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[TheoryCraft] Hybrid PVP Healer / Support / Force Lightning spam


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in most pvp situations it is actually beneficial for your team if you can shield someone or if you can send out a quick heal, this can really turn the tide of a game especially in hutball where the flag carrier gets focused like nothing


I just theorycrafted this build, testing it now, i feel like you dont lose too much damage from this build, you can still force lighting spam and dot your opponent dealing moderate damage


your shields are buffed so in a 1v1 you absorb more damage and you can throw out and instant heal and proc a 1.4 second 2k-4k heal






Please tell me what you think id like to work on this together with other sorc players and get a discussion going


After testing alot with this build ive noticed that when im under attack its pretty easy to get interrupted and spell cast time is knocked back enough for it to be an issue will be revising the build.


Revised Build






Change Log + Reasoning


PLEASE NOTE: Damage absorbed by your Static barrier adds to your total healing count on Warzones, using only heals you can effectively get the 75k healing medal with no cast times. (I made these changes with this in mind aswell)


Corruption: (17)

- 2 Fadeout

-2 Dark reslilence

-1 Sleeping Darkness

+ 3 Lucidity

+ 1 Efficacious currents


Although fadeout is a pretty nice perk to shields the movement speed provided by it doesnt last long enough to justify spending 4 talent points to get it, by removing these points you have space to get 3/3 in lucidity which means you can heal more under pressure and you can also decrease the cd and cost of your shield meaning you can spam it a bit more


Lightning: (7)

- 3 Convection

+ 3 Electric induction


This one was a no brainer after i thought about it, of the 3 skills that Convection increases damage for i only use one. The force cost reduce will greatly help your ability to heal and dps during wz's and will keep you able to participate longer.


Madness: (17)

+ 1 Sith efficacy


Same reason as the lucidity addition, its annoying when you finish casting early etc. This point adds more force regen and less knockback, helps alot more than 1% crit chance imo.

Edited by YoDarrell
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I m using this , is ridiculu strong makes pure healers a joke , it focuses on survivability since im almost invisible 1vs1 or 1vs2 plus i can nuke whenever i dont have to heal cc.


Dark Resilience is pointless imho though Fadeout is nice, but its only 3 seconds. For 4 points I can get way bigger benefits such as Polarity Shift and Lightning Barrage.

Edited by Cyphen
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Dark Resilience is pointless imho though Fadeout is nice, but its only 3 seconds. For 4 points I can get way bigger benefits such as Polarity Shift and Lightning Barrage.


Fadeout is nice in theory but has proven useless in practice (ran with it for a bit). The 20% i believe is applied to base run speed. I figured it would be useful in huttball...nope.

Edited by whostolemyepyon
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Leveling up as a hybrid would you recommend healing first or madness? I figured healing would probably be better as you would get more flashpoints and 17 in healing should be enough for those, then focus on madness for damage later? Or did you reverse that?
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Leveling up as a hybrid would you recommend healing first or madness? I figured healing would probably be better as you would get more flashpoints and 17 in healing should be enough for those, then focus on madness for damage later? Or did you reverse that?


id go madness 1st, leveling is pretty slow as healing spec

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Leveling up as a hybrid would you recommend healing first or madness? I figured healing would probably be better as you would get more flashpoints and 17 in healing should be enough for those, then focus on madness for damage later? Or did you reverse that?


Madness first. Static Barrier and Dark Infusion can carry you through till mid 30s when stuff starts hitting harder.


I went with this setup before diving into the Corruption tree.

Edited by SaintNick
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Leveling up as a hybrid would you recommend healing first or madness? I figured healing would probably be better as you would get more flashpoints and 17 in healing should be enough for those, then focus on madness for damage later? Or did you reverse that?


Heals first (imo). Content pre-30 is super easy, and you do not spend much time having to "slowly" kill anything, with Khem out you will take relatively 0 damage and can focus on dps. Post 30 you will find your self healing a lot more, and having resurgence is very helpful.


I was able to solo a lot of heroic 2s (some 4s if it didnt involve a boss at the end) by being heals to start, I left balmorra @ lvl 26 (spent next 3-4 planets being 4+ levels above the content).


Additionally you will be a more viable healer in flashpoints.

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What do yall think about this hybrid setup?



For end game I would focus on 1 tree. As I understand it you will gain more benefits from the talents higher up. For leveling I would recommend something like this:


13/10/16 (by lvl 48), the last two points can be spent where ever.


Start in the corruption tree, then lightning or madness (choose what matters more to you). Then roll with that.


For PvP while leveling you can either heal or dps, and will definitely be a top performer (i healed in pvp from level 10-30ish exclusivley before starting a respec) and would easily break 140k heals (granted I also had 2/2 Efficacious Currents). Now with a hybrid build I am able to dps (usually on defense in failball) and heal and have around 80k points for both.

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