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Orange Gear and Customizaton


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How do it work?


The thing is, I want to play an assassin, but I am not feeling the robes at all. In THEORY if I take cybertech (to craft mods) and got ahold of some simple dark pants, could I keep my leg slot updates by continually adding mods to them.


Is that how orange gear works or am I still confused?

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How do it work?


The thing is, I want to play an assassin, but I am not feeling the robes at all. In THEORY if I take cybertech (to craft mods) and got ahold of some simple dark pants, could I keep my leg slot updates by continually adding mods to them.


Is that how orange gear works or am I still confused?


yeah, but I think some oranges have some armor requirements (medium armor, heavy armor). not completely sure about that.


you don't have to take cybertech either.

you can get mods on the GTN, or from various vendors like commendation vendors.


heck, you could even buy other orange gear, remove the mods, and put them in the ones you like (prohibitively expensive, though)

Edited by Jeopardydd
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Thanks for the heads-up something to keep in mind.


Seems odd that they would go to the trouble of designing a gear-customization system based on aesthetics, and then apply restrictions to max level characters (The exact type of player who has the luxury/time/interest in customizing their gear)


I don't mind leveling in a dress if I know that eventually at end game I can get a nice paor of pants... but...

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It's not that you can't continue to wear orange gear at level cap, it's that raid gear is not fully modable. They wanted people to have to kill ALL the raid bosses to gear up. If they had made raid drops fully modable, then nothing would stop people from just getting boots or whatever from the first boss in an instance, pulling the mods out, and putting them in their chest. They wanted to go for the more traditional raiding model where important gear items (chest, legs, etc.) drop off later bosses in an instance. Allowing raid drops to be modable would make which boss you kill irrelevant.


Also, there is no real way to allow for set bonuses in a situation where raiders are wearing modable gear unless they came up with specific mods for set bonuses.


According to the official post they made about orange gear, they do plan to allow players to continue using orange gear at level cap, it might just be more challenging to get it modded up to the level of purple raid drops and it's not clear what the specifics of that are.

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