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What is the Appeal of the Empire?


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1) Better stories.

2) Better looking gear

3) Classes have more flavor

4) Imp side isn't plagued with the sky-lasers visual glitch like the republic

5) Ships look better

6) Lightning vs pebbles

7) Vibroknives vs fists

8) Mandalorians vs randomtrooperfromcutscene002


1) Personal opinion since JK story was being commented from both sides as probably the single most epic arc in the game as an example.


2) Better looking gear? Sith vs Jedi, I can definitely give that one over to Empire, but Trooper/Smuggler easily match if not best in some cases their Emp counterparts.


3) Classes have more flavor? How? >.> SI may have lightning, but that's ALL it has IS lightning. Consular actually has some pretty nice change-ups in spell animations and style. Trooper carries giant laser autocannons vs dual peashooter pistols of the BH, etc. Again, purely personal opinion and this one swings both ways.


4) Odd reason to claim Empire is better, but hokay.


5) I will give the nod to Empire ships - especially Fury/Phantom. Always been a huge fan of Empire's ships :)


6) Lightning spell 1, Lighting spell 2, Lightning spell 3....hey more lightning which doesn't differ in looks then the last lightning spell >.> Pebbles may be a bit lolworthy, but chucking a giant pillar or a half broken droid at someone's face is just as win. Plus, giant force bubble of doom! Consular at least gets spell variety ;)


7) Not sure what you're comparing with this one - I'd give special mention to BH rocket punch though as far as melee attacks go haha. Also, Smuggler kicks people in the crotch.


8) Pfft. Boba Fett clones-a-plenty and you know it versus the awesome Troopers that echo the amazing Null/ARC Commandos. Sorry, Trooper > BH in terms of uniqueness there IMO! The main points I'd give in favor of BH is they have Blizz and Arsenal's Heatseeker missiles are just flat out sweet looking >.>



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The movies pretty much flesh out how boring most of the republic is.

I see nothing boring in fighting for the liberty/freedom.


But I do agree that some people have more fun when they torture, massacre, and put other people in slavery, especially if they wear dark uniforms and shiny black boots.

Real life human nature transposed in a game. Tells a lot...

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Look at it this way:


If you had the force, what would you do? Would you really follow some kind of sterile dogmatic code? Would you lead a monkish lifestyle, free of all corruption and attachments? I mean, is that *really* realistic?


Think about how often you, on a given, random day, for perhaps a moment just toy with hurting someone. Like, say you're out driving, and some guy cuts you off and then flips you the bird. If you were given the ability to hurt or kill him without any consequences (moral, religious, legal or otherwise), can you honestly say you'd be able to restrain yourself? He's just some random slob, and you can obliterate him with your mind.


The darkside is the force. The Jedi just have it wrong. Peace is a lie. That's the appeal of the Empire.



You are so right. SO RIGHT.


Despite what people say about, "Oh, I would always choose the good/righteous thing to do" and "oh, peace is not a lie" what you have said is true. It is human nature to choose what benefits ourselves most, not what benefits our fellow woman/man.


If I honestly had the Force and was living in the Star Wars universe, I would join the dark side. If you have been born with this, wonderful, mysterous, and divine power, why would you limit yourself to only embraceing certain aspects of it? Because the "masters" told you that the other parts of it are "evil?"


The dark side is about freedom. Not evil. It is about love. Not destruction. Darth Vader, the single most famous Sith of all time, turned to the dark side out of love for his wife. Darth Sideous, the second most famous Sith of all time, was truley free. He used his natural-born power of the Force to bend others to his will. He could do whatever he wanted when he wanted, how he wanted it to be done. That is living.


Condeming yourself to a life of following a code that prevents true freedom and self expression is slavery, not "good."

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You are so right. SO RIGHT.


Despite what people say about, "Oh, I would always choose the good/righteous thing to do" and "oh, peace is not a lie" what you have said is true. It is human nature to choose what benefits ourselves most, not what benefits our fellow woman/man.


If I honestly had the Force and was living in the Star Wars universe, I would join the dark side. If you have been born with this, wonderful, mysterous, and divine power, why would you limit yourself to only embraceing certain aspects of it? Because the "masters" told you that the other parts of it are "evil?"


The dark side is about freedom. Not evil. It is about love. Not destruction. Darth Vader, the single most famous Sith of all time, turned to the dark side out of love for his wife. Darth Sideous, the second most famous Sith of all time, was truley free. He used his natural-born power of the Force to bend others to his will. He could do whatever he wanted when he wanted, how he wanted it to be done. That is living.


Condeming yourself to a life of following a code that prevents true freedom and self expression is slavery, not "good."


I suppose *that's* why we live on a planet ruled by powerful individual predators. Makes perfect sense now. It would be different if some sort of organized species capable of altruism had risen to the top of the heap or something.

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Because I rolled Alliance PvP in WoW.


That's a mistake you make once.




I played Republic in testing and the amount of children playing Jedi was insane, I also played alliance as well and I too will not make that same mistake twice. I've gone from losing 5 out of 7 warzones to winning 5 out of 7.


Just makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of the game, having your smelly stuff pushed in game after game is just too stressful at my age. However you dont have to wait in the Republic side, there is that.

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I played Republic in testing and the amount of children playing Jedi was insane, I also played alliance as well and I too will not make that same mistake twice. I've gone from losing 5 out of 7 warzones to winning 5 out of 7.


Just makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of the game, having your smelly stuff pushed in game after game is just too stressful at my age. However you dont have to wait in the Republic side, there is that.


The first mistake you're already making is assuming Republic = Alliance. We need to get away from that mentality. Both sides, for once, are equally as interesting and not saddled with that "Pretty races draws in shallow idiots" mentality that plagued early Alliance. The Republic is more like the Horde right now then Empire is given the player balance and my experience with Warzones. Regardless, I think both factions have alot to offer and shouldn't be saddled with our jaded outlook of WoW's factions.

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I am a Republic player but just the fleets alone give me alot of pause. Why is the Republic Fleet modeled after the ragtag band of ships the Rebel Alliance scrapped up 3,000 years later? Nothing in our arsenal looks like a warship, much less an intimidating warship. The Sith vessels look sleek and intimidating, and are obviously manufactured for conflict.


Where are our Dreadnoughts? Where is the military might of a thousand worlds? Why can't we be ****** as well as the Empire?


(As well it makes 0 sense for me for the Imperials to get the Star Destroyer or the grey uniforms...they may have been 'Empire' in the movies but they were Republic officers before that, and I highly doubt the Emperor instituted a major fashion change when he booted all the non-humans from the military.)

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I am a Republic player but just the fleets alone give me alot of pause. Why is the Republic Fleet modeled after the ragtag band of ships the Rebel Alliance scrapped up 3,000 years later? Nothing in our arsenal looks like a warship, much less an intimidating warship. The Sith vessels look sleek and intimidating, and are obviously manufactured for conflict.


Where are our Dreadnoughts? Where is the military might of a thousand worlds? Why can't we be ****** as well as the Empire?


(As well it makes 0 sense for me for the Imperials to get the Star Destroyer or the grey uniforms...they may have been 'Empire' in the movies but they were Republic officers before that, and I highly doubt the Emperor instituted a major fashion change when he booted all the non-humans from the military.)


The Republic fleet isn't actually that bad - you see our dreadnoughts when you fly into the fleet on your ship. They just don't look anywhere as awesome as the Harrowers on the Imp side. Imperials always had the sexier ship power, save for the small window when the Republic WAS using the Clones/Acclamator warships :)

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I thought for sure that I'd be a Jedi Guardian as my first character. I love tanking, and I wanted to play a melee tank.....until I tried it. I found the starter area to be very boring. The quest bored me. The conversational options bored me.


The class handled fine, combat was fun and all that. However, I didn't really care for my character's voice, and her early quests just bored me to tears. I just couldn't get past the boring conversational options and the fact that the starter planet was so BLEH to me. It might have gotten more interesting if I'd stuck with it longer, but I doubt that would have helped me to like my character's voice more.


So....I tried the next class on my list. I was also interested in the Imperial Agent class. Man, that quest line is so fun. The only thing I don't like about it is that it can't tank, but I can live with that. My Operative is crazy fun to play, and I find her class quest interesting.


Sith don't appeal to me (and the female Sith voice just makes me cringe). The Jedi Guardian quests bored me. I probably won't be playing a force wielder anytime soon.....But that is OK with me.

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Kari Wahlgren did a good job with female JK but she's just completely eclipsed by David Hayter as the JK haha :)


I noticed both Jedi classes start REALLY tame class quest wise compared to Sith - but I'm about 22 on my JK Guardian alt and it's getting really intense.


I have heard nothing but awesome praise for the IA's line and I look forward to seeing that one, as it's one of the Emp classes I like alot :) Especially Sniper.

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The Republic fleet isn't actually that bad - you see our dreadnoughts when you fly into the fleet on your ship. They just don't look anywhere as awesome as the Harrowers on the Imp side. Imperials always had the sexier ship power, save for the small window when the Republic WAS using the Clones/Acclamator warships :)


Well by Dreadnoughts I mean this, not ours that are like a cross between mon-cal and the Hoth transport ship. http://www.swagonline.net/files/images/Dr000001.preview.jpg


Also I do agree that the Female Jedi Knight VA can sound a bit...emotionless at times. Sure it may work if you are Light side, but it makes for a boring character, and it totally does not work for Dark Side. I am enjoying the storyline thus far, esp as a Dark Jedi. If it weren't for the hood issue, I'd be satisfied, underpowered or not.

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Yeah I don't think the Republic had those in the ToR time frame. I believe that's strictly Original Episode timeline.


Well I know they are supposed to be old...the Daikatana fleet was like I think 300 years old...maybe 3000 but my memory of the Thrawn series is fuzzy as hell. And well uh...Star Destroyers weren't invented til the Clone Wars but the Sith Empire has the super advanced ships it has now? >.> Throw the Republic a bone. I mean they even have the TIE sound, which is specific to the TIE engine, again something not invented til Original Episode.

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The timelines tend to be kind of fuzzy in that regard - I mean if you think about it, technology between ToR time and Original Eps hasn't really advanced at ALL. Star Destroyers were not really any stronger then Acclamators which didn't seem to be stronger then the Empire's ToR ships, yada yada. Seems like for the sake of story arcs most technology stays pretty level for thousands of years.


I think the existence of the Acclamator on the Republic side is clearly due to Sidious's influence, but as for the current state of Empire tech during ToR it's possible they simply retained knowledge of the advanced warships or templates of them generated from the Star Forge. Or they used the Star Forge to create ship designs the Empire already had created by that time but at a much more prodigious rate. Can't say - it's ambiguous in the storyline.


Would be nice to see some beefier [and sexier] ships pop up for the Republic like our fighters in Eps 1 thru 6, but oh well :) It is what it is!

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The art team decided not to confuse people that had only seen Episode IV I guess :p


I'm surprised the Republic Trooper is in now that I think about it.


EDIT: Gah, your post makes me think of Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. I mean, Darth Vader/Revan/Malak is a cool name, but it's like the rest of the Sith sit around trying to think of names that makes them sound stupid.

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The Empire is more free-form and realistic. The Republic and Jedi in particular have always been so lifeless and sterile.


Sith express themselves freely and seek to get the job done.

Sadly the game railroads both sides into a fixed path so badly that you MUST be a maniac or a saint on either side to get the best gameplay.

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Jedi are false. They preach about freedom and peace while supporting the republic which is corrupt.



The Sith control others through fear and of course have much better results. Theres nothing better to be able to kill a NPC that brought you trouble during your gameplay. Now if you were a Jedi you would have to let others judge that person that could free him/herself and bring chaos again for you to stop.

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i for when when watching the movies never wanted to be a jedi at that age, i wanted to be a sith.


That reminds of a video I saw and I can't remember exactly where it was but it had people dressed up as Vader and I *think* a Jedi. They called this little girl up to the stage, supposedly to help the Jedi defeat Darth Vader and she just knelt before Vader and bowed her head. I LOVED that.

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My bf plays on the republic side and has been asking for help all day and no one has responded to him. He's on Alderaan and has come up against some very hard quests which needs more than just him to get rid of elite mobs. I play on the Imperial side and have never had any trouble looking for help and groups. I guess the Imps are more friendly on here!!! :eek:
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Two big reasons:


1) The Empire is winning. The Treaty of Coruscant was not a treaty forged between powers of equal strength who had fought each other to a standstill. The Empire had sacked the Republic capital and killed their head of state. the Republic was forced to cede almost half its territory. Sneak attack or no, if the Republic was unable to put up much of any resistance in the first war, I don't see them doing much better in the position they're in now.


2) The Sith Code is superior to that of the Jedi. The Jedi at the best of times are emotionless cloistered monks. As seen in the Mandalorian Wars, they will even leave the Republic to rot on occasion rather than risk dirtying their hands with fighting. They don't use their power to help the people of the galaxy, they hide away and hoard it for themselves. Now obviously "helping people" isn't a big part of Sith philosophy, but at least they don't pretend otherwise. The Sith are a more honest and pure expression of the power of the force. And say what you will about Palpatine, but he DID bring peace to the galaxy for a time. Under Imperial rule the factional infighting of the Republic is not tolerated. I really doubt there were many banking conglomerates blockading planets during the period of the Galactic Empire.

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The Empire is more free-form and realistic. The Republic and Jedi in particular have always been so lifeless and sterile.


Sith express themselves freely and seek to get the job done.

Sadly the game railroads both sides into a fixed path so badly that you MUST be a maniac or a saint on either side to get the best gameplay.


Thats somewhat true about the game railroading you. But if you don't care about the LS and DS armor and weapons you can play however you want. Plus at level 50 you can just solo some flashpoint mission over and over again to build up your light or dark side points.

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