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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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I probably had one of the best Open World PvP sessions ever, I went onto Tatooine and got 2-3 people together and went hunting.. At first it was easy as we took one of their outposts..


Then they called in for 3-4 level 40's and it made us run to the hills, only to come back with more people..


It was fun as hell, did we get anything out of it? Hell yeah.. Broken gear, but who cares? It was fun. Thats what I play this game for.


Hell yea man thats what world pvp is all about

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I probably had one of the best Open World PvP sessions ever, I went onto Tatooine and got 2-3 people together and went hunting.. At first it was easy as we took one of their outposts..


Then they called in for 3-4 level 40's and it made us run to the hills, only to come back with more people..


It was fun as hell, did we get anything out of it? Hell yeah.. Broken gear, but who cares? It was fun. Thats what I play this game for.


EDIT: The only thing that pisses me off in Warzones, is the fact that no-one wants to work as a team, they just go for kills.. I say a warzone for purely TDM would stop this and maybe a Warzone picker or atleast a Prefered Warzone..


That way I wont get Hutball all the time..


so YOU are one of the troll mob on our server that stops virtually all questing on tatooine until we call in our guilds every other day

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EDIT: The only thing that pisses me off in Warzones, is the fact that no-one wants to work as a team, they just go for kills.. I say a warzone for purely TDM would stop this and maybe a Warzone picker or atleast a Prefered Warzone..


That way I wont get Hutball all the time..


Well the thing that originally started these people that play objective based games like TDM was TDM lol so it could make sense to have that, but keep the objective based for the people who still want to play it and win. It would keep the TDM farmers out.

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Well if your getting CC'd all the time and cant heal either you suck, or your team does not know how to work together and function properly you and your friends can blame it on whatever imbalance that doesnt exist but playing well would solve all of your problems, in matter of fact you've just been making an example of how useless you are as a healer, and as a result you can conclude that the teams you play with arent good either because a good team would protect their healers. Healers= winning. Theres no arguement against that.



Funny stuff is that comment is null and void if it's aimed at me because I'm a fully specced seer sage who does nothing BUT healing in wz's.


Second I'm not getting cc'd all the time because I know very much how to avoid them.


And third, is I'm aware of my role in a game. My team will cooperate or die because I will watch a guy die in Civil War if he's in the field and not on the control point. It's always my first statement.


So you should really drop the pretentious act. I agreed with the general idea but not the person because so far, all you've come across as a general douchebag.


That general idea being if you don't enjoy something, it is your fault. Because in the end with all of the bugs or inconsistencies in the game, I'm still enjoying everything that they've offered me.

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Being sarcastic wont make your healing go up at the end of each warzone. I've wrote this already " A good team can save you from alot of CC and pressure" doesnt always have to be you that isnt performing but your too ignorant to even think through what you read on here. Find some friends to play with that dont suck and like keeping their healer alive so they can win, maybe then. But judging from your personality I doubt you have too many...


I actually came to swtor with a group of 9 people, so good call on the no friends thing... spot on.


Anyway, I love how your argument to nearly every point on this thread is "Get a good team." That has nothing to do with the basic mechanic issues of pvp that are being discussed, or with the mechanics of my class. As I stated before a medical operative has it very rough in pvp at the moment. I even explained to you how healing as my class works but you apparently didn't absorb the information very well. If I require the entire team to be by my side 24/7 so I don't die to one person spamming their cc/interrupt abilities on me then there is an issue.

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so YOU are one of the troll mob on our server that stops virtually all questing on tatooine until we call in our guilds every other day


Thats actually awesome that one persons warband stops all questing until one faction controls the area, they should purposely have that on planets.

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Funny stuff is that comment is null and void if it's aimed at me because I'm a fully specced seer sage who does nothing BUT healing in wz's.


Second I'm not getting cc'd all the time because I know very much how to avoid them.


And third, is I'm aware of my role in a game. My team will cooperate or die because I will watch a guy die in Civil War if he's in the field and not on the control point. It's always my first statement.


So you should really drop the pretentious act. I agreed with the general idea but not the person because so far, all you've come across as a general douchebag.


That general idea being if you don't enjoy something, it is your fault. Because in the end with all of the bugs or inconsistencies in the game, I'm still enjoying everything that they've offered me.


I did not mean to reply to your original comment, it was directed to noctura so im sorry if this caused you any annoyance. I respond mindlessly to people like him/her who post so mindlessly. You haven't complained about the CC on healers because of your team and how they are aware of their role and yours. That is the exact point i was trying to make.

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I actually came to swtor with a group of 9 people, so good call on the no friends thing... spot on.


Anyway, I love how your argument to nearly every point on this thread is "Get a good team." That has nothing to do with the basic mechanic issues of pvp that are being discussed, or with the mechanics of my class. As I stated before a medical operative has it very rough in pvp at the moment. I even explained to you how healing as my class works but you apparently didn't absorb the information very well. If I require the entire team to be by my side 24/7 so I don't die to one person spamming their cc/interrupt abilities on me then there is an issue.


So one person is keeping you CC'd and preventing you from healing? Not to be a **** but your also saying that your team couldnt deal with this "one person". I find this information to be extremely invalid. Also, what basic mechanic issues? all you have been complaining about is your lack of the ability to heal because of CC but thats obviously a global mechanic issue.

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I did not mean to reply to your original comment, it was directed to noctura so im sorry if this caused you any annoyance. I respond mindlessly to people like him/her who post so mindlessly. You haven't complained about the CC on healers because of your team and how they are aware of their role and yours. That is the exact point i was trying to make.


Yeah, I was getting a bit confused on there. Partially my comment is because I enjoy an opportunity for a good ribbing when it presents themselves.


Otherwise I was thinking "Wait...what is all this business about healing?"

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Yeah, I was getting a bit confused on there. Partially my comment is because I enjoy an opportunity for a good ribbing when it presents themselves.


Otherwise I was thinking "Wait...what is all this business about healing?"


lol agreed, my bad again.

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So one person is keeping you CC'd and preventing you from healing? Not to be a **** but your also saying that your team couldnt deal with this "one person". I find this information to be extremely invalid. Also, what basic mechanic issues? all you have been complaining about is your lack of the ability to heal because of CC but thats obviously a global mechanic issue.


Yes... one person can easily kill a healer in this game. It's a well known fact. You haven't healed at all that much is obvious so I'm not sure where you get off on telling me that the sole reason healers are getting owned is because we suck.


I actually just read a forum yesterday about a dps complaining because he blew all of his cc's on an operative who was within an inch of his life... but managed to get one heal off at the last second. The dps was upset by this. For anyone to complain because they barely were unable to kill a healer before it got one spell off is ridiculous. This is generally the mindset of all dps.


I can just as easily turn this on you at this point and question your abilitiy as a dps. If you have issues killing healers at all you must be bad... very bad.


I've been healing in these games for years and I'm not one to boast but I'm good at it I assure you.

Edited by Noctura
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Yes... one person can easily kill a healer in this game. It's a well known fact. You haven't healed at all that much is obvious so I'm not sure where you get off on telling me that the sole reason healers are getting owned is because we suck.


I actually just read a forum yesterday about a dps complaining because he blew all of his cc's on an operative who was within an inch of his life... but managed to get one heal off at the last second. The dps was upset by this. For anyone to complain because they barely were unable to kill a healer before it got one spell off is ridiculous. This is generally the mindset of all dps.


I can just as easily turn this on you at this point and question your abilitiy as a dps. If you have issues killing healers at all you must be bad... very bad.


The main reason, one would attack a healer at full hp is to force them to heal themselves so the people wounded in combat already will not recieve further healing. That person was extremely smart to wait for the last bit of life to cast that heal, because he/she was keeping everyone else alive to. A smart healer, would do the best he/she can to keep themselves, and allies alive. I have healed in several previous MMO's . As far as my dps goes, you can try and reverse it on me but it wouldnt get you anywhere. Im a tank powertech, and 80% of the time I have a sorcerer, and a maurauder at my side. We dont die often. Also if Im pugging, I try to coordinate well with the healers on my team constantly leaving my guard on them and attacking the people attacking them. So rarely am I attacking a healer at all, im just keeping mine alive by killing the people attacking him.

Edited by Chrisbox
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The main reason, one would attack a healer at full hp is to force them to heal themselves so the people wounded in combat already will not recieve further healing. That person was extremely smart to wait for the last bit of life to cast that heal, because he/she was keeping everyone else alive to. A smart healer, would do the best he/she can to keep themselves, and allies alive. I have healed in several previous MMO's . As far as my dps goes, you can try and reverse it on me but it wouldnt get you anywhere. Im a tank powertech, and 80% of the time I have a sorcerer, and a maurauder at my side. We dont die often. Also if Im pugging, I try to coordinate well with the healers on my team constantly leaving my guard on them and attacking the people attacking them. So rarely am I attacking a healer at all, im just keeping mine alive by killing the people attacking him.


Edit: nice try at calling me bad


No, the healer wasn't healing anybody else and I never said it was. The waiting until last second was not intentional. That was the healer trying to keep himself and only himself alive but was only able to get a heal off until that last second because the dps unleashed all of his cc and had nothing left. The dps was almost able to solo kill a healer because of the amount of cc he possessed. Not only solo kill it but solo kill it without the healer being able to cast a single spell.

Edited by Noctura
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No, the healer wasn't healing anybody else and I never said it was. The waiting until last second was not intentional. That was the healer trying to keep himself and only himself alive but was only able to get a heal off until that last second because the dps unleashed all of his cc and had nothing left. The dps was almost able to solo kill a healer because of the amount of cc he possessed.


How do we know the healer was healing spec'd? Or had full force/health. I've seen the amount of healing people are capable of at level 10 and even that can outheal some 1v1 dps with some cc. But this could also be looked at from a different stand point even if that DID occur: Why was that healer alone in a 1v1 area prone to attack? Why were none of his teammates around to support the healer? Thats 2 examples of horrible play.

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How do we know the healer was healing spec'd? Or had full force/health. I've seen the amount of healing people are capable of at level 10 and even that can outheal some 1v1 dps with some cc. But this could also be looked at from a different stand point even if that DID occur: Why was that healer alone in a 1v1 area prone to attack? Why were none of his teammates around to support the healer? Thats 2 examples of horrible play.


First of all, when did dps start expecting to be able to effortlessly solo a healer regardless of the circumstance? Questioning whether or not the healer was healing spec or not is just you grasping at straws at this point.


The main point is that this isn't the only time this happens. It happens constantly. The healer was an operative as I am. They are incredibly easy to lockdown having no real instant cast heals without relying on the main heal as I explained to you earlier. I can't necessarily speak for the other healing classes out there. I've heard about them and know many of their skills but have no had the experience of playing them but from what I've heard operative healing has it worst of all in pvp.


Once again, I feel that no dps should be able to effortlessly 1v1 a healer because it defeats the entire point of being a healer in the first place. You talk about teamwork but back up the fact that a dps should be facerolling me 1v1.

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First of all, when did dps start expecting to be able to effortlessly solo a healer regardless of the circumstance? Questioning whether or not the healer was healing spec or not is just you grasping at straws at this point.


The main point is that this isn't the only time this happens. It happens constantly. The healer was an operative as I am. They are incredibly easy to lockdown having no real instant cast heals without relying on the main heal as I explained to you earlier. I can't necessarily speak for the other healing classes out there. I've heard about them and know many of their skills but have no had the experience of playing them but from what I've heard operative healing has it worst of all in pvp.


Once again, I feel that no dps should be able to effortlessly 1v1 a healer because it defeats the entire point of being a healer in the first place. You talk about teamwork but back up the fact that a dps should be facerolling me 1v1.


A dps shouldnt be facerolling you 1v1, honestly I havent seen this happen often...if not ever so I cant say ive experienced it first hand. As far as the operatives work I cant speak for them either because im not an operative healer. If the dps has enough CC, and this man was single handedly destroying him without assitance from ANYONE and the healer was blowing every cooldown possible, then yes I dont think thats right. But like i've said I havent read the post your talking about, nor do I see this happen often in game so I cant really judge the situation without more detail.

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What a joke thread.


So basically anyone with any real issues with this game are wrong, and are to blame for the lack of pvp depth?


This game has the most idiotic and simplistic pvp systems I've ever seen. World pvp is a non existent joke, and the warzones are an even bigger joke. Bolster doesn't work perfectly unlike the blind fanboi op wants to believe. In fact the bolster is a very flawed system. 50's badly need thier own bracket, why this wasn't done is beyond me.


The game runs well enough, it's stable and that's about all I can say nice about it. This game should have launched in 2006. It will not retain even half its current customer base. There is simply much more wrong with the game then right. Everyone I started with on launch have already cancelled, the game is just boring to most people I've played with, can't be a coincidence. This isn't even just a pvp complaint, the game feels hollow, shallow, linear and bland. The world is lifeless, the sharding is ridiculous. The PvP is actually the only semi fun many of us had, but it's just not nearly enough to justify the price tag.


Wish I could get my money back.

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Yes thats right, In my opinion I think for now bioware has done a great job handling their pvp and launch and have given all the tools to make it happen, in, and outside the warzones. The most common hate "Warzones are horrible and repetitive, NO world pvp, Ilum is broke can all be blamed directly upon the player.


1. If you think the warzones are horrible, or imbalanced Its simply because you yourself are not a skilled enough player to contribute to your team, or your team is not skilled enough to play an objective based game properly. The bolster system makes the winner of these warzones come down to TEAMWORK and SKILL. The only advantage another team can have is if they are all 50 premade with expertise gear, but no one has complained about that yet, just pugs, and most pugs have a balanced amount of 50's on each team.


2. If you strongly believe there is no pvp on a pvp server, your wrong, and just " Not putting yourself out there" to do some [ will explain more at end of post]


3. Ilum can be done in a way to get the rewards without touching a player of the other faction, this is done because at the time most of the people on your server who are 50 have no desire to lead a strike against the republic, and are probably hardcore raiders. Once more pvpers become 50 leaders will come about and people will start to realize that " Hey, we dont want them getting their rewards AND its fun killing them".


On the topic of world pvp, at the moment there is no motivation to do it outside of Ilum except for pure fun, and enjoyment. If your truely interested in it, and not just rewards then you would put some effort in to get what you want. Find people of your faction that share that interest that are on the same planet as you, and form a warband to go kill everything you find, who knows maybe you'll encounter resistance and it will escalate. Or find A guild that organizes pvp events throughout the world




That was on Launch day, so when people say world pvp isnt possible....they're just wrong, and like many of them " not putting themselves out for it."


SWTOR gives players all the tools they need to have fun with the pvp, but what the people on your server make of it is up to them.


Couldn't say it better myself. +1 OP


Those who can't adept to TOR's pvp system will go back to wherever they come from.

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