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If your not enjoying pvp, Its probably your fault


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OP sorry but you're a blind fool.

Is it MY fault that TOR failed to deliver what was promised? PvP is beyond hilarious and I can't but think that developers honestly consider us players dumb to give us something like this.


Don't tell me that I should unsubscribe if I don't like it, because I did. Still I have every damn right to be pissed off about this game. I payed $70 for that right and I'm gonna use every chance I get to whine, cry and demand for things to be fixed (for some of which I honestly doubt they will).


Yeah, sorry for having standards I guess. I should be thankful for even being able to run this perfection of a game.

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You are trying way to hard to defend an obviously very flawed game (tech wise) and pvp system (design wise)


So unsub and leave the forum? All of you that dont see the overall theme sent out by my thread are too blinded by your unsatisfaction with the game, so why even bother lol

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I wish I had 3 CC breakers, and I'm level 50. I only have 1.


Yes, level 50 players with PvP gear are hard to deal with, but my guild is slowly learning this new idea of TEAMWORK. It's slow going but 3 of us Battlefield players are trying our hardest to teach them this horribly confusing system of "Working Together to achieve a common goal".


Right now those that dislike PvP are actually in the minority. That's right, not everyone agrees with you. I don't. Most of my guild doesn't, save two people who hate PvP in ALL games not just this one (they hate being beaten).



Well said.


People run off, try to take 50s on their own like a BAWS, guess what not the way forward. If you are looking for that go play COD or Global Agenda / APB if you want to be one mans army.


Sure 50s with expertise gear are pain but for now its better then having the 20% of Community waiting for Queues.


Learn to play as a Team. I went through this in Beta and I know how it feels, yet when we seen 50 premade we still won due to being better as a team, even tho we did not match them on the damage and heals. Though this is mainly talking about Voidstar and Huttball. In Aldy, 50 will destroy and win most of the times.

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So unsub and leave the forum? All of you that dont see the overall theme sent out by my thread are too blinded by your unsatisfaction with the game, so why even bother lol


Sorry kid, but that's not your call to make.


Until you start paying for all of our games and our subs, you have absolutely 0 say in what we do with our ability to speak our mind or do in the game.

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Well said.


People run off, try to take 50s on their own like a BAWS, guess what not the way forward. If you are looking for that go play COD or Global Agenda / APB if you want to be one mans army.


Sure 50s with expertise gear are pain but for now its better then having the 20% of Community waiting for Queues.


Learn to play as a Team. I went through this in Beta and I know how it feels, yet when we seen 50 premade we still won due to being better as a team, even tho we did not match them on the damage and heals. Though this is mainly talking about Voidstar and Huttball. In Aldy, 50 will destroy and win most of the times.


This gets +1 :), btw I definitly agree on the fact that Cod gives off a huge negative influence to teamplay in any game

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Sorry kid, but that's not your call to make.


Until you start paying for all of our games and our subs, you have absolutely 0 say in what we do with our ability to speak our mind or do in the game.


No your right, so sit down on that cozy chair of yours all day and play the game you love trashing on a forum lol, Failed attempt at being an alpha male on a forum. Next please

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All of you guys are wrong. It is in the human nature to dislike things that others might like, there for! no matter what Bio-ware, or any other company's do they will have players / people to dislike the content. Even the people who created this game has questioned it and disliked some of the 3D models etc. Bio, is already aware of such things. So it is nobody's fault.;)
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No your right, so sit down on that cozy chair of yours all day and play the game you love trashing on a forum lol, Failed attempt at being an alpha male on a forum. Next please


Well it seems someone is getting mad people don't like to be told to unsub or that the horrible glaring facts that the pvp system is flawed is OUR fault.


Go grab a juicebox and play the game you obviously love enough to spend all day on the forums talking about.


Seems if you loved it so much you would be in game rather than trying to convince people it's good.


Just sayin.

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All of you guys are wrong. It is in the human nature to dislike things that others might like, there for! no matter what Bio-ware, or any other company's do they will have players / people to dislike the content. Even the people who created this game has questioned it and disliked some of the 3D models etc. Bio, is already aware of such things. So it is nobody's fault.;)


Well yes there will always be two sides to an issue, but its absurd that people expected WAR level pvp systems from a game that has an objective with nothing to do with pvp, there is no logic or arguement for that.

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Well it seems someone is getting mad people don't like to be told to unsub or that the horrible glaring facts that the pvp system is flawed is OUR fault.


Go grab a juicebox and play the game you obviously love enough to spend all day on the forums talking about.


Seems if you loved it so much you would be in game rather than trying to convince people it's good.


Just sayin.


You still haven't gotten what I was trying to say from this entire thread in the first place so your arguement is invalid. But I do enjoy the discussion with people that can understand what im talking about. By the way, its not hard to minimize to the internet and take a couple of seconds to post back on a forum then go back to the game.

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You still haven't gotten what I was trying to say from this entire thread in the first place so your arguement is invalid. But I do enjoy the discussion with people that can understand what im talking about. By the way, its not hard to minimize to the internet and take a couple of seconds to post back on a forum then go back to the game.


So then you have said your point.


No need to argue with every person who disagrees with you or tell them to unsub.


Trust me people unsubbing is not the direction you want this to go in.


I am not even saying I am unsubbing because I am not and I hope BW improves the game.


But to sit there and claim it's not flawed and if we don't like pvp it's probably our fault is beyond ignorant and absurd.

Edited by oblongship
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So then you have said your point.


No need to argue with every person who disagrees with you or tell them to unsub.


Trust me people unsubbing is not the direction you want this to go in.


I am not even saying I am unsubbing because I am not and I hope BW improves the game.


But to sit there and claim it's not flawed and if we don't like pvp it's probably our fault is beyond ignorant and absurd.


Agree, and agree it is ignorant and absurd but your taking it so literally....you see sadly you STILL don't understand the post lol. If you dont like the pvp so be it the Title had a meaning behind it, but thats is why I said everyone who cared to respond very ignorantly to the post just read the title or something because they still dont get it either. I hope as well anyone that isnt having a good time with the game gets what they want because its a shame that others dont look at things like eachother and dont get to enjoy something they spent money on because of that.

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People have complained about that very thing, in fact it's the number one pvp complaint.


Yea I'd be pissed to but that doesnt mean the system is unbalanced, If you lose your pug vs. a full geared premade 50's its understandable, which was the arguement. That is the only "flaw" I can see in warzones.

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Agree, and agree it is ignorant and absurd but your taking it so literally....you see sadly you STILL don't understand the post lol. If you dont like the pvp so be it the Title had a meaning behind it, but thats is why I said everyone who cared to respond very ignorantly to the post just read the title or something because they still dont get it either. I hope as well anyone that isnt having a good time with the game gets what they want because its a shame that others dont look at things like eachother and dont get to enjoy something they spent money on because of that.


Well man all I can say is I understand your post...but like I said you have made your point and there is really no need to respond and pick a fight with everyone who replies and doesn't agree with you.


It honestly makes you look more like a troll.


The issues I have with the pvp are not my problem they never have been my problem nor have they been the problem of many many users on these forums complaining.


And here is a fact, we will keep bringing up issues and in masses until they are addressed. People giving feedback and voicing their opinions (while not all the time) but a lot of the time make the game better.


The people who sit and defend a game, blaming the user base and fighting to keep an obviously flawed system because they have found a way to exploit or use it to their advantage and tell people if they don't like it to unsub , are the ones who actually hurt the game.

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That's exactly what it means.


This isn't anything new. COD, bf3, better goodies for the more time you put into it, theres no brackets. Its possible you can verse a team of the highest level, if you get stomped and see it as in imbalance so be it.

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Well man all I can say is I understand your post...but like I said you have made your point and there is really no need to respond and pick a fight with everyone who replies and doesn't agree with you.


It honestly makes you look more like a troll.


The issues I have with the pvp are not my problem they never have been my problem nor have they been the problem of many many users on these forums complaining.


And here is a fact, we will keep bringing up issues and in masses until they are addressed. People giving feedback and voicing their opinions (while not all the time) but a lot of the time make the game better.


The people who sit and defend a game, blaming the user base and fighting to keep an obviously flawed system because they have found a way to exploit or use it to their advantage and tell people if they don't like it to unsub , are the ones who actually hurt the game.



A stupid comment will get a stupid reply from someone who see's things differently, but im glad to read a valid post from your point of view. I have no problem with someone having a different opinion than me, but if they can't talk about it, or go into detail and see that there are up's and downs to everything than there is no discussion. Most of the people who i "troll" back at dont give any reasoning in their feedback, = trolled.

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I've levelled via pvp exclusively (running through class quests when i've vastly outlevelled them)


I'm level 31 right now, since level 14-15 (when i got a good grasp of the flow of the game) I've consistently placed top3 by pretty much every metric other than healing (no heals on a marauder..)


The game is fine, many people are trash at it.

The game could be improved it is true. But people doing bad at the game as bad players.


Valor 35 and growing!

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I've levelled via pvp exclusively (running through class quests when i've vastly outlevelled them)


I'm level 31 right now, since level 14-15 (when i got a good grasp of the flow of the game) I've consistently placed top3 by pretty much every metric other than healing (no heals on a marauder..)


The game is fine, many people are trash at it.

The game could be improved it is true. But people doing bad at the game as bad players.


Valor 35 and growing!


Nicely done, How is the pace of leveling through solely pvp compared to questing and flashpoints? Or have you not made a comparison.

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From my observations a single level up is 11 PvP wins. they give roughly 8% exp per win, unless you roll th eother team 6-0 n huttball, then you're looking at 4-5% of a levels EXP.


The highest character I've got that isnt htis character is only level 17, so i can't really comment.


I can say that my class quest at 31 gave me about 8k per quest reward, 4.4k per bonus mission and 118exp per kill.


It seems to equate to roughly the same amount of time to level up, but pvp also gets you the nifty valor points, and commendations (have 1k/1k including mercenary) which you can use to give your companions full pvp gear for kicks.


edit: solo queued too.

Edited by Scrimpton
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From my observations a single level up is 11 PvP wins. they give roughly 8% exp per win, unless you roll th eother team 6-0 n huttball, then you're looking at 4-5% of a levels EXP.


The highest character I've got that isnt htis character is only level 17, so i can't really comment.


I can say that my class quest at 31 gave me about 8k per quest reward, 4.4k per bonus mission and 118exp per kill.


It seems to equate to roughly the same amount of time to level up, but pvp also gets you the nifty valor points, and commendations (have 1k/1k including mercenary) which you can use to give your companions full pvp gear for kicks.


edit: solo queued too.


Good to hear its still a decent leveling method, At the moment the character im leveling has been doing the warzones every once and a while but I plan on rolling a character solely for pvp leveling or if they somehow incorporate a twinking method.

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