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Kira Carsen was a mistake and I should be able to kill her

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- careless
- controlled by the emperor
- obviously bad news as soon as i interact with her
- gets stuck being my padawan despite all of my protests with her being sith trained
- council refuses to imprison her after i say that's what we should do
- fighting a big bad guy, she turns on me and starts fighting me
- after defeating the big bad guy and her, SHE gets promoted to jedi knight -- the same rank as me

this is one of the worst characters i've ever seen and her head belongs decapitated on a spike. what were they thinking with her? when can i kill her?


Even in Beta, she was not one of the comps you could kill or not recruit.  (I mean yes, there were only in Beta that you could but there are many other comps that they clearly were thinking about giving you greater freedom about. I'm looking at you Skadge...)

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