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Imperial Discovery Initiative: 18+ Heavy RP Guild is Recruiting

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Imperial Discovery Initiative

Mission Statement: The Imperial Discovery Initiative is a scientific Initiative of scholars, archaeologists, historians, diplomats, strategists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering, utilizing, and preserving the galaxy’s history for the benefit of the Empire. Members from various backgrounds are united by their passion for discovery.

Imperial Patronage: While officially neutral in its stance, the Initiative receives significant funding and support from influential Imperial figures who recognize the value of historical research and cultural preservation. This Imperial backing grants the Initiative access to resources and protection, allowing it to operate across Imperial territories without undue interference.

Research Focus: The Initiative's research encompasses a wide range of topics, from the ancient Sith Empire and its relics to the lost civilizations of the Outer Rim and Uncharted Regions. Members conduct field expeditions, excavations, and scholarly studies to uncover hidden truths and unravel the mysteries of the past. The Initiative conducts short- & long-term Starship voyages to achieve its research.

Ethical Guidelines: The Initiative adheres to strict ethical standards in its archaeological endeavors, respecting the cultural heritage of sentient species and avoiding the exploitation or desecration of sacred sites. It collaborates with local authorities and indigenous communities to ensure responsible stewardship of archaeological sites and artifacts.

Activities and Initiatives

Expeditions and Excavations: The Initiative organizes and funds expeditions to unexplored regions of the galaxy, where members uncover ancient ruins, tombs, and artifacts. These excavations provide valuable insights into the history and culture of forgotten civilizations.

Research and Scholarship: The Initiative publishes scholarly journals, monographs, and research papers documenting its findings and theories. It hosts academic conferences and symposiums where members present their research and engage in scholarly discourse.

Cultural Preservation: Recognizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage, the Initiative works to protect endangered sites and artifacts from looters, vandals, and collectors. It collaborates with local governments and conservation organizations to establish heritage protections and museum exhibits.

Education and Outreach: The Initiative offers educational programs, lectures, and workshops to schools, universities, and the general public, fostering a greater appreciation for galactic history and archaeology. It also maintains digital archives and virtual exhibits.

Diplomacy and Advocacy: As advocates for historical preservation, Initiative members engage in diplomatic Initiatives to secure funding, support, and cooperation from governments, corporations, and other organizations. They lobby for legislation to protect cultural heritage and negotiate access to restricted archaeological sites.


This is a brand new immersive heavy RP guild on Starforge (Imperial) for Adults, led by a seasoned GM with previous experience leading other guilds in SWTOR and beyond. We utilize handmade Character Combat Sheets with IC training programs (for both NFUs and FUs) to progressively unlock skills and abilities. The Initiative offers daily events suited for both group RP and solo RP, aiming to put and keep the power in YOUR hands when seeking to develop your character’s story and Combat Sheet. Beyond the introductory ranks, there is no gatekeeping for full members here!



The Initiative has a Main Plotline developed by the GM for long-term RP focus. When the current plotline is finished, we will begin a new one, developed and shaped by the player group. In between major Main Plotline developments, there will also be regular Side Quests.

Every member must complete a handful of simple IC/OOC tasks to become a Full Member. Full Members are granted an IC Operational Role in one of our departments. New Members begin as a Candidate and progress to Envoy. Afterward, you will be granted one of the following Operational Roles. Each role, including Candidate and Envoy, comes with a Special Ability for your Combat Sheet with HP being determined by Role + FU/NFU status.



We have a Stronghold, a Starship, a Guild Bank, an in-game IC chat & OOC chat, an immersive Website, and Discord for effective direction of relevant events and plotlines as well as general socializing (No one is required to use a mic in Discord).

To apply: please visit the website (viewability limited for non-members) and complete an IC/OOC Application. All members are brought into the guild via IC interview.

Please note that this is not a "test to make sure you can RP." Rather, the IC interview is for the sake of immersion. The objective is to give you, and thereby your character, a starting point for your activity within the Initiative. Feel free to concoct a fun way to approach the Initiative outside of simply applying or collaborate with the GM/Recruiter Shusantix to develop something fun –or just enjoy the straight-forward interview process! The creative power is always in your hands.


IC Antagonism is possible, however this is a safe-space for Players OOC.

Diversity is our strength and inclusivity is our commitment. Intolerance is intolerable.


Contact Shusantix in-game with questions or to meet IC to Join the Initiative!

Link to the Website to Join the Initiative!


Edited by Al_Moriarty
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The Altarin System, once a thriving sector of space, was rendered uninhabitable by a cataclysmic stellar event in distant ancient times. Central to this system is Altarin 9, a planet with a limited atmosphere characterized by massive natural stone structures that have been hollowed out and transformed into large edifices, now in ruins.


System Charting:

Our stellar cartographers have thoroughly charted the Altarin System, documenting its nine planets and the lingering effects of the stellar event that devastated this region. Residual dangers from this event pose ongoing risks for navigation and exploration. Fluctuating gravimetric disturbances have been detected.


Environmental Conditions:

Altarin 9 has a harsh environment with a limited atmosphere. The residual dangers from the stellar event, such as unstable terrain, increased radiation, and unpredictable geomagnetic storm patterns, pose significant challenges for further exploration.


Altarin 9 Exploration:

On the surface of Altarin 9, exploration teams have uncovered ancient relics from an unknown species, dubbed the Altarini. These findings indicate a highly advanced civilization. Key discoveries include:


  • Sophisticated Devices: Various technological artifacts of unknown purpose.
  • Intricate Carvings and Inscriptions: These suggest a complex cultural heritage.
  • Extensive Ruins: Large stone structures that have been hollowed out and used by the Altarini.




The detailed charting of the Altarin System and the exploration of Altarin 9 have provided valuable insights into the advanced, now extinct, Altarini civilization. However, the cause of their disappearance remains unknown. The preserved ruins and artifacts offer significant opportunities for further study and understanding of this system and its ancient inhabitants.


For further information and to participate in ongoing research and exploration efforts, please contact our team.

Explore the unknown. Discover the forgotten. Join the Imperial Discovery Initiative!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Altarin 9: Discoveries and Research (Ongoing)



These tablets are ancient data repositories left by the extinct Altarini civilization. Each tablet, when activated with a specific resonance frequency, projects holographic recordings of historical events, offering insights into the advanced technology and cultural practices of the Altarini.



Canopic Jars

These jars contain bio-organic specimens of unique Altarini creatures, preserved using advanced cryogenic techniques. Each jar, when opened, releases a dormant creature that can be controlled using biometric interfaces, potentially aiding or hindering explorers depending on their handling.



Vials of Unknown Substance

These vials contain a liquid crystal matrix that enhances Force abilities. When ingested or infused with technology, it grants temporary telepathic or telekinetic powers, reflecting the Altarini's mastery of mind augmentation.




These candelabras are energy transmitters designed to resonate with the planet's natural energy ley lines. When activated in sequence, they amplify and channel ambient energy, creating protective barriers or revealing hidden pathways within Altarini structures.



Ornate Statue and Box

The ornate statue depicts an Altarini elder, revered for their wisdom and leadership. The box beneath it is a dimensional storage unit, capable of holding and preserving items in a suspended temporal state. It safeguards artifacts and knowledge deemed crucial for the Altarini's future, awaiting the return of their civilization.



Mysterious Chest

Covered in glyphs of the forgotten Altarini language, the chest is an interdimensional gateway used for transporting rare materials across vast distances. Opening it requires aligning the chest's resonance with specific cosmic frequencies, allowing access to exotic resources and potentially unveiling lost aspects of Altarini technology.


More discoveries and applications for these devices and items are being made at the Institute of the Imperial Discovery Initiative.

Come join us and see what sets us apart!

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  • Al_Moriarty changed the title to Imperial Discovery Initiative: 18+ Heavy RP Guild is Recruiting
  • 2 months later...



The Imperial Discovery Initiative has uncovered a lead on an ancient Sith temple buried deep in the most treacherous, storm-ridden jungles of Dromund Kaas. The Temple of Obalis, a place of legend and fear, was the sanctuary of Obalis, a Sith sorcerer who was rumored to have unlocked forbidden secrets of the Force. His twisted experiments and dark rituals were feared by even the Dark Council of his era.

Now, the Initiative has been tasked with finding this lost temple, studying its artifacts, and cataloging its hidden knowledge. However, the temple is a deathtrap, littered with Obalis' insidious defenses; from cursed relics to living shadows that hunger for the Force itself. What starts as an archaeological expedition may become a fight for survival!

Join the Imperial Discovery Initiative today and embark on this new journey! This quest begins on Thursday 10.03.24.

Contact Shusantix in-game or visit us at our website!



Unlocking Galactic Knowledge

Edited by Al_Moriarty
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