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Operatives are way too powerful right now.


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They do an incredible amount of damage in a short amount of time. And have a lot of CC to boot. They aren't very squishy either at 50 properly geared.


Is something going to be done to lower their burst damage?


I beg to differ on one point: Scoundrels/Operatives are pretty damn squishy.

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Operative unloading out of stealth is brutal, probably the highest burst there is in game. I, personally was steamrolled by one several days ago, BUT they can't do jack **** without stealth, really. So this basically means that while I roll my face over keyboard nuking stuff for great numbers from 35m distance, the said operative is running around doing nothing and praying to drop out of combat to restealth.


End result: same damage, same kills, more solo kills and more risk.

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....no we don't. Couldn't be any less true.


Right, have fun getting stun locked and or dotted up and then blowing all your defense tools to restealth to only be aoed out of stealth and then obliterated..


We're squishy, really, we are. We have nothing outside of a 3 sec evade and a shield ability that absorbs jack.


If you run into a team fight and try and start ****, without a pocket healer, your boned, period.


We do really great at 1vs1, and even 2vs1 with sleep dart, but when there's multiple people on both sides, we're chopped liver if we get targeted.

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Man you gotta know what you can survive and where you have to position. Yes, you have to kite out of the fight sometimes. That's life as a melee. I die less and make a bigger contribution to team fights than any other class... you just gotta know... stuff.(this is the only word I can use.. as it refers to knowledge of everything going on, your cd's, their cd's, etc.) This class is in no way underpowered in team fights.
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Imperial Op is ridiculously overpowered! I just played a PVP and this Op went 33-1, i play a tank and he took me out with this stupid melee ability in 3 seconds. Why the hell shouldnt this be fixed?


You have no idea what you're up against or what they're doing to you. Do some research, use some ability names then whine, please. Unless this is a troll, I honestly can't tell.

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They should be nerfed, full stop. The only trolls saying they don't are operative players them self who don't want to feel as balanced as the rest of us.


We are burst DPS that rely on stealth to survive - go play one and then you can start complaining we need nerfs - its BS - You have to choose your battles VERY carefully or you will be dead quick - I play both a OP and a Shadow and the Shadow does way more burst and can survive way more than an OP.


Its almost as if people want us to be good at nothing except dieing - heck you choose your battle wrong and you are dead. We have to be good at SOMETHING and burst DPS is what we do, good for killing healers etc. - people complain because that also makes us really good 1v1 because you are dead quick, so what, most stealth classes are the best 1v1 classes in MMOs


And even my stealth feels messes up - evasion is supposed to get rid of DOTs or at least I would think it should, but I stealth out of combat after using evasion all the time just to have a DOT tick and pop me right now...then insta dead....or a class uses and AOE...insta dead...

Edited by Torn
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We are burst DPS that rely on stealth to survive - go play one and then you can start complaining we need nerfs - its BS - You have to choose your battles VERY carefully or you will be dead quick - I play both a OP and a Shadow and the Shadow does way more burst and can survive way more than an OP.


Its almost as if people want us to be good at nothing except dieing - heck you choose your battle wrong and you are dead. We have to be good at SOMETHING and burst DPS is what we do, good for killing healers etc. - people complain because that also makes us really good 1v1 because you are dead quick, so what, most stealth classes are the best 1v1 classes in MMOs


I've played one, they need a nerf.

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Operative unloading out of stealth is brutal, probably the highest burst there is in game. I, personally was steamrolled by one several days ago, BUT they can't do jack **** without stealth, really. So this basically means that while I roll my face over keyboard nuking stuff for great numbers from 35m distance, the said operative is running around doing nothing and praying to drop out of combat to restealth.


End result: same damage, same kills, more solo kills and more risk.


This guys got it ^^^ we have high burst DPS because that is how our class works - what are we without it?

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im level 50, 31 concealment with 10 pieces of champion gear... so let me say this:


-we have 1 CC break (2minute cd). 2 if we spec into lethality (which sucks for pvp unless you are hybrid healer and dont get 31 points)


-yes, my highest crit has been 5500-ish... with MY gear, reusable adrenals, stims, and on squish targets


-i do amazing in pvp groups that we run


-warzones are a horrible judge of one's pvp viability


-want to take care of a operative? run with a guardian/juggernaut/sorc/sage/merc/vanguard who knows *** "peeling" is. done and done.


-we have a 3 second 100% evasion... 3 seconds (1 minute cd). our absorb shield isn't that much, and its got a 45 sec cooldown.


-our primary attack has a 6 second cooldown... we dont spam one skill.


-The skill it looks like we are spamming is Laceration, which we need Combat Advantages for.





And for funsies, here's the "overpowered opener" that doesn't and wont need a nerf once people have expertise:


Acid Blade

Hidden Strike

Corrosive Dart (preference)




Laceration (if procced third)





yes, it's a lot of damage, but a good player can mitigate, especially if u have teammates who know *** they are doing

Edited by loknasty
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