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Some thoughts and wishes.


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I know that what I will list below has already been voiced more than once on the forum, but nevertheless, this is what I would personally like to see in the game.

1. New playable species:  Bothan, Chagrian, Devoronian, Pantoran, Tholothians.

2. New planets: Mandalore, Kashyyk, Dathomir, Ryloth, Bothawui, Lothal.

3. New Strongholds: Hoth, Cloud City (like on Bespin), Corellia, Tython/Korriban/Ord Mantell/Hutta (small flat like on fleet), Voss, Oricon, Onderon, Flying Balloon or Barge on Tatooine, Moving Crawler, Tower (like Ezra Bridger).

4. Day/night cycle in Stronghold or the ability to choose the time of day before entering stronghold.

5. Flying mount (somth like Thranta).

6. Opportunity to grow and train your own creature mount.

7. Event "Real life": getting debuff: hunger, bad mood, sleepy, lazy, headache, appendicitis. Missions: visit to the dentist, repair broken mount or somth else.

8. More civilian armor.

9. Tattoos and marks/scars on body.

10. Helmets  for specific species (like zabrak, togruta, twi’lek, nautolan).

11. Add regen «Marksman-H training remote».

12. Cybernetic body parts. It can be either customization or armor.

13. Companion Tusken Raider. I know you can dress almost any companion in sand people clothes, but I would like to have a story related to the Tuskens.

14. Full ignore in PvP. I am absolutely not satisfied with the half-hearted ignoring in PvP, I do not want to be on the same team with players who come to PvP for achievements or to complete another Weekly and stay AFK in stelth. Since you have tied the receipt of rewards to Weekly, it will be fair if only victories are counted for Weekly. In PvE you need to kill boss for reward and achiv.

15. Tracking the storyline.

16. Start a family.

17. Creating biography.

18. Remove names from banned/inactive accounts.

19. Get a conquest reward for every 100,000 points on one character: it will be fair for players who play 1-2 characters and get only 2 rewards, while other players play on 10-15 characters and get 10-15 rewards accordingly.

Edited by selena_soma
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2, 9, and 19 are the only ones I see any real value in.

I remember when they changed conquest to include missions with legacy limits. I imagine this was done to decrease the number of rewards being distributed each week. For that reason I don’t think BS would want to implement idea 19 unless they can find a way to make it less rewarding (BS metric wise) then completing conquest on a different toon but more appealing (player wise) then completing conquest on more than one toon.

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3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

New playable species:  Bothan, Chagrian, Devoronian, Pantoran, Tholothians

It could be really nice to get new ones. Devaronian are my first choice. Then Bothan and Fallen. Zeltron could be a good option too with the Pantoran. Chagrian could be nice too. Not sure for Tholothian. :t_smile:


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

New planets: Mandalore, Kashyyk, Dathomir, Ryloth, Bothawui, Lothal

I'm not against come back on old planets but I like getting new planets too. Ryloth, Kashyyyk and Dathomir are on the top of my list with Naboo, Shili and Csilla. But I would like to get Bothawui and Mandalore too. :t_smile:


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

New Strongholds: Hoth, Cloud City (like on Bespin), Corellia, Tython/Korriban/Ord Mantell/Hutta (small flat like on fleet), Voss, Oricon, Onderon, Flying Balloon or Barge on Tatooine, Moving Crawler, Tower (like Ezra Bridger).

New strongholds are always welcomed. I really want a stronghold on Voss (house + garden or a park + a cave + a small Shrine of Healing, Dantooine (farms/houses + a barn + a big field to cultivate on it), Makeb (house + garden), Darvannis (a mandalorian camp) and Zakuul (Kaliyo's apartment). But I would like to get something on Onderon and Oricon too. :t_smile:


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Day/night cycle in Stronghold or the ability to choose the time of day before entering stronghold.

It could be a nice option for sure.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Flying mount (somth like Thranta).

It won't happen.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Opportunity to grow and train your own creature mount.

It could be interessing even if I don't know how it could work.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Event "Real life": getting debuff: hunger, bad mood, sleepy, lazy, headache, appendicitis. Missions: visit to the dentist, repair broken mount or somth else.

It's happening. With the Feast of Prosperity and the Dantooine Festival of Abundance, we get some "events real life" about coocking.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

More civilian armor.

We already have civilian armors in the game. But I'm not against to get some more.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Tattoos and marks/scars on body.

Don't forget new hairstyles too but also new skin colors for Twil'lek. :t_smile:


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Helmets  for specific species (like zabrak, togruta, twi’lek, nautolan).

It could be nice and it's possible (see Ri'kan armor).


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Cybernetic body parts. It can be either customization or armor.

It could be nice too. Only for one hand or one arm because I didn't see one like this.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Companion Tusken Raider.

I always happy when we get new companions. On the top of my list, I really want a female Voss commando speaking the basic. I would like to get a female Gormak companion, a Killik companion, a Trandoshan companion, a female Evocii companion (because I really liked Rakit as character and I wanted to know more about her and eventually get her as companion but another female Evocii could work too) and a female Chiss companion (as cool as Salana Rok) speaking the basic too. :t_smile:


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Tracing the storyline.

What do you mean?


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Start a family.

The family tree on swtor is a good start for this.


3 hours ago, selena_soma said:

Creating biography.

It can be done by yourself but it could be a nice add in the game.

Edited by orichichan
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5 hours ago, orichichan said:

What do you mean?


Tracking the storyline. I play several characters, and there are moments when you need to make a choice: stay in the alliance or return to the republic/empire, send a prisoner either to the alliance or to the republic. So as not to get confused in the plots of my characters.

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6 hours ago, orichichan said:

So? Because of she's in the game doesn't mean we can't get a new chiss companion non force user. :t_smile:

Of course not, but there are probably folks around who don't know about her.  (Very recent new players, mostly.)

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On 8/20/2024 at 2:57 AM, selena_soma said:

Tauntaun companion (please-please-please).

I'm not sure it will happen but who knows.


On 8/20/2024 at 2:57 AM, selena_soma said:

Ability to give a nickname to creature mount.

It won't happen for the mounts but it could be an interessing idea for the droid and the beast companions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

23.  Signs of Aging

Really want to see the character aging option, cause according to the internal chronology, about 20 years have passed since SWTOR start, but the characters have not aged a year.

May be add a younger/older and gray hair sliders in customization, or add on/off age as for the dark side.

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# 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 have my votes. Oh, I really want to see Kashyyyk and Ryloth!

My thoughts:

[12]. Remove Cyborg as a race and make cybernetics buyable and equippable instead, so aliens can use them too.

25. Option to play as Neutral, instead of Empire or Republic : Jedi who left the Order, Sith who left the Empire, Smuggler who profits from both sides, Bounty Hunter who takes bounties from either, Trooper turned rogue, Agent who knows too much ... 

26. Make it more open world. Option to NOT play the storyline. Buy a ship directly from a vendor at the Fleet, choose between different styles. Buy upgrades, cosmetics ...

27. Color wheels for skin, hair, eyes, make-up, etc.

28. More faces for aliens. Better yet, face sliders. And oh my god UPGRADE THE QUALITY. 

29. Headbands/Lekku decorations for male and female Twi'leks + folding lekkus over shoulder, around neck, etc. 

30. Any class can equip any weapon.

31. Make the robes less ... A-shaped.

32. Option to kill/not recruit a companion (coughSkadgecough)

33. A warship/space station stronghold.

34. Cartel Market wishlist. So we can get notifications when an item we want goes on sale.

Edited by SylvanLore
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1 hour ago, SylvanLore said:

[12]. Remove Cyborg as a race and make cybernetics buyable and equippable instead, so aliens can use them too.

No.  Do not remove it.  Add the cybernetics slider to other species, sure, but do not take away my Cyborg's social ability.

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On 8/18/2024 at 6:33 AM, selena_soma said:

I know that what I will list below has already been voiced more than once on the forum, but nevertheless, this is what I would personally like to see in the game.

1. New playable species:  Bothan, Chagrian, Devoronian, Pantoran, Tholothians.

2. New planets: Mandalore, Kashyyk, Dathomir, Ryloth, Bothawui, Lothal.

4. Day/night cycle in Stronghold or the ability to choose the time of day before entering stronghold.

12. Cybernetic body parts. It can be either customization or armor. 

  -- Cybernetic outfitter to add 1- 7 be wonderful, sold in set, or seperate for face or body.

17. Creating biography.

:hope_08: 19.  Would never happen, and not even be candidate for consideration, they want to encourage people play at least 8 characters periodically! 

  -- It see drastic clawing back reward's as 4-5 character's make 1 million conquest, see 40-50 conquest rewards; so far more conquests too easily!  :classic_sad:

Currently all Free to Play get 4 Character's, and Preferred get 12 for having purchased some Cartel Coins, or having Subscribed just once; that of course allows you to earn all 8 Legendary Buff's just fine and then some.  Subscriber's of course get 24 for Free, yet everyone can also buy more Character slots in Cartel Store as well.  If people choose to only Play 1, or 2 character's that's their choice, also higher conquest rewards is what most Guilds offer 'some nice' Prizes for! :classic_wink:

Still these are my Top 5 you listed above, any new Species likely be Cartel Unlocks, as they've already granted so many thru Legacy Rewards.  I've really love a Cartel Bothan Unlock as they speak Basic, as do others you listed like Chagrian could learn with ease, similar to Devoronian, Pantoran, & Tholothians.  Many also love to see Kashyyk --Wookie Planet, Endor Moon --Ewok, Ryloth --Twi'lek, or some others; maybe in 8.2 we'll get another planet like in 7.2 with Ruhnuk.

  • I'd love 1, or 2 additional Legacy &/or Cargo Bay slots!
Edited by Strathkin
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  • 2 weeks later...
19 hours ago, selena_soma said:

They can add a scale for choosing the species when creating a cyborg. Ofcourse all species should be unlocked.

That would do weird things because you'd end up having to make NPCs' species-recognition dive into the character's customisations (slider positions), which it doesn't do now.  (You'd surely want NPCs to react to your your Cyborg-configured-as-PBSith as if the character is a PBSith, right?)  Putting cybernetics sliders on the other species avoids that problem.

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3 hours ago, Traceguy said:

I would actually love it if Day and Night cycles could just be something that all planets have. Unfortunately, I don't think the game is designed for such a lighting system.

Effectively, yes.  The shadows on terrain of other pieces of terrain are often visible way beyond the distance at which other shadows can be seen, because they are "decals", in effect painted directly on the rocks.

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