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Does Find Weakness only buff SS sometimes instead of everytime?


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I'm 22 atm and I've been trying to get used to watching the damage numbers since there is no combat log. My SS tooltip says it should be 470-510 unbuffed. I can understand that varying a bit with mob rating/level and such, but it seems when I have Find Weakness up I still get a lot of SS in the 400s. It definitely works on the times where I see 6-700, but I thought it was 100%? Is FW more picky about positioning than SS maybe?
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I'm not sure what you mean by 100%?


Damage wise.. find weakness just allows Shadow Strike to ignore 50% of someone's armor value. It won't increase the damage by a great deal. Obviously the main benefit of find weakness is the reduced force cost.

Edited by aarka
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The 100% was about how often FW affects SS. I assumed the 50% ignore is what accounted for my slightly less than 50% damage increase on SS, but if you say FW doesn't affect the damage number that much then maybe those are just crits for SS along with ignoring armor. That would definitely explain the randomness I was questioning.
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