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Some thoughts about companions as someone who plays this game and has misophonia


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I'm sure this is very much a "me" problem but also, just something I have thought about for a long time. 

So a quick TL;DR what misophonia is a strong reaction to specific sounds. For some, it's sounds of chewing or general mouth sounds while eating, and others it's actual nails scratching on chalk board. It can be linked to anxiety, ocd, autism, and the like.

Why do I bring this up? Well I'm someone who suffers from this sorta thing, let me tell ya, there's some sounds in this game that illicit a rather intense reaction from me upon hearing it. Specifically, the companion Amity's voice lines (by proxy the other selonian companion too from the star fortress missions). There are other companions that make it really hard for me to listen to in game (yuun for example) but Amity ohhhhh my goodness Amity..... During that season event I spacebarred the story because the sound made my brain feel like I needed to physically scratch it. And lately I've had to toss my headphones off when I accidentally send them out on a crew skill quest and they have this GRATING quip that for some reason (maybe it's me??) it goes on for WAY longer than other companion's voice lines. And it's not even the fact that the voice is a non-basic voice, I am totally fine with the non-basic voiced companions, just the specific way selonians sound in game is..... certainly a choice to put it nicely. In addition, I had the misfortune of maximizing their level on a number of my mains during the season they debuted and due to the crewskill list being in alphabetical order, they're right up top of the list so I have be careful and not zone out while clicking my companions to send to crew skills.

At worst this is an inconvenience, I understand that, and some folks can say "just play the game muted". Which while valid, I do enjoy listening to the other incredible soundwork/music this game has! I looooooooove the voices of the player characters and the amount of nuance and depth they bring! The pew pews of the blasters! The VWOOOOM of the sabers! It's all great sounds, and my gaming experience would be lessened if I had to play it entirely muted just because one or two companion voices drive me up the wall. 

In short, I'd just like to put this out there in hopes it gets on a dev's radar or something to consider a quality of life improvement like, favoriting companions (like how mounts can be favorited maybe?) or having a toggle to turn off companions chatter for crew skills in general (for the reason of logging in and having 8 companions all yell at once "I AM DONE WITH MY TASK HERE ENJOY!". Triggers my misophonia too, but to a way lesser degree.). Or even just... shorten that one REALLY long voice clip Amity says when you send them out on a crew skill because I swear it has to be the longest one out of any companion we have. 

Anyways, thank you for your time. And I hope it's not understood as me trying to demand change or anything from the devs, just something for them and non-misophonia sufferers to consider. And maybe also a way to see if others have this issue as well :jawa_angel:

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i played another game that, while maybe not exactly like your problem, has individual music theme tracks for each toon. they give the option to mute EACH toon's music. i'm sure it would be possible to do something like that here.

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