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What is the Appeal of the Empire?


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I started on the Republic side, because I generally like to play "good" characters, or at least ones that are good at the core. And I did enjoy playing my Republic characters light side. But to avoid repeating the same sidequests for a third time, I rolled Empire characters, and I was really impressed.


Basically, I find it is more interesting to play a light side Imperial. LS choices on the Republic side tend to seem a bit more predictable and bland, sort of easy and going with the flow, while on the Empire side, there is a bit more difficulty and complexity to it. My LS Imperials aren't anywhere near as nice, kind, and unconflicted as my LS Republic characters, so they seem more "real" to me. I can see them as characters that may have a good heart and good motives, but that are constrained and molded by the circumstances of their life. While my Republic characters have nothing stopping them from being as nice and saintly as they want.


Oh, and I like most of the Empire's gear better too. :p

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Republic quests and most dialogue options are simplistic and contrived. When you do get the option to be selfish or immoral it is completely ridiculous over the top. Empire options are a bit more subtle and realistic in my opinion. Also, imperial agent story line is by far the best one.


ill post my insane and poetic version of that


"to feel no emotion is to lose freedom entirely....freedom is one of the highest values known to man,it has driven countless societys through hard times of all ill...yet in order to accept freedom,you must accept emotion,otherwise there is no need for freedom,and thus it becomes something trivial which must be removed....and to accept emotion...you must accept it in it`s entirety...


you cannot cleave emotion like the meat of a swine,you cant water it down...people have tryed throughout history to get rid of the negative aspects of emotion...only to wind up becoming the very thing they were trying to prevent in the first place,totalitarian monsters...


and then people,come along and claim that emotion,or desire,itself is the enemy....trying to bolster there argument by showing in history how emotion filled people did bad things...but they dont realise something...if desire is unholy and to be rejected,then the desire to not have desire is to be rejected as well...if there is no desire in essence,you would lose the will to live...they also dont realize that love,mercy,hope,empathy (which is caring for other people),compassion(which is the same thing as empathy)....are all desires,desires for good things mind you,but still desires.....so there very act of doing anything to fulfill there code is wrong by the rules of there code


yet when a person abandons these codes,and looks at life as is,with no window dressing...they see the darkside everywhere...and where do they see it?they see the darkside fueling people with hate when someone harms there loved ones,they see the darkside giving people immense anger at the notion of innocent people being harmed,and thus the desire to protect and help people....its called compassion...


and from this can be gained the root of all positive human emotions...fear,gives you reason to protect yourself and other good people,and to be a more moralistic person in the end....anger,gives you motivation to fight against foes or animals,or even natural forces which would otherwise hurt innocent people....hatred,the will to destroy those who are bent on nothing but destroying life


there is no light side...there is no neutrality.....there is only the darkside...all light is birthed from darkness,and light burns and then creates more darkness


this world is my country,where everyone shall be free...no more hypocrisy,no more pain,no more helplessness...to feel emotion,and to use it within reason...is freedom,and emotion is darkside....freedom IS the darkside"

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There is basic right, and wrong. The most primitive peoples today stick to the basic societal fundamentals. Which is the welfare of family, and tribe. If man was limited to just that, then we would all still be living in a primitive world. Murder is generally considered taboo within that family/tribe.


As a society evolves, it extends those basics to humanity as a whole. A culture based on oppression will not last, as we have seen throughout history. We have also seen empires that fell from cultural decay where the leaders, or the powerful, failed to extend welfare beyond a chosen minority.


So, yes, there is a basic right, and wrong. It's built right into most of us. Most people don't care for being killed, or seeing their family, or tribe killed. That alone will always shape a society into something more ideal. I'll add that an enlightened person has the ability to place oneself into the shoes of another, and asks, would I want that done to me?



Humans love a good war though, that's basically history. :csw_vader:

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Hi all,


We wanted to pop in here and let you know that we've removed several posts in the thread that were discussing real world politics that started back in December. We know that it can be easy to cross the line from game political organizations/beliefs to real world politics, but we ask that you be mindful to keep the discussion related to the STAR WARS universe.


Thank you!


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So, maybe it's just me, but a general pattern I've seen is that people tend to favor the Empire over the Republic. On my own server, I would estimate that Imps outnumber Pubs about 1.8 to 1.


For those of you who only roll Imp or who have an Imp for a main, what's your reasoning behind rolling Imp?


Also, for reference, my main is a Smuggler/Scoundrel, and I've rolled a Knight/Guardian and an Inquisitor/Assassin as my alts.


Bounty Hunter was more interesting then Trooper, IA story kicks the crap out of smugg, SW had the most work put into its storyline from what I've seen, and SI, while having one of the blander storylines, is coolder than consular because for many people lightning >> throwing rocks.

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The accent.

I mean.. they make everything sound so posh. I'll believe anything, if it's said with an accent like that.


because im british and the acent naturally suits my characters.


but most of all i consider myself a pretty nice guy im kind to people i meet and try to help others, so its nice to let loose and just be evil totally 100% ill kill you all evil THATS why i roll empire. :hope_02:

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Because Alliance/Republic=Blue and Horde/Empire=Red. It's already programmed in your mind as being related.


Republic is expected to be "good" and I can assume will draw in kids and carebears. Empire is about being powerful and cruel so I'd expect a more mature group there. You EVE players will know carebears ;) (least the pirates will)


There is no correlation between age and choosing the good or evil side in a video game. For every naive kid choosing "good" cause "bad is bad", there is another saying "He he, I'm gonna be evil bro, it's gonna be awesome!"

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Because Alliance/Republic=Blue and Horde/Empire=Red. It's already programmed in your mind as being related.


Republic is expected to be "good" and I can assume will draw in kids and carebears. Empire is about being powerful and cruel so I'd expect a more mature group there. You EVE players will know carebears ;) (least the pirates will)


Yarrrr. o7


Seriously, you haven't seen real PvP until you've been in a 500 ship rumble down in nullsec. lol

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Just to get this out of the way: Why do you kiddies keep saying the Jedi don't have emotions? Are you so enraptured with the few semesters at school that you're now an authority on life, politics, and sci fi?


To paraphrase a wise ol' Vulcan "It's about controling your emotions so they don't control you." Thats it. Exagerate it all you want, and Lords of Kobol knows that someone will write a multiparagraph that does, but oversimplifying doesn't make you correct. It makes you look like a whiney emo. Sort of like Vadar was before he killed Padndabear.


Also, in the movies I counted ZERO references to the Jedi having no emotions. Been a while, but I kind of remeber Yoda talking about contoling emotions, not shoving them down deep down inside till you snap like Charles Whitman.


So yeah, you kids get off my lawn.


So, anyways, why do I play Empire? IN MY OPINION better voice acting, better spell animation,better equipment style, and better icons. As a CLCKER, the icons on Empire side make more sence then the Republic counter parts. SW is easier to remember with "mess them up with this, mess them up with that" than the JK's icons.


I like the way the stoies flow; better transitions into different game areas. And besides the occasional "ghostbusting" stories seem more "fun", especially playing ls in a ds world.


Plus Korriban is more immersive than Typhon. Better design, less running, and objectives that string together better. Agian, IMO.



TLDR: Get off my lawn, and better game esthetics.

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The darkside is NOT the force. The force has no side, it is simply the force. To say that it is one side or the other shows your ignorance of the lore of this universe.


You also reinforce my opinion about people who choose empire (or the 'evil' side in any game) from your statements in your post. Thank you for confirming my opinion, I shall keep this opinion close to heart :)


Slow your roll there.


You are incorrect and that shows your own ignorance of the lore. It has been confirmed Word of God canon for over two decades that there are two sides to the Force.

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Because people in reality are evil. Being evil is easyer because being evil just means being lazy and egocentric.


Being constructive and actually carring for others needs strenght. Inner strenght. Only real Humans, fully inelectual developed, can become 'good' people. By doing nothing or always only looking for your own personal benefit, you automaticaly become 'evil'.


The spiritual reality of the universe is the unity. The material reality of our world is the speration.

One of those is the truth and one is only illusion, created by a constrained (human) mind.

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Honsestly, the Republic stories are boring. I mean, most of them are about politics. In all honesty, so are the Sith stories, but Sith politics are interesting. There's betrayal, paranoia, constant suspicion. It makes for a good plot.
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I just play TOR for the story and since people told me the Imperial Agent had the most interesting story, that's what Im playing. I also played the first 10-15 levels with Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor and Trooper. I enjoyed the SI alot but there was just so much gratuitous cruelty, which brings me to the main reason why I dont actually like playing empire:


The mandatory and constant cruelty for no other reason than to blatantly display that your are on the side of the really bad guys. I really dont understand why anyone who isnt a Sith would be on the empires side, it's like "I risk my life fighting for a bunch of hooded psychopaths, so that said psychopaths can enslave the entire galaxy and spend the rest of their days gleefully torturing everyone, including me, to death."


It's like that Darth Jadus character: "Im going to spread fear and hatred across the galaxy!" which might sound like a cool thing for a villain to say, but it really makes about as much rational sense as "steal underpants + ? = profit". I cant quite make out why a bunch of clever and resourceful people like Imperial Intelligence would'nt just defect, hand over all the Sith idiotic plans to the republic and spend the rest of their lives sipping jawa juice in some nice tropical paradise. But no, they're content to live out their short, miserable lives in a cold, dark, swamp... for no reason

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Here is my amateur psychologist guess at the matter:





10-~15: More likely to pick the "good" side in a game, every kid wants to be the hero.


~16-~24: That's when people hit a rebelious phase, and want to go against the grain. They also want to be "******" or the "bad boy".


~25+: People have now mostly outgrown the last phase and will pick based on other things; lore, abilities, story...etc.


I am in the first apparent phase and I picked Imperial for it's lore and story, as well as the lure of Empire, not abiding to the code.

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For those of you who only roll Imp or who have an Imp for a main, what's your reasoning behind rolling Imp?


My very first char was a Sith Jugg. Why? Well, the guild I joined with my brother was going Empire, I wanted to play with a light saber, and my play style is mostly melee (let me jump in and whack stuff). There is also an attraction to be a "bad boy" which I don't get to do in real life. It was hard because you want the dark side points but sometimes the decisions you make on the game are not the most intuitive to you as a person.


My second char was a Sith Sorc to get out of the melee, play a healer (kind of weird on the Sith side to be a healer) and experience a diff story line.


Then I rolled two Republic chars (Knight and Consular), mostly to experience alternate story lines. I found the experience much more rewarding, not sure if it was because I was familiar with the game by then or just more intuitive to take "good" decisions. :)


Now I went back to a Sith Agent. VERY different game, story line, working with guns, etc. Having a great time with it.

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I just play TOR for the story and since people told me the Imperial Agent had the most interesting story, that's what Im playing. I also played the first 10-15 levels with Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor and Trooper. I enjoyed the SI alot but there was just so much gratuitous cruelty, which brings me to the main reason why I dont actually like playing empire:


The mandatory and constant cruelty for no other reason than to blatantly display that your are on the side of the really bad guys. I really dont understand why anyone who isnt a Sith would be on the empires side, it's like "I risk my life fighting for a bunch of hooded psychopaths, so that said psychopaths can enslave the entire galaxy and spend the rest of their days gleefully torturing everyone, including me, to death."


It's like that Darth Jadus character: "Im going to spread fear and hatred across the galaxy!" which might sound like a cool thing for a villain to say, but it really makes about as much rational sense as "steal underpants + ? = profit". I cant quite make out why a bunch of clever and resourceful people like Imperial Intelligence would'nt just defect, hand over all the Sith idiotic plans to the republic and spend the rest of their lives sipping jawa juice in some nice tropical paradise. But no, they're content to live out their short, miserable lives in a cold, dark, swamp... for no reason


And another one : why would any Sith Lord ever take on a trainee?? Their whole goal in life is to kill you as soon as they have a chance! It would seem to me that logically you would either (a) kill your student as soon as he/she shows any kind of power or (b) get the dumbest student you can. :p Either way, Sith Lords would run out in a hurry.


Playing the Dark side has to be counter-intuitive to any rational person. Only evil corrupted minds can find any logic to it. But then, that's the whole point. Is not that they aren't intelligent, some are, they are just crazy.


Game wise, I found it a hard issue to raise my points with Vette while making dark side decisions. She is "good" but then you need those dark points, so.... when you switch to Jaesa ir becomes much easier. :p But then, you always have a sense she is about to kill you at any time she chooses...;)

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Well the Republic is lame compared to the Empire. The Empire is cooler in almost every aspect. They have better (looking) ships, weapons, uniforms and so on. The Sith look cool, confident and intimidating as opposed to Jedi who look like some boring monks.


I would rather ask myself how can anyone be Republic. Even as a kid, watching the films, I always preferred the Empire.

Edited by Path-x
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And another one : why would any Sith Lord ever take on a trainee?? Their whole goal in life is to kill you as soon as they have a chance! It would seem to me that logically you would either (a) kill your student as soon as he/she shows any kind of power or (b) get the dumbest student you can. :p Either way, Sith Lords would run out in a hurry.


Playing the Dark side has to be counter-intuitive to any rational person. Only evil corrupted minds can find any logic to it. But then, that's the whole point. Is not that they aren't intelligent, some are, they are just crazy.


Game wise, I found it a hard issue to raise my points with Vette while making dark side decisions. She is "good" but then you need those dark points, so.... when you switch to Jaesa ir becomes much easier. :p But then, you always have a sense she is about to kill you at any time she chooses...;)


Keep in mind this is LONG before the Rule of Two.

While the life of a Sith is dangerous, your masters goal is not just to kill you randomly.

If you notice there are very strict rules in place already, in which unsanctioned murders are dealt with. Training a apprentice is about having a power base.

Having someone who works for you, even if they are doing it for their own goals/using you to gain more power, gives you the power to influence more people, direct more actions, etc ,etc.

The Inquisitor storyline paints a rather unique example of the Master/Apprentice relationship, but we should take our cue from the NPCS along the way instead.


Also in regards to other people working with them...Think about it more in terms of location.

You have to realize the majority of these normal imperial people, soldiers, etc are imperials due to location. They happen to live in imperial space.

Sure its all fine and dandy to say just up and leave...but what about your family? What about roots?

Not too mention the propoganda and hatred on both sides of the war. The average imperial citizen/soldier is as sure that the Jedi would butcher them all, as the average Republic member is sure the Sith will kill them all.

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I think it's more interesting to play a character that's a good person in a corrupt system. (Or at least, as good as a person as you can be if you're working for the Empire.)


You are correct, sir. At least imo. My SW went 100% LS, and it was a blast. Not only the reactions you get from everyone looking at you funny, but the fact that Mark Bazely's voice work made it seem like a natural thing. The chemistry with the other characters was flawless. Putting on a show for the Imperials, managing to convince Darth Baras that all the "mercy" was in his best interest, etc. lol


Now, just because I went 100% LS with him, doesn't mean I stopped trolling Baras. That was waaaayyyyyy too much fun. :D

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