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Cannot get to Lars Beddeg on Coruscant.


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Hello. I am a Jedi Consular, level 10, with companion on Coruscant. I supposed to go to Lars Beddeg and defeat him, but most of the toons between here and him are level 15, and I can't defeat them. My companion and I keep getting killed. I've pulled every trick I can think of, and it's a no go. Totally not possible, as far as I can see. My armor is repaired, I'm using my weapons proficiently (old WoW player), but they're too much for me.


Can someone please give me some info that may help? I'm totally stuck.



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Your problem is that it's a level 14 quest. You just need to level up a bit before moving along.


Have you been skipping all side quests? I'm not sure how you managed to get that far along in the class quest series at level 10. I think I was level 15 when I started that quest.


You say you're a Consular; does that mean you don't have an advanced class yet?

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