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"All the kids roll Empire"


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There's no such thing as too old for video games. That used to be true when games were only for kids. Now there's plenty of games out there. You'll find that the average age of gamers has gone up considerably in the last 10 years or so, but then maybe you're not old enough to look that far back :p


I know what you mean. I've been gaming since 1982. I played in the Arcades (remember those?) and on my parents Atari 2600. The NES came out in 1985 and was the first console I owned.

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as if kids will post and say they are kids lol... by kids i mean everyone who is 18 years or younger.


there is a ton more kids on the empire because being dark and evil is cool..... i migrated from empire to republic.


there is one problem however is that unless one is experianced at gaming meaning growing up with it. Most adults really really suck at any kind of gaming and in general learn slower than teenagers so teenagers usually pawn adults who doesnt have a gaming background more often. also its easier for a teenager to become a hardcore than someone who has real life obligations....


this is coming from someone who is 24 and grow up with gaming... i met a lot of hardcore peers in my teenage years, but way less now because people have obligations...


tldr ver: Adults with no gaming background are noobs who typically keyboard turn and have trouble with RTS games and/or Fps because of the lack of time to practice in the field due to irl obligations.


kids: immature, unreasonable and do what ever feels like without consideration, ESPECIALLY ON INTERNET.....but has a lot of time to perfect and refine the skills needed in gaming...... tends to be better than majority of adults without gaming backgrounds

Edited by Concede
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This seems to be a common sentiment amongst people. Is it true though?

By 'kids' I think people are referring to teenagers, of course. 13-18 year olds.


blanket statement is blanket. Not true, although the trend may exist.


there's certainly no lack of immature imbeciles over here on republic side....

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Have you visited a COD or BF3 forum? :p


But yeah it may be telling that hardly anybody in this thread has said "I'm on Republic".

Just imperial after imperial



Err, well, yeah. This thread is about Empire players. Why would Republic-only players even bother to read/post? :confused:

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This seems to be a common sentiment amongst people. Is it true though?

By 'kids' I think people are referring to teenagers, of course. 13-18 year olds.


I sadly thought so at first... But after seeing how some of the republic players act towards other players on Lord Aaaras server i just has enough and switched too Sith empire...


I will never go back i find those on Imperial side to be more helpful and just all out nicer players to group with and be around

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Although the Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1985, Video gaming really gained widespread mainstream appeal in the 90s. SNES (1991), Playstation (1994), Doom (1993), etc. People who played these games heavily in high school and college are all in their 30s and 40s by now. There is no reason to assume that gamers are only college age or younger. Besides, actual age doesn't mean much in an online world since they don't necessarily have a correlation with maturity levels.


That being said, hardcore gamers tend to go for the "evil" side. Age is irrelevant.


Atari was earlier then 1985. So, NES was not the first on the block.

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I'm always pretty convinced that age will be spread pretty evenly for both sides...


...Although I can't say the mentality of the many adults I know going Empire side are a far cry from 13-18. ;)


[Edit: Note that when I say 'adults I know', I'm not making a generic statement- this is actually an observation from people I know personally, lol.]

Edited by Eonidae
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Well on my server on WoW (this isn't a game comparison, don't freak) all the kids played alliance because they were "pretty" and the "good" guys. So going by that logic I'd assume all the kids would roll republic, probably female jedi.


But it's all just speculation at this point.

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This seems to be a common sentiment amongst people. Is it true though?

By 'kids' I think people are referring to teenagers, of course. 13-18 year olds.


Not kids age wise, but immature for sure.


But people are pretty much more anti-social than I was expecting.


~20 ppl in high end zone and no communication, joking, comments, etc... pretty boring.


PS: That's what guild are for =D

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It's sad to see the number of adults on this thread who read "All the kids roll empire" and somehow interpret that to mean "All of the Empire are kids", which somehow means that if they're an Adult and in the Empire, it somehow proves the original statement false. You aren't doing much to demonstrate your intellectual development as an adult.


First off, I considered it a behavioural thing rather than an age thing. You can have very friendly youths that don't cause any trouble, and very distruptive adults. The term I used for these people is probably one that would get filtered out, so I'll use 'tards. Others on this thread have described them as aggressive and vocal, and also a source of many problems to others around them.


Since before launch, I too figured that Empire would have more 'tards than the Republic. Not that there wouldn't be any on the Republic side, or that there wouldn't be any non-'tards on Empire, but simply that if you were to isolate all the 'tards from the rest of the population, the Empire would have more. My reasoning behind it: 'tards will go Sith so they can be 'tards and claim to be "in character" or just "being a Sith". Some will go Republic so they can be a "bad Jedi doing Bad things", while others are just playing what they want but still being disruptive to others, which qualifies them as a 'tard.


I do agree with what some others in this thread have posted. The place where this has been happening most noticeably is on the PvP servers. I suspect most players on a PvP server aren't 'tards, but that doesn't matter at all to this thread. It's not about where the ones who "aren't" went, but where the ones who "are" went.


As for what side I chose, and where all my guild went, well, I'm an adult and I consider myself and everyone in my guild to be non-'tard, so where we went has no bearing whatsoever on this discussion.

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22 here rolled empire. my little brother 15 rolled jedi scrub... facts are facts kids


on a side note, i have usually noticed its people 16-25 who usually start this crap (like they did on wow). soo yeah umm calling the kettle black is all the rage again.


27 rolled republic 13 and 15 yo cousins rolled empire...facts are facts kids...

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