20mb fios....it is the game. There is some strange delay with abilities, everyone knows it except you.


If you could read properly, you'd see this discussion was already had on page 1 or 2 of the thread. Any other useful feedback you'd like to leave?

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Yup OP troll, it's totally my fault that level 50's started to pop up on day 3 and from that a level unbalance became common...yup that's totally my fault. :rolleyes:


It's people with an attitude like yours that has stopped the enjoyment of pvp.

Edited by Eillack
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Yup OP troll, it's totally my fault that level 50's started to pop up on day 3 and from that a level unbalance became common...yup that's totally my fault. :rolleyes:


It's people with an attitude like yours that has stopped the enjoyment of pvp.


No its people like an attitude like yours thats stopped alot of people in the pugs your grouped in from winning. Oh since we never used any good teamwork and played like ******* from the start when everyone was our level maybe now that we see lvl 50's now all over the place it would be a good time to start.

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Define fanboy. If you hate when people enjoy the game so much, and have nothing positive or constructive to post about it on its own forums, then why are you probably still subscribed to the game?


someone who against all odds and logic defends something. The PvP in this game is not tuned yet. They need to work on it and fix it.


Illum - no reason to hold the points so people flip them for dailys.

Warzones - Faction imbalance = spammed Huttball.

World PvP - Faction imbalance again is what helped kill WAR. When every server is at a minimum 2:1 against Republic there is a problem.


These issues need to be addressed if the developers want to move forward.

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someone who against all odds and logic defends something. The PvP in this game is not tuned yet. They need to work on it and fix it.


Illum - no reason to hold the points so people flip them for dailys.

Warzones - Faction imbalance = spammed Huttball.

World PvP - Faction imbalance again is what helped kill WAR. When every server is at a minimum 2:1 against Republic there is a problem.


These issues need to be addressed if the developers want to move forward.


Obviously people who are encountering the amount of anger and dissapointment as you are sure they need to fix it to enchance all of the pvp experience. I can't see why though its not logic that people enjoy the pvp they've given us, because once again since beta we've known what to expect. Now if you want to provide some actual feedback, address what YOU think should be done to solve those issues.

Edited by Chrisbox
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When people whine about lvl 50 killing them, they conveniently tend to forget that there are lvl 50 on their side too :rolleyes:


I wouldn't mind if they remove expertise from the lvl 50 gear, but that wont make the whiners go away, they will complain about other things


I just can't understand how people pay their subscription to just come here and complain, those are my 2 cents

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When people whine about lvl 50 killing them, they conveniently tend to forget that there are lvl 50 on their side too :rolleyes:


I wouldn't mind if they remove expertise from the lvl 50 gear, but that wont make the whiners go away, they will complain about other things


I just can't understand how people pay their subscription to just come here and complain, those are my 2 cents


^ this gets +1

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Lol chrisbox... your just wow... let me guess your either a BH or inquisitor... or their mirrior but I think your more sith cause of the immaturity lvl at which you talk down to ppl with reasonable reasons why its the game. Go roll a Knight or Warrior and come back and talk about how its so balanced and everything is even ground.
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Yes I agree.


It's completely my fault I rolled on a PVP server with a lower pop. so that I don't have to deal with queues only to get stomped over and over again by level 50 players at level 14. That's my fault though right? I should clearly grind to 50 then PVP, silly me for wanting to PVP in WZs when the option became readily available.


Bolster does nothing when my opponent has 3-4 CCs and I have 2, to top it off they have 2-3 CC breakers and I have 1 at my current level. I am clearly unskilled since my attacks can not proc extra damage, extra healing, extra critical or a longer stun duration. It is also my fault said 50s are running through me with PVP gear on gaining an even larger advantage.


Yup. Brackets please.

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Lol chrisbox... your just wow... let me guess your either a BH or inquisitor... or their mirrior but I think your more sith cause of the immaturity lvl at which you talk down to ppl with reasonable reasons why its the game. Go roll a Knight or Warrior and come back and talk about how its so balanced and everything is even ground.


Oh yes the immaturity is just everywhere on my posts. Take it to a seperate thread if you think BH's or SI are OP. But im a tank powertech anywho, not a tracer missile spammer .

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When people whine about lvl 50 killing them, they conveniently tend to forget that there are lvl 50 on their side too :rolleyes:


I wouldn't mind if they remove expertise from the lvl 50 gear, but that wont make the whiners go away, they will complain about other things


I just can't understand how people pay their subscription to just come here and complain, those are my 2 cents


Yea, and you've been in every pvp match played since release and you've seen that in every match there was same amount of 50s on both sides, oh wait.

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