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My Lightning / madness build


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I thought after getting Wrath and Death field in Madness tree that the rest was more or less useful except for Deathmark and Creeping terror. So I thought about putting points in lightning which turned out, in my opinion, to go very well with the points I spent in Madness.


This is the build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201hZfsMMbMr0zZcMcRs0z.1


Please give feedback on either Pros and Cons in your opinion because I haven't tested it yet.

Edited by Faktaface
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Actually, that's the benefit of it in PvP. It stuns them when broken early. There's nothing quite as sweet as whirlwinding someone on a fire plate in Huttball, as the 2-second stun means a very high chance of them melting before they get out, even if you don't keep nuking them. It also just won me a Voidstar (14 seconds left, broke the final door, everyone else CC'd/slowed, I trinket and force speed down, a JK from the other tunnel leaps on me ~8 yards from the console and starts facerolling me, I casually wave my hand, whirlwind, walk past, score with 2 seconds on the clock).
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