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What is the Appeal of the Empire?


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For me, it was more story-driven than anything else. Technically I don't count for this thread since my main is a Republic JK (Guild choice rather than personal, though I like both sides).


Basically: I always play light characters. Like...always. I have a few dark characters, but they're usually an 'out for themselves' type rather than the "mwhahaha evil!" types. I liked playing a Dark Jedi, though.


Anyway, the Empire just feels more rewarding to me as a light-side player; my Companions seem to appreciate it better and my SW isn't a sappy goody two-shoes (unlike my JK, who probably earned ALL the Padawan merit badges as a kid). I play my warrior as honorable, basically good at heart and articulate, but easily capable of asserting his authority and rather politically minded. Also he rather likes the Empire, so...


In essence I found playing a "good" Sith made for a more interesting character than playing a 'good' Jedi - and thus I find myself more engaged in the story and characters in general.


Also the Republic PVP kinda blows. Sometimes I wish we'd roll Empire just so my guild would stop whining about it.

Edited by armiece
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Basicaly what you say is the typical childish republic view and shows poor knowledge of the lore.

Sith that kill for fun are poor exuses of sith and failures.


Least of all killing for fun is too useless to be bothered with for them.


For example Darth Bane considered those who kill for fun and pleasure to be ''barbarous and perverse fools''


Basicaly your whole view of the Sith is fundamentaly flawed.


I'm right ,you're worong. The person i quoted indicated Sith don't kill for fun, and i pointed out a quest on DK that shows that they do.


No debate there sparky, the quest exists. No childish view there, just did the thing again with a new alt. Quest exists, some sith kill for fun.


Your terribly narrow point of view would say I hate pizza because I can't stand dominoes.


As far as you nifty little Darth Bane, you proved me right. You see, if the author who wrote a book that fleshed out the fictional Darth Bane charictor felt it was necessary to make a comment about how "Sith who kill for fun are poor excuses for Sith and failures and that they are ''barbarous and perverse fools'' than the means that there are SOME Sith that do those things.


So let's see there is a quest on DK that says some Sith are killing for fun, where your toon can say it's stupid and there is some fictional charictor called Darth Bane who basically says it's stupid means at some times SOME Sith are stupid enough to kill for fun.


Stop, take a deep breath, and stop being a fanboi long enough to comprehend what is being written. It will help you when you get out of school and start working in the real world. At least it will make you less of a target in gym class this fall.


TLDR: Saying you don't like Dominoes doesn't mean you hate pizza.

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For me, it was more story-driven than anything else. Technically I don't count for this thread since my main is a Republic JK (Guild choice rather than personal, though I like both sides).


Basically: I always play light characters. Like...always. I have a few dark characters, but they're usually an 'out for themselves' type rather than the "mwhahaha evil!" types. I liked playing a Dark Jedi, though.


Anyway, the Empire just feels more rewarding to me as a light-side player; my Companions seem to appreciate it better and my SW isn't a sappy goody two-shoes (unlike my JK, who probably earned ALL the Padawan merit badges as a kid). I play my warrior as honorable, basically good at heart and articulate, but easily capable of asserting his authority and rather politically minded. Also he rather likes the Empire, so...


In essence I found playing a "good" Sith made for a more interesting character than playing a 'good' Jedi - and thus I find myself more engaged in the story and characters in general.


Also the Republic PVP kinda blows. Sometimes I wish we'd roll Empire just so my guild would stop whining about it.


This, because of this thread I started a LS SW, and it's the most fun I've had in this game. As someone else in this thread said playing an honest man in a currupr system is fun and rewarding.

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I will ignore the part where you try to be a troll,which is a pathetic attempt.


''Basically your whole view of the Sith is fundamentally flawed''. Yes with your last post you prove this.Enough said.

Edited by Kaedusz
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For me, it was more story-driven than anything else. Technically I don't count for this thread since my main is a Republic JK (Guild choice rather than personal, though I like both sides).


Basically: I always play light characters. Like...always. I have a few dark characters, but they're usually an 'out for themselves' type rather than the "mwhahaha evil!" types. I liked playing a Dark Jedi, though.


Anyway, the Empire just feels more rewarding to me as a light-side player; my Companions seem to appreciate it better and my SW isn't a sappy goody two-shoes (unlike my JK, who probably earned ALL the Padawan merit badges as a kid). I play my warrior as honorable, basically good at heart and articulate, but easily capable of asserting his authority and rather politically minded. Also he rather likes the Empire, so...


In essence I found playing a "good" Sith made for a more interesting character than playing a 'good' Jedi - and thus I find myself more engaged in the story and characters in general.


Also the Republic PVP kinda blows. Sometimes I wish we'd roll Empire just so my guild would stop whining about it.


This for me, too. I like going against the grain of my faction and storyline.


Though I'll add that I like turning this on its head by going dark side on the Republic. I rather like being a dark trooper, always getting reprimanded for giving my superior's lip and going too far in the violence dept. I also like my dark knight, and my neutrally aligned smuggler (greedy S.O.B.).

Edited by Stenrik
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I will ignore the part where you try to be a troll,which is a pathetic attempt.


''Basically your whole view of the Sith is fundamentally flawed''. Yes with your last post you prove this.Enough said.


Great responce there kiddo.


Still doesn't change the fact that SOME Sith do kill for fun, well at least according to the game, books, and in different forms of media.


Saying someone has a "flawed view" because they are using FACT, not OPINION is like arguing that the sky is not in fact a shade of blue, but a lovely shade of magenta. It makes you to appear childish, insecure, and a bit "touched".


In this game there are some Sith that do incredibly stupid things. In real life, there are some people that do incredibly stupid things. One does not have a "flawed view" for pointing that out.


It also doesn't make them a troll.


If I was to troll, I would point out there are very few "heroic" Siths, you know like Darth Bane and the rest of those described in those silly little books. THATS how you troll, not by pointing out a fact.


Waiting in baited breath for your next, "you're a poo poo head" responce.

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Saying someone has a "flawed view" because they are using FACT, not OPINION


You are using a fact(the quest) to draw wrong opinion/conclusion which is because of lack of understanding of the lore.


What makes you appear childish ,insecure and ''touched''(lol) is writing long posts getting all worked up and going personal.I am not the one doing that.

Edited by Kaedusz
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You are using a fact(the quest) to draw wrong opinion/conclusion which is because of lack of understanding of the lore.


What makes you appear ''childish and insecure'' is writing wrong posts getting all worked up and going personal.I am not the one doing that.


I was using the quest to point out that FACT, that some Sith kill for fun. It doesn't require an indepth understand of Sith Lore to point that out. Ignoring that there is a quest like that, and then ignoring the Darth Bane quote that you yourself provided speaks volume about you. Your posts resemble that of a four year old shoving his fingers in his ears and yelling "La la la, sith are great, La la la, Sith are great..


You are a troll, as simple as that. Congradulations on having me buy into your little game. You actually know nothing of Sith culture, Sith Lore, or any quests that are in this game.


So, as a wise man once said "TTFN!!"

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I was using the quest to point out that FACT, that some Sith kill for fun. It doesn't require an indepth understand of Sith Lore to point that out. Ignoring that there is a quest like that, and then ignoring the Darth Bane quote


Way to miss the point. :)


in any case ... bye

Edited by Kaedusz
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Way to miss the point. :)


in any case ... bye


So what is the point? Enlighten me.


Balls in your court, prove how I don't understand Sith Lore because I pointed out a quest.


We all know you won't, but you have your chance now to prove how you know more than the game, the books, and other forms of media.


Go ahead, prove it.


If you can't then you are admitting to everyone who is reading this thread you are a troll, and that you know nothing of Sith culture, Sith Lore, and anything to do with the Star Wars Universe.


Enlighten us.


Remeber, this all started with "Sith don't kill for fun" and i pointed out a quest.


Clocks ticking.

Edited by Atumus
bad spelling, dang
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You really got worked up ,didn't you? lmao

I can't say it more clearly than this - sith don't kill for pleasure or fun,except for terrible sith that are not worthy of the name.Just the same as if a jedi goes dark side ,he is a terrible jedi.The killings mentioned in that quest has nothing to do with the fact that the ones doing them were ''sith''.That is what you fail to grasp.Killing for fun has nothing to do with sith philosophy/world view or w/e.


I don't understand what you don't understand about what i said.Instead of babbling some more, like a terribly insulted lady,go read some lore,instead of continuing to spam the thread with useless crap. ;)

Edited by Kaedusz
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Look at it this way:


If you had the force, what would you do? Would you really follow some kind of sterile dogmatic code? Would you lead a monkish lifestyle, free of all corruption and attachments? I mean, is that *really* realistic?


Think about how often you, on a given, random day, for perhaps a moment just toy with hurting someone. Like, say you're out driving, and some guy cuts you off and then flips you the bird. If you were given the ability to hurt or kill him without any consequences (moral, religious, legal or otherwise), can you honestly say you'd be able to restrain yourself? He's just some random slob, and you can obliterate him with your mind.


The darkside is the force. The Jedi just have it wrong. Peace is a lie. That's the appeal of the Empire.


That is just it. I would never ever hurt or kill someone even if I knew positively that i would not get caught, or held legally responsible. That being said, I was in the US military for 23, death is horrible. I have seen the worst that human beings can do to each other. However in war or to save innocent lives or in defense, killing an enemy force is justified.


Evil dealt by humans "just because they can" saddens me. I could never enjoy playing an evil character. The fact that so many people enjoy this makes me worry for the future of humanity.

Edited by DakotaDoc
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For those of you who only roll Imp or who have an Imp for a main, what's your reasoning behind rolling Imp?


Generally, I prefer playing as "the good guys" so I like playing on the Pub side a bit more.


However, my main is an Imperial Agent as that's easily my favorite class in game due to it having (IMO) the best story, companions, ship, female VA.


I'm going to try a SW next and see if I can get into that.

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You really got worked up ,didn't you? lmao

I can't say it more clearly than this - sith don't kill for pleasure or fun,except for terrible sith that are not worthy of the name.Just the same as if a jedi goes dark side ,he is a terrible jedi.The killings mentioned in that quest has nothing to do with the fact that the ones doing them were ''sith''.That is what you fail to grasp.Killing for fun has nothing to do with sith philosophy/world view or w/e.


I don't understand what you don't understand about what i said.Instead of babbling some more, like a terribly insulted lady,go read some lore,instead of continuing to spam the thread with useless crap. ;)


That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time. Seriously, my IQ dropped.


Saying they don't deserve the title of Sith if they do bad things? That's your "lore".


NP, I'll go toss out my lady dresses, ignore a bunch of movies and media, ignore thousands upon thousands of pages written word, and the comics to boot.


Thank you explaining this for me. Now I must rethink what took place in Germany in the 30's and forties.


Added to ignore list.

Edited by Atumus
added to ignore list
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That is the dumbest thing I've read in a long time. Seriously, my IQ dropped.


Saying they don't deserve the title of Sith if they do bad things? That's your "lore".



I will avoid calling you names cus srsly some things come up to mind,to avoid being warned by the devs.

Im dumbfounded,how can anybody be so *insert insult concerning your intelligence here*


Sith kill only with purpose and when it serves an end (and that end is much more ''evil'' than retarded and phychotic killing for pleasure like a common criminal).See the difference?

Controlling yourself and your emotions and using them,not becoming a slave to them is one of the key things.You would know that if you actualy have read this ''media''..

im going crazy just imagining how *insert intelligence insult * someone can be... srsly man its not even funny.

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I will avoid calling you names cus srsly some things come up to mind,to avoid being warned by the devs.

Im dumbfounded,how can anybody be so *insert insult concerning your intelligence here*


Sith kill only with purpose and when it serves an end.Controlling yourself and your emotions and using them,not becoming a slave to them is one the key things.You would know that if you actualy have read this ''media''..

im going crazy just imagining how *insert intelligence insult * someone can be... srsly man its not even funny.


Incorrect. You are simply, flat out, incorrect.


Sith, real Sith, almost never control their emotions or themselves. Even George Lucas said this about the Sith specifically in the Episode III commentary. Sith don't seek to control their emotions at all they instead revel in them and whenever possible indulge in them.


Sith are not cold, calculating, intelligent antagonists.


Sith lose pretty much every time because they are filled with hubris and because they let their emotions get out of control. Sith lose because they make stupid acts because they are completely self-serving.


Malek betrays Revan despite knowing that Revan is more powerful than him and that he is the best chance of defeating the Republic because he wants to be in charge.


Darth Sidious goes to the second Death Star against the advice from his advisers because he believes that he is flawless and unable to be outsmarted.


The list goes on for weeks. The SIth that you claim are "real Sith worthy of the name" don't exist anywhere in canon.

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Being overconfident,has nothing to do with the things i spoke about with the guy above.


The SIth that you claim are "real Sith worthy of the name" don't exist anywhere in canon.

Uhm.... yes they do.

Palpatine(up untill he overthrew the republic),Revan,Bane,all sith of the Rule of two,all ancient sith,Freedon Nadd.


Enough of this,lets stop spamming the thread ,which is about why the Empire appeal more to people.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Darth Sidious goes to the second Death Star against the advice from his advisers because he believes that he is flawless and unable to be outsmarted.


I am surprised you didn't bring up when Sidious childishly undermined Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign to restore the Empire, a stupendously idiotic thing to do and only because of his foolish pride, because Thrawn assumed leadership of the Imperial Remnant, which any true commander would do if your superiors were dead, if Sidious hadn't undermined Thrawn's efforts, simply contacted him then retaken his position as Emperor and then combined their fleets, they would easily have retaken the galaxy, but the all-knowing Sidious was to blindly proud of himself to let that happen.

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There's not really much point arguing with Kaedusz. He has little to no knowledge of the lore and in addition interprets showing the canonical definitions of the Sith as a personal attack against his ego.


Just a little spoiler - the Sith lose at nearly every point in known galactic history. They enjoy some brief victories (for example, Palpatine's brief rule as Emperor), but the Sith are destined only to destroy themselves through infighting. They don't have control of their emotions, and as a result they do many things that are tactically unsound. Even the most calculating Sith in existence, Palpatine, is guilty of acting like a 6 year old and undoing all his own hard work when the mood strikes him.

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There's not really much point arguing with Kaedusz. He has little to no knowledge of the lore and in addition interprets showing the canonical definitions of the Sith as a personal attack against his ego.


Uhm ... no? :)


Directly from wookiepedia:


By harnessing their emotions rather than suppressing them, the Sith believed they could achieve true power. ...Indeed, the Sith saw passion as the only real way to fully understand the Force. However, the Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them, while the weak were ruled by them. ''


Directly from Darth Bane : Rule of two :


We must recognize that killing for sadistic pleasure-killing without reason, need, or purpose-is the act of a fool''


{These quotes are for the topic i was drawn into before ,not the second part of your post(infighting,destroying themselves and such),which is on different topic.}

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The Empire is more free-form and realistic. The Republic and Jedi in particular have always been so lifeless and sterile.


Sith express themselves freely and seek to get the job done.

Sadly the game railroads both sides into a fixed path so badly that you MUST be a maniac or a saint on either side to get the best gameplay.


I second this motion. There is not a whole lot options for those of us that play middle of the road. Not every sith was a raging homicidal fiend. You can go back and check the canon to see many more sith came to understand a balanced path than the jedi, reasons be varied. Even Darth Malgus gets fed up with the empire's racism and scheming and tries to set up his own.

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