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What is the Appeal of the Empire?


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Now, and this is only friendly advice... Your people skills need far more work than my own do. However that is a discussion for another time. Zone, you and I are obviously incompatible. Thus I am simply choosing to cease any and all further discussion with you. I won't see your posts and I recommend that you don't reply to mine anymore as I won't be able to see them.


Actually, for my money, your people skills need far more work than Zone's do. Of course, someone as self-absorbed as you are will have no clue that their own behavior is most often the cause of the friction and disharmony in their interactions with others. Good luck with that.

Edited by boxfetish
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Actually, for my money, your people skills need far more work than Zone's do. Of course, someone as self-absorbed as you are will have no clue that their own behavior is most often the cause of the friction and disharmony in their interactions with others. Good luck with that.


You are entitled to your opinion of course.


Zone put me on permanent ignore, I put him on permanent ignore, and the universe will be a better place because of it.

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You are entitled to your opinion of course.


Zone put me on permanent ignore, I put him on permanent ignore, and the universe will be a better place because of it.


But Walsh why are you even in this thread?


It is asking people why they like the empire, something which you do not. So why are you hear? If it was to 'correct' that 'mistake' then you have done it, so leave.


Also I find the Empire very interesting for the same reason I find the Dark Elves/Eldar interesting, nothing like their society exists in our world, also there classes rock

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I don't know why but the trooper's talk about the republic is kinda cliche and annoying.A soldier for the good side-hate the concept.''We fight for the Republic and freedom.Sir ,yes sir!'' ooh BITE ME

The 2 jedi classes are too self - righteous and ''boyscouty'' for me.When i hear the male consular speak ,i just wanna enter the game and punch him the face,drives me insane..Although the jedi knight played as an angry jedi ,like Anakin, is interesting.

The way the smuggler talks and the whole character radiates degenerate low life to me.The ''criminal'' element in him is repulsive and not cool.


sith inquisitor-sith lore and ''unlimited power'' - awesome

sith warrior- sith powerhouse expert with lightsaber-awesome

bounty hunter-mandalorian warrior(hello?) with power armor with all kinds of tools, like the predator(from Alien vs Predator)- omg awesome

imperial agent- Neo(from the matrix),+Cleric( from Equilibrium),+Hitman(from Hitman)+James Bond + Ghost(from Starcraft)- all kinds of pure awesomeness


Also the Republic dresses like crap,exept maybe the smuggler to an extent..Empire is more stylish and good looking.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I don't know why but the trooper's talk about the republic is kinda cliche and annoying.A soldier for the good side-hate the concept.''We fight for the Republic and freedom.Sir ,yes sir!'' ooh BITE ME

The 2 jedi classes are too self - righteous and ''boyscouty'' for me.When i hear the male consular speak ,i just wanna enter the game and punch him the face,drives me insane..Although the jedi knight played as an angry jedi ,like Anakin, is interesting.

The way the smuggler talks and the whole character radiates degenerate low life to me.The ''criminal'' element in him is repulsive and not cool.


sith inquisitor-sith lore and ''unlimited power'' - awesome

sith warrior- sith powerhouse expert with lightsaber-awesome

bounty hunter-mandalorian warrior(hello?) with power armor with all kinds of tools, like the predator(from Alien vs Predator)- omg awesome

imperial agent- Neo(from the matrix),+Cleric( from Equilibrium),+Hitman(from Hitman)+James Bond + Ghost(from Starcraft)- all kinds of pure awesomeness


Also the Republic dresses like crap,exept maybe the smuggler to an extent..Empire is more stylish and good looking.


I actually considered making my IA a bald guy with the name "Fortyseven". lol


I noticed elements of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer (The 3 JBs of Espionage), as well as Jim Phelps (Peter Graves version) and Nick Carter: Agent of AXE in the Imperial Agent's character and story. By far the best of the bunch, imo. :)


Trooper would have been better with Adam Baldwin (HALO: ODST, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Chuck, Full Metal Jacket) doing the voice. Would have been more believable, imo. lol

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Even as a 5 year old my first Star Wars figure was Empire. The Imp classes looked so much more appealing in the trailers I had seen before launch. I already had my mind made up. If only I had my own personal evil lair to reside, (in game housing!) then I would indeed be a happy gamer.
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I actually considered making my IA a bald guy with the name "Fortyseven". lol


I noticed elements of James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer (The 3 JBs of Espionage), as well as Jim Phelps (Peter Graves version) and Nick Carter: Agent of AXE in the Imperial Agent's character and story. By far the best of the bunch, imo. :)


Ah yes i knew i forgot something-Jason Bourne,thanks for reminding me. :D

* * *



Would be so fun to see the agent appear behind the smuggler while he is talking to some people the usual sleazy,stupid jokes with that *********** intonation of his.Then the agent suddenly says his usual sentence when he is about to ''dark side'' someone.


-"Time's up.YOU'RE DEAD'' Then proceeds to blow his brains out. :p

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Not sure. I rolled Smuggler first because, well, its a smuggler. Why wouldn't you?


Then I rolled Sith Marauder, because Pure Blood Sith are the only interesting Alien race available, rest are boring colour swaps.


Then I rolled a Jedi Knight Guardian for some more traditional and because I heard the JK story is epic.

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Look at it this way:


If you had the force, what would you do? Would you really follow some kind of sterile dogmatic code? Would you lead a monkish lifestyle, free of all corruption and attachments? I mean, is that *really* realistic?


Think about how often you, on a given, random day, for perhaps a moment just toy with hurting someone. Like, say you're out driving, and some guy cuts you off and then flips you the bird. If you were given the ability to hurt or kill him without any consequences (moral, religious, legal or otherwise), can you honestly say you'd be able to restrain yourself? He's just some random slob, and you can obliterate him with your mind.


The darkside is the force. The Jedi just have it wrong. Peace is a lie. That's the appeal of the Empire.


Yes, very simple yes. Why is it so much fun to hurt someone? Dont u feel any right or wrong in you? Nothing to do anything to any reason (moral, religious, legal or otherwise) just imo a normal person dont go out hurting other living beings, its odd that someone even thinks like u seem to do. Seems most of us are worse than wild animals who would never kill for fun.

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For me its the oppertunity to play the other side of the story. For so long ive been playing Star Wars games where you take on the role of a Jedi Knight it was good to finally walk in the shoes of a SIth Warrior. Im only half way through my first story as a Sith Warrior Juggernaut and i think its fantastic!
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Yes, very simple yes. Why is it so much fun to hurt someone? Dont u feel any right or wrong in you? Nothing to do anything to any reason (moral, religious, legal or otherwise) just imo a normal person dont go out hurting other living beings, its odd that someone even thinks like u seem to do. Seems most of us are worse than wild animals who would never kill for fun.


You don't own a cat, do you?

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Yes, very simple yes. Why is it so much fun to hurt someone? Dont u feel any right or wrong in you? Nothing to do anything to any reason (moral, religious, legal or otherwise) just imo a normal person dont go out hurting other living beings, its odd that someone even thinks like u seem to do. Seems most of us are worse than wild animals who would never kill for fun.


Sadly it's the human condition. When we are bestowed with great power it is very hard if not impossible to become corrupted by that power. So if someone does wrong by you, and you can choke them or electrocute them without actually touching them. How long would you last before you did it to someone.

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Sith don't kill for fun,.neither do cipher nine or the mandalorians(the BH)


are you being serious or sarcastic. Hard to tell on the internet.


If serious you're fogetting one of the first quests you get when you get ti DK, with the guy who points out the murders.


Yeah, pretty much SOME sith kill fior fun!

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are you being serious or sarcastic. Hard to tell on the internet.


If serious you're fogetting one of the first quests you get when you get ti DK, with the guy who points out the murders.


Yeah, pretty much SOME sith kill fior fun!

Basicaly what you say is the typical childish republic view and shows poor knowledge of the lore.

Sith that kill for fun are poor exuses of sith and failures.


Least of all killing for fun is too useless to be bothered with for them.


For example Darth Bane considered those who kill for fun and pleasure to be ''barbarous and perverse fools''


Basicaly your whole view of the Sith is fundamentaly flawed.

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I never did WoW regularly, but I did hop around on different types of MMOs before I got to TOR. My experiences have led me to believe this simple truth in life.


People desire to hurt each other (whether they know it or not) and having the power to do so makes it even more appealing. This applies to both sides, the Empire and the Republic in this case. I like to think I'm different, but I can remember a few raids on rep bases I've done where I chased down a few straggling survivors that thought they could get away.


That's what makes both groups the same. The difference, in my eyes at least, is how we protect one another. My biggest experience in this came from DC Universe online, the land where PvP protection is a myth and people were almost required to go out in groups if they didn't want to die every time they spawned. Funny thing is that the villains were always organized. There always seemed to be a group of villains coordinating to take out a group of heroes that was camping a story area, and even if there wasn't there were 1 or 2 high level toons staying around to discourage ganks. The same was not so for the side of the heroes. Heroes acted alone. Heroes went about their business as their comrades died nearby. Heroes wouldn't lift a finger to help.


It's not the exact same thing in TOR, but I've always felt that the Imperials at least look out for one another, whether it be coming to aid if the reps try to steal a world boss or even if they notice you're losing a fight and need a little poke to help you finish the enemy off. Corny as it sounds, I honestly feel like more people in the Empire actually care.


I hope I'm wrong, to be sure, but I've never exactly been shown otherwise.

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