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Collectors should have priority


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would had bought the CE Aswell but it was sold out and i wanted to clear my pre-order so just bought normal edition ... im not picky about money i would gladly pay 200 bucks for CE because it's less than my daily budget so there you go
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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


I'll give you my early access, if you give me all the stuff in the box.

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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


What you think is fair or not is something you should have evaluated before you entered into an agreement, don't you think?


This is exactly what you agreed to. You have zero reasons for complaint.

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May I make a name suggestion for your first character when you do get access? "SpeshulSnowflake" It might exceed the character limit, but you bought the CE edition, you should get a longer name.




seriously that was awesome:)


ye i am one of those with ce....got it for the statue and i'l be honest about that, didn't get it for any other reason, but then i have loads of starwars stuff.


and sod off op you do not deserve anything, for that comment i think you should have your account frozen for a month for thinking your entitled to something your not.


edit: paid £20 quid for my pre order......swines only paid $5 thats just not fair....


wait i did get my invite already....darn how can i complain...hmmm i'll be back later guys i need to validate and argument for here about how my £20 deposit entitles me to more than you....hahahahaha ye right then.

Edited by Gazzzenn
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As a CE buyer, I don't expect special anything.


I am frustrated about the project wait after launch - my retailer projects shipping the CE to arrive on the 29th, compared with other editions this week - but that's 'VIP in reverse.' PIV?

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No, no we shouldn't our money is no different or better than anyone elses. I pre-ordered to get early access, I pre-ordered the CE for the extra digital stuff the key and all the other goodies. I am getting exactly what I paid for, the extra stuff.
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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


I have CE too, but I'm fine with the way they are doing it. First-come first serve sounds fair to me.


(BTW, I bought CE not for box/statue/in-game stuff, but for the Star Wars lore. Sorry, just a fan. =P)

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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


But the guy that didn't pay for the CE still paid for the same early access that you did. Your argument fails by an order of magnitude.

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They said the invites are going in order of pre-order... Give it up.


This is actually FALSE. It's going in the order of the TIME YOU REGISTERED YOUR PRE ORDER KEY. So, if you ordered in July but didn't register the key until August, you're SOL. Fail BioWare is fail.

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If under the list of things you get from buying the collectors edition it said "You also get priority early access regardless of when you enter your code" I would have no problem with that. But it doesn't say that. You didn't buy that. You bought exactly what you got.
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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


It makes a lot more sense than doing it just because you preordered it 6 months ago. A preorder is a preorder. I bet the next game they launch they'll give even earlier access to if you preordered while the game was still in development. I didn't get the CE because it's for suckers who want a doll, music cd and some artsy crap.

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If under the list of things you get from buying the collectors edition it said "You also get priority early access regardless of when you enter your code" I would have no problem with that. But it doesn't say that. You didn't buy that. You bought exactly what you got.


That's actually the problem. It was so vague that NOBODY knew what it was going to be. That's fine though, because now I know what a POS this company has gone to since DA2 so I'll gladly save my money for other games.

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Like a majority of people have stated, you people that preordered the CE are getting some swag that others aren't, it never said you get priority for EGA. You made a conscious choice to shell out the $150 because you either wanted the swag and the game or are easily distracted and swayed by shiny objects and whirlymajigs.
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That's actually the problem. It was so vague that NOBODY knew what it was going to be. That's fine though, because now I know what a POS this company has gone to since DA2 so I'll gladly save my money for other games.


What was vague that could have possibly been "priority early game access"? I didn't see anything close on the list when I was making my preorder.

Edited by HazardOOI
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I did not buy the CE my self couse i think its a waste of money, when it most likley dont even cost the half of the price to make a CE box. Anyway for the once that did order it i would rater let them get the earlyest access even though when you pre-order a game to get early access you assume you will get to play it when everyone ells that did pre-order does. Some people dont know if they will have money for the game around the release date a year before it will get released and do then want to wait with ordering it.


This should not mean they will not have the same opportunity as the people that did order it many months before. I have no problem understanding that they wanna let a few people in before the rest of the people but YOU HAD A BETA that just ended, and i played in it and the game did run just fine. But guess this is just one more thing i can add to my list of things that pulls this game down compared to other mmo's didnt realy see Rift had a problem to give players what they where promised but then again that was a new company that instead of just following there own head they infact listened to there players. But then again Trion are the only company i have seen that dont take money for every damn service they are offering there players like character transfers and such. Also I know many of you guys will say you dont like wow clones and so on. Well i dont realy care couse the facts are this. A game that are as big as wow, and that most mmo players have tryed sets a standard to mmorpg's since people (despite what you will say) want something that are familliour. You can look at how it went with Age of Conan.


It was a great game but was to different and did lack a lot of things that wow did have. Dont mean big things and this seems to usualy be the problem. The new mmo's look at the other games on the marked and take all the big things but they seem to allways forget the small things. Like holding shift and clicking someone's name to see what lvl they, what class, race and such. It this small things that ppl do notice and would make have made there game experiance a lot better. Just becouse "ah i cant do that, ok then i have to go to the "who window" and find there name there" and so on dont take many sec to do it but i makes you get a wors experiance then what you rather would get if they had infact did some more research.


Only reason i did mention Rift is becouse they are realy the only game that have been close to give players many of the same things as wow can give them and then some more. Not saying they are perfect since they got alot of flaws like that there PvP are realy not any good. I dont know if swtor has given us any LFG system yet since the beta if they havent im sure this is one thing that will make them lose players since many players are used to it now and dont wanna sit around for hours looking for members for a group.


Also the voices and character creation im sure they havent done anything with since the beta well it kinda speaks for it self im sure atleast half of the ppl that read this agrees with me that is not realy any good compared to many other games and the races WELL im not even going to commant on them other then this it seems like a decent game that got most of the things we should expect from a new mmo today but they could have given us a lot more. After all they kinda just give us basicly what we allready have in other mmo's other then that we can use a light saber (that it also dont seems like we can customate after what type of person our character are). can aslo not choose what style we wanna use, One sword, dual wield or a staff. hmm kinda goes against the Star Wars lore.


Guess i did get a little outside the "Collectors should have priority" title but i totaly agree about that atleast as long as they dont give us all access the same they when they allready did run there BETA to test out things like "Will the serverers be able to handle so many people" Well if they dont do it now then you kinda have a problem.


Also to you who might think this is a wall of text hmm. Have you ever tryed to read a book ?? just asking.


And to anyone ells that think "oh i have to make a reply to this couse im so cool and im sure he cares what i mean about what he did write" well sry i dont, Seriously


Hope you enjoy the game =) atleast i hope i will when they just get them to give me that damn early access inv =P


And Bioware seems like a decent game you have here but dont be dissapointed if this turns up amoung the other free to play mmo games. Its pretty much all in your guys hands where you want this game to end up. :)

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And yet, you're here. Instead of paying $60, you could of waited until the price of the game is cheaper, then join in.


Point is, it's not just a marketing scheme. Some people (like me) actually want those items in the CE. Plus, $150 is really nothing.


QFT, when money is no problem I would prefer to be chillin' in the VIP lounge as opposed to NOT chilling in said VIP lounge.

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I am sorry to those who ordered the normal edition but I paid 160$ for the Collectors Edition and did the pre-order. I honestly think it would make plenty of sense for CE pre-orders to be given priority access so we should have been invited in the first few waves, regardless of when we entered our code. You might say "thats not fair" I am pretty sure it is. If we paid three times as much as the majority we should definitely have priority.


I preordered the CE and I'm getting exactly what I paid for. I wasn't promised "first access" to the game or any kind of bs like that. In fact I was informed that the earlier I enter my preorder code the sooner I can get early access.


Clearly we weren't promised to get in first for getting the CE and I really don't see how we should be entitled to anything like that. It wasn't in the list of things I was promised for my money.

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May I make a name suggestion for your first character when you do get access? "SpeshulSnowflake" It might exceed the character limit, but you bought the CE edition, you should get a longer name.



definately gonna leave a mark:cool:

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