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The biggest thing hurting competitive PvP right now.


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im sure the devs know. tthis is an obvious problem and im sure the makers of this game have noticed. no need to frenzy anymore.


Now that the problem is in launch they need to fix this. It isnt going to happen overnight. they may not even know what the problem exactly is right now. At least wait until the next big maintenance patch (the 4th apparently) to see if any improvements are made before continuing the posting frenzy.

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In the Reddit AMA, RockJaw indicated that Bioware was aware of this issue. Hopefully we'll get some more info soon.


This is one of those things that isn't quite game breaking, but annoying enough to be a consistent issue. I've gotten used to basing my abilities off my animation most of the time, but it's silly that all these cooldowns and cast bars I'm provided with don't reflect what's going on. Why do I fall off my amount well after the cast bar is done? Why is there this discrepancy?

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