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DataCrons, Jumping and Platforming...why its terrible...


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The only problem i have with hunting datacrons is, the when u are required to make a jump from a standstill point...


one would assume, pressing W and the immediately SPACE would do the trick.... but for some reason it is the other way around... I have to push SPACE first to jump in the air and then press W to move fwd.


Kinda defies all logic.


Other than that... I love Datacron hunting... (only collected 19 so far)

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oh i love me a good platformer but thats the issue isn't it, differance between a bad platformer and a good platformer comes down to responsive controls, and hitting spacebar and waiting 5 seconds for my avatar to respond is horrible controls... fix that and no problems but not fighting game to get to places.



Get a better connection? Get a better computer?


Not everyone has this problem that you have.

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oh i love me a good platformer but thats the issue isn't it, differance between a bad platformer and a good platformer comes down to responsive controls, and hitting spacebar and waiting 5 seconds for my avatar to respond is horrible controls... fix that and no problems but not fighting game to get to places.


I'm not having that problem at all. 5 sec delay on spacebar is crazy. I'd do some troubleshooting of your system and the game config because that should not be happening at all.

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The only problem i have with hunting datacrons is, the when u are required to make a jump from a standstill point...


one would assume, pressing W and the immediately SPACE would do the trick.... but for some reason it is the other way around... I have to push SPACE first to jump in the air and then press W to move fwd.


Kinda defies all logic.


Other than that... I love Datacron hunting... (only collected 19 so far)


I can actually answer your unasked question about that. I've spent a CONSIDERABLE amount of game time test and testing again the different ways one can jump in this game. If you time it just right and hit Space and your forward movment key at the EXACT same time, you will, from a dead standstill, make your full jump and go a fair ways forwards.


The easiest way to practice this is to fly over to the Ziost Shadow on the Imperial Fleet (Sorry Pubs, I don't have a good location for you to use to practice with), and head down into the Museum. There, on a platform with only one possible way up, is a converted med droid. In order to reach him, you must stand PERFECTLY on the edge of the arm of the bench that's behind the platform. The exact location you have to be in order for it to work is on the edge of the arm farthest from the droid. You'll know you've done it right when you can take half a step forward and not fall off. From this point, hit Space and W at EXACTLY the same time and make damn sure you hold down W. You'll make it up there after a few tries. This principle stems from the way you jump when you take a running leap at something. Another good area to practice with (Again, imps only, sorry pubs), would be the flashpoint area on the White Nova. Try getting up to the platform with the statue on it. It IS possible, and if anyone wants I can post screenshots later tonight when I get home.


TL;DR - It just takes practice guys. Once you know the mechanic well enough, you can get to places you'd otherwise think are unreachable.

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This has been a problem for me as well. The pipe one are Taris just wouldn't work for me. It always felt like I was stubbing my toe and tripping like someone else posted. I also had the misfortune of having a giant droid companion with me which looks ridiculus balanced on a pipe beam in the ceiling with my trooper. Plus, the droid blocked my view so badly, it was hard to walk. I am sure it is my fault but I have only been able to get 1 so far in the Jedi Ruins. I have just given up on them for now as I am not even sure what good they are. Someday, maybe spend a few weeks going back and getting them. I don't mind the trouble but do not like the idea of waiting on someone to walk by to help push a button for me. Just my $0.02
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I will practice the jumping as was just posted. This should help a ton.


Glad to have helped, and i'll post those screenshots as soon as I can.


It can be frustrating at times, but the only thing for it is to try and try again.


Edit: Oh ****! I totally forgot! It REALLY helps to study your jump from all angles once you've learned to do the in place jump like I described above. I say this because knowing just how high your arc is and at what point you're at the TRUE height of your jump will literally make all the difference in the world.


Double Edit: God, I keep remembering things I forgot to post. Also, be aware that in alot of cases if you hit the edge with your toes and fall, hitting it at and angle will often times pull you up onto the ledge. However, the gap between falling and getting pulled is MINISCULE. As well as it ONLY works at an angle.

Edited by Yescek
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For me personally, the datacrons are one of the best things they added to the game. Its refreshing.


I have no lag at all jumping, yes some of them are tricky to get but that's the whole point. I would like to see even tougher ones.


They should definitely NOT make them easily accessible.


People are so spoilt by WoW, they seem to want everything handed to them on a plate.

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You want to make it challenging, fine. Give me a small target to jump to.


Don't make it so the jump-off point is sometimes arbitrarily "slippery" such that my character thinks running off the side of a building is preferable to actually jumping when I hit the space bar.


The former is a real challenge. The latter is fighting a bad interface.


It always kills me how people think those who don't want a bad interface want easy mode. You can make it responsive _and_ challenging people.

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You want to make it challenging, fine. Give me a small target to jump to.


Don't make it so the jump-off point is sometimes arbitrarily "slippery" such that my character thinks running off the side of a building is preferable to actually jumping when I hit the space bar.


The former is a real challenge. The latter is fighting a bad interface.


It always kills me how people think those who don't want a bad interface want easy mode. You can make it responsive _and_ challenging people.


I already find it both. However, I WILL say that I DO know what you're talking about. The beams in the Duros Sector on Nar Shadda anyone? FML, I fell twenty times before finally making it.

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i said it in my original post and i'll say it again i LIKE the datacrons, in fact some of them are amazingly fun to do. The later ones are even PUZZLES that require you to figure out how to access them. Some require you to have a friend to hit keypads ect those are enjoyable and i don't mind them at all! HECK i'd love to have a few that actually came up with starwars trivia, or lore questions! but whole platforming bull is just bad ONLY because of very bad jumping mechanics in game. Some of them are plain annoying to get to and some take you HOURS just to get to... having a hidden path is one thing requiring some ultra tedious series of dumb jumps that require you to wait 20+ minutes for the platform to roll by so can get to said play is just stupid...


Datacrons wouldn't be an issue for me if they didnt award stats but as a pvper, and pretty much ANY hardcore player are datacrons we have to seek out in order to be optimal... and people say otherwise are just fooling themselves.

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Developers seem to be under the misguided notion that jumping games, a.k.a. platformers, don't suck.


They're wrong


They do.


I didn't grow up on Mario in the 80's. Thankfully, I had an Apple ][. I grew up on Bard's Tale, Wizardry, and Ultima.


Now, I *had* a nintendo, but it was for decent games like Dragon Warrior. (A.k.a. Dragon Quest)

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I love the Datacron's part of the game.


But then again, I must admit I don't understand why people complain about the jumping.. I find it very responsive and easy to use.... I'm not trolling you, I'm not saying you're stupid.. I just honestly don't understand. The missus also has problems with the jumping system.


She also (like many people) had problems with Blackfathom Deeps (the jumping bit at the start). Personally, I loved that bit. :p

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Developers seem to be under the misguided notion that jumping games, a.k.a. platformers, don't suck.


They're wrong


They do.


I didn't grow up on Mario in the 80's. Thankfully, I had an Apple ][. I grew up on Bard's Tale, Wizardry, and Ultima.


Now, I *had* a nintendo, but it was for decent games like Dragon Warrior. (A.k.a. Dragon Quest)


well not to say platformers are bad if done right, are plenty of great platformers out there BUT problem is the entire game hinges on GOOD jumping mechanics and ability to get around with relative ease.

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While its a little annoying (the jumping etc)

It's new and kinda cool. (time sink)

The rewards for the time spent are minute...(shards are ok)


A nice bonus would be the +stats carrying over to your Legacy.. they are alot more helpful at lower lvls then they are at 50.

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While its a little annoying (the jumping etc)

It's new and kinda cool. (time sink)

The rewards for the time spent are minute...(shards are ok)


A nice bonus would be the +stats carrying over to your Legacy.. they are alot more helpful at lower lvls then they are at 50.


its a terrible terrible mini game not because it exists or is hard but because its FORCED on us... with out those stats your going to pretty much lose to anyone has them because 1-2% at high end games will determine win vs loss believe it or not gear matters in this game quite a bit.

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I like the idea. But I hate it when you try to jump from one platform to another, and when you jump you hit your head on some kind of invisible block, stop mid air and fall to the ground. Happens to me all the time. And after the 5-6th time you just want to uninstall the game :)
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