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Spring Abundance Festival: Seed sourcing missions

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According to https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20240529, the seed sourcing missions are weeklies ("Seed Sourcing and Cultivation - Weekly") and it's random whether you get Nar Shadda, Mek-Sha or the Fleet. However, I only got Nar Shaddaa so far (>20 toons) and it's not a weekly but unlocks the cultivation weekly. Hence, looks like this:seedsourcing.thumb.jpg.7890eb213f17e9819ce8478e1cf2caea.jpg

Anyone already having the other quests?

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I agree that it's probably not a bug and is only Nar Shaddaa this week and next week we will get a different one for the week and same on Week 3 & 4. Ways to get the players to continue to play the event in later weeks just like unlocking the next story mission a week at a time.

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