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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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Yes blame the consumer................ thats what your saying.


sorry but customer is always right.

o and there is still no way to get mercenary commedations.......... besides chests in that one zone which is terrible and converting them.


Sorry, but you are mistaken. Ever see the signs "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"? There is a reason and that reason is, the consumer is not always right. Just saying.

Edited by Ortof
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" Probably Your fault" is clearly written in the title , lets grow up for a second. Obviously if you know you have a good computer that is capable of running the game smooth and responsive its not your fault, that is not what this is about.


Even though the PvP areas take much more resources then other areas in the game which will result in you having 20 fps. I have a computer way above recommended speccs and I get 20 fps in Warzones.

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What a joke thread.


So basically anyone with any real issues with this game are wrong, and are to blame for the lack of pvp depth?


This game has the most idiotic and simplistic pvp systems I've ever seen. World pvp is a non existent joke, and the warzones are an even bigger joke. Bolster doesn't work perfectly unlike the blind fanboi op wants to believe. In fact the bolster is a very flawed system. 50's badly need thier own bracket, why this wasn't done is beyond me.


The game runs well enough, it's stable and that's about all I can say nice about it. This game should have launched in 2006. It will not retain even half its current customer base. There is simply much more wrong with the game then right. Everyone I started with on launch have already cancelled, the game is just boring to most people I've played with, can't be a coincidence. This isn't even just a pvp complaint, the game feels hollow, shallow, linear and bland. The world is lifeless, the sharding is ridiculous. The PvP is actually the only semi fun many of us had, but it's just not nearly enough to justify the price tag.


Wish I could get my money back.


Well An ignorant post like this is going to get a stupid reponse for you. HAHAH sucks you dont like the game, unsub and quit because not a soul cares if you leave. But on a serious note keep expecting the most banging pvp system from a game ment to provide real time story in an MMO im sure you'll get your wish. This game delivered what it promised, and knowing how any game company loves pleasing their subscribers they will probably continue to add more pvp content too to get even more subs. I guess you didnt read most of my post or the thread because if you think bolster is flawed, and 50's need their own bracket your probably just butthurt from losing to many warzones and all signs point to it because you didnt state any reasoning behind your ranting. Thats you, and your teams fault for not having superior teamwork against the other team, but only the people who lose so much and dont understand why blame it on a Non- existent imbalance. Sure, expertise geared 50's will provide an advantage in pvp, but you wont find a single MMO or any game where people in competitive multiplayer do not have an edge. Have fun with the rest of the losing crowd.

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I just left a warzone with 5 level 50s...We didn't get a kill on the 50. Snuck in a kill on a level 12. This we not the fault of my team. This was the fault of bad game design. I'm fine with one or two 50's in a match but 5 is just not possible to deal with.
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So, basically OP is saying that his opinion is more valid than thousands of outraged fans? Sounds pretty fair and balanced to me. . .


*rolls eyes*


I hope BW is paying you for this, and this is just some kind of inside counter-pr BS maneuver. Otherwise you are just making yourself look like a ******* on the internet for nothing.


Moving on . . .

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The responsiveness of this game has nothing to do with your computer.


Actually it does, played until last week on my old dual core and played for a few days on my new rig....massive difference and I do mean massive.


Minimum specs = PvP will lag, people will rubber band, keypresses wont respond as well as they should (yes there is a bug with it that effects everyone we know, but it's easier to trigger on laggier systems)


Recommended spec or above = PvP goes off pretty much without a hitch.


Until Bioware enable the lower graphics settings tuning, you are handicapping yourself by PvPing with a minimum spec machine, no joke.

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I totally agree OP. I was questing in Alderaan and in 20 minutes I killed 10 imps. They enemy is out there, you just have to find them. All the QQ posts of nobody out for pvp must play on the empire, since the empire does greatly outnumber the republic.


Also, I love the warzones. I have not experienced a 50 in a match, just a 42 and it felt the same as any other player. Maybe they just got a bad apple in the bunch, i don't know.


Kudos to you for making this post.

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So, basically OP is saying that his opinion is more valid than thousands of outraged fans? Sounds pretty fair and balanced to me. . .


*rolls eyes*


I hope BW is paying you for this, and this is just some kind of inside counter-pr BS maneuver. Otherwise you are just making yourself look like a ******* on the internet for nothing.


Moving on . . .


There is a difference between, thousands of outraged fans and a loud minority.


thousands of outraged fans would clearly be doing a little more than stamping there feet and trolling in every thread until there demands are met. (we would notice by the pop cap on servers)


You're just part of the loud minority every MMO community gets, afterall if there were "thousands of angry players" I think Bioware would have taken a bit more notice than they have.


Enjoy stamping your feet and your posts being generally ignored.

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There is a difference between, thousands of outraged fans and a loud minority.


thousands of outraged fans would clearly be doing a little more than stamping there feet and trolling in every thread until there demands are met. (we would notice by the pop cap on servers)


You're just part of the loud minority every MMO community gets, afterall if there were "thousands of angry players" I think Bioware would have taken a bit more notice than they have.


Enjoy stamping your feet and your posts being generally ignored.


and you're part of the somewhat less loud, trolling, (further) minority who wants to make sure they still win every warzone

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