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Darmas Pollaran for Saboteurs (spoilers)


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I've been thinking about how nice it would be if Darmas Pollaran returned to the Smuggler/Saboteur storyline.

Since Republic Saboteurs are in contact with Imperial Intelligence, and Darmas is an Imperial Agent (given that he hasn't retired yet) he could aid the Saboteur Smuggler (if the Smuggler spared him ofc) or other Saboteurs.

I think the Empire could choose Darmas as a contact because he had been living in the Republic for so long, and he knew their people well, especially the Smuggler. It would also be interesting to see his real personality. He seemed cynical and cold in contrast to his Republic identity, and I wonder how he would handle the fact that he and the Smuggler are on the same side now.

I really like this character, and if you romanced him, he delivers one of the best lines in the game when he reveals his true identity: "Do you think a few nights in your bed weigh against the glory of the Empire?!"

That was hilarious. 😂



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