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DataCrons, Jumping and Platforming...why its terrible...


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There are a couple of mechanics here that annoy me, but making people jump to get datacrons isn't one of them.


What does annoy me is:


1. You should not have to have a friend with you to get a datacron. Sure have switches to enable stuff, but you should be able to go hit the switch, then go to the door/lift/whatever that the switch activates. Needing someone else is just a PITA.

2. The balloon ride, oh dear god that was a stupid idea. Get rid of it.

3. Jumping, period. In all the movies, games, TV shows etc, ALL force users are capable of astonishing leaps. Why can't we do that as a matter of course, huh? It should be an innate ability to be able to make huge leaps. And non-force users can be covered too with rocket packs or ascension guns. I don't have any issues with responsiveness of the jumps, but it's ridiculous to limit people, force users especially, to 2 ft...

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its a terrible terrible mini game not because it exists or is hard but because its FORCED on us... with out those stats your going to pretty much lose to anyone has them because 1-2% at high end games will determine win vs loss believe it or not gear matters in this game quite a bit.



On equal playing fields yes 1% could make a difference.. 99.9% of the time.. it wont..


And from someone as yourself who cant get them because of lag.. you'r e not gonna win any PvP medals anyways so......Trolled?

Edited by MaliceX
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thinking about it, the unresponsiveness in jumping could be linked to the ability delay that i and many others are getting that could well be the issue... but still doesn't explain why we jump like we are made of bricks, why we have such a short range on our forward jumps, and why feels so slow and sluggish.
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Honestly I think what he is talking about is the ability delay that Bioware has already acknowledged and is working on.


If you can't even see issues that Bioware itself has acknowledged, it's better to just not comment. Although, it didn't help his argument that he's grossly exaggerating things.


The feedback that is happening on this forum is, on the whole, worthless. I ignore all the 'fanboi' and 'hater' comments, but there is something to be said for being realistic and practical when voicing concerns... just as covering your eyes and repeating the words "there are no problems here" isn't helpful either.

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Honestly I think what he is talking about is the ability delay that Bioware has already acknowledged and is working on.


If you can't even see issues that Bioware itself has acknowledged, it's better to just not comment. Although, it didn't help his argument that he's grossly exaggerating things.


The feedback that is happening on this forum is, on the whole, worthless. I ignore all the 'fanboi' and 'hater' comments, but there is something to be said for being realistic and practical when voicing concerns... just as covering your eyes and repeating the words "there are no problems here" isn't helpful either.



I guess it's possible that his jumping issue is unresponsiveness.. but This would be the first I have seen about it. I get the unresponsiveness all the time too when fighting.. I have yet for it to happen when just jumping, (esp in terms to datacrons) when nothing else is going on ..at all....

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There's one very strange thing I've noticed. My character and my husband's character jump differently.


My female Smuggler (body scale 2): I can usually make the jumps easily with her. Sure, I have my falls and what not, my 'I hit the spacebar, why did she decide she wanted to fall off instead of jumping?!' and 'argh I hit the curved edge and slipped off!' but...


My husband's Trooper (body scale 1, scrawny little thing): He kept complaining that his character had an excess of the 'character falling off instead of jumping across'. I kept telling him it wasn't that hard, etc. etc., and after spending well over a half hour waiting for him trying to get one specific datacron (after I'd already finished getting it for myself) I said: 'Oh just get up out of your chair and let me take over.'


Eventually he did get frustrated enough to do so.



And even with me 'behind the wheel', his character was slipping. And falling. And refusing to actually *jump* well over half the time.


I knew what I was doing. I had done many of these jumps previously with my Sorcerer, and then I had just done them minutes before with my Smuggler. Yet my husband's character just would not freaking jump correctly, more than half the time.


Tested on both his computer, and mine, just in case it would matter (though our systems are almost completely identical, the only difference is I have an extra hard drive and our sound cards are different).


It's boggling. I don't understand.

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People are seriously having issues getting datacrons? If you are complaining about the +10 to all stats one, okay, I'm on board for that since the MGGS is buggy as can be, and I end up on top of the ship any time I'm not teleported back to where I shot the MGGS (or I randomly die, which is sooo fun too). However, I have every other datacron, and I'm working on my second go round of collecting datacrons on an alt.
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As someone already mentioned in another datacron qq thread, datacrons are there to punish lazy players.


Bull ****. Datacrons are there as a challenge for people that enjoy finding them. They're completely optional and provide, individually, hardly any bonus. Collecting them all is a worth while endeavor, and people who do are to be commended.


That being said, some people, myself included, find the controls to be very impaired, and when coupled with latency or performance issues, the platforming can be ridiculously difficult. Calling people lazy and not giving it any thought just shows how foolish YOU are.

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Bull ****. Datacrons are there as a challenge for people that enjoy finding them. They're completely optional and provide, individually, hardly any bonus. Collecting them all is a worth while endeavor, and people who do are to be commended.


That being said, some people, myself included, find the controls to be very impaired, and when coupled with latency or performance issues, the platforming can be ridiculously difficult. Calling people lazy and not giving it any thought just shows how foolish YOU are.


I think you misunderstood me, I too said that they are a challenge in the game and I welcome them .


For the "lazy players" part I meant that datacrons seems to piss off these whiners.

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Bull ****. Datacrons are there as a challenge for people that enjoy finding them. They're completely optional and provide, individually, hardly any bonus. Collecting them all is a worth while endeavor, and people who do are to be commended.


That being said, some people, myself included, find the controls to be very impaired, and when coupled with latency or performance issues, the platforming can be ridiculously difficult. Calling people lazy and not giving it any thought just shows how foolish YOU are.


Again if you can't complete a simple jump I don't see how you can play/enjoy this game at all. (lag/latency or w/e)

This is one of the the more simplistic things in the game, I can't see how you could perform anything else in-game if you can't do this.

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I think you misunderstood me, I too said that they are a challenge in the game and I welcome them .


For the "lazy players" part I meant that datacrons seems to piss off these whiners.


Of course they do. They're supposed to piss you off. Working for a half hour on one and then getting it is a great feeling. That said, some of us do have legitimate issues. However, it's become so customary for a lot of things in the game for people to just say someone is QQ and be done with it.

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Again if you can't complete a simple jump I don't see how you can play/enjoy this game at all. (lag/latency or w/e)

This is one of the the more simplistic things in the game, I can't see how you could perform anything else in-game if you can't do this.


That's a nice strawman you've constructed there...

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As someone already mentioned in another datacron qq thread, datacrons are there to punish lazy players.


And I love the adventure of getting to one and unlock it, it gives you satisfaction that you worked for it


And by "lazy" you mean "players who don't read strategy websites?"



I'm sure that it's fun for some people to spend time on websites reading up on how to play a video game, but I think that's a pretty bad way to be forced into playing.

Edited by ponchovilla
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That's a nice strawman you've constructed there...


That's a nice reply also..of course I expected "I play this game to dress up and RP, not to take part in content"


Mine was a legitimate question even if it wasn't portrayed that way.

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And by "lazy" you mean "players who don't read strategy websites?"



I'm sure that it's fun for some people to spend time on websites reading up on how to play a video game, but I think that's a pretty bad way to be forced into playing.


It's just like better gear.. you aren't FORCED....

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I actually find jumping and climbing for the datacrons kind of fun. Brings back the good old days of gaming. Make players work for those cubes! :)
That and I love exploring areas.


I don't know what the OP is talking about, unless he has an even weaker machine than I do, or he has a terrible ping. The only jump related issue I run into is sticky terrain, but eventually you learn to work around this flaw with the game.

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Mine was a legitimate question even if it wasn't portrayed that way.

Fine, I'll bite...


How often do you have to rely on INSTANTANEOUS response from your input? It's crucial with CDs, buffs, and interrupts, but you have a big enough window where it won't kill you if you miss it.


Years of gaming has conditioned me to expect to jump the instant input the command. It just doesn't happen for me on my system. You never realize how crucial a tenth of a second is until you realize it's throwing your whole experience out of whack.

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Of course they do. They're supposed to piss you off. Working for a half hour on one and then getting it is a great feeling. That said, some of us do have legitimate issues. However, it's become so customary for a lot of things in the game for people to just say someone is QQ and be done with it.


The problem here is that your comparing " frustration " of something hard to get with " frustration " of something easy to get but the games engine prevents it do to how sluggish, horrible and bad jumping is in game. I don't care what anyone else says as some one that actually ENJOYS platformers of all kinds(heck i enjoyed MMX7 3D platforming and it arguably pretty bad) but i don't like missing a jump because game isn't responding to my inputs, or the character who SHOULD be able to jump a mile simply cant for unknown reasons. Fact of matter is platforming is fine IF done right, and your engine supports it and engine allows for a smoothe experience.


saddly swtor doesn't do the above its as if engine itself doesn't like idea of jumping period.

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The problem here is that your comparing " frustration " of something hard to get with " frustration " of something easy to get but the games engine prevents it do to how sluggish, horrible and bad jumping is in game. I don't care what anyone else says as some one that actually ENJOYS platformers of all kinds(heck i enjoyed MMX7 3D platforming and it arguably pretty bad) but i don't like missing a jump because game isn't responding to my inputs, or the character who SHOULD be able to jump a mile simply cant for unknown reasons. Fact of matter is platforming is fine IF done right, and your engine supports it and engine allows for a smoothe experience.


saddly swtor doesn't do the above its as if engine itself doesn't like idea of jumping period.


We aren't disagreeing. In fact, it sounds like we're having the same issues.


Cheers on that...

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Fine, I'll bite...


How often do you have to rely on INSTANTANEOUS response from your input? It's crucial with CDs, buffs, and interrupts, but you have a big enough window where it won't kill you if you miss it.


Years of gaming has conditioned me to expect to jump the instant input the command. It just doesn't happen for me on my system. You never realize how crucial a tenth of a second is until you realize it's throwing your whole experience out of whack.



There's plenty of jumps that took me 20 tries, fell off the edge before my jump went off, went too early and hit my head on something that didn't seem to be there, and there's that spot that makes the jump perfectly. Are you looking for a bigger leeway because you cant seem to be consistent? NS drove me nuts because of this but I didn't give up and whine about it, I tried again....

I didn't blame the game since we all have different systems, I found MY sweet spot and used it...

Edited by MaliceX
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