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Please Please PLEASE End Unvoiced Player Character Sections During Main Story Missions

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As the title says, I would very much like an end to the sections of main story where our characters are suddenly unvoiced, something which has quite frankly reached ludicrous levels in the last couple of updates.


These sections are painful to sit through, frustrating (nay, maddening), and make me instantly check right out.


SWTOR is very special amongst RPGs in having not only voiced player characters, but 16 (x3 for the language options) different voices for those player characters.  Together with the dynamic cinematic cutscenes, it is what got me hooked when I started playing the game and continues to be my favorite feature of the entire game, because it's the main thing that sets it apart from other RPGs in a super positive way.


Speaking personally, if I am playing a game and my character is not voiced, I cannot connect with them, to me they are simply an avatar at that point and not a fully fledged character.  And that is fine in a game where the story is linear, there are no RPG like choices, and/or the point of the game is just the gameplay and not the story.  But when the focus is my character's journey through the story, especially if there are romances and different choices to make to change their personality and journey, I need them to have a voice or I simply will not connect with them and will not enjoy playing the story.


I know that many people do not care about having voiced characters or even prefer having unvoiced characters.  But considering the vast majority of major RPGs on the market have an unvoiced player character, those people have *so many options*.  Like, they can literally even play KOTOR if they want a Star Wars game.


But for those of us who want a voiced character, SWTOR is one of the few options available and is honestly one of the best, considering there isn't just 1 male voice and 1 female voice but 16 (x3) different voice actors playing the different roles.  And all the voice actors in this game are incredible.  They bring all the characters to life and make them all feel unique, to the point that not only does playing a different class feel like a totally different gane experience but you can literally make 8 different characters with the same voice but choose different dialogue options through the story and they feel like they have a different personalities and like totally different characters.


Is has been and continues to be amazing that aside from some optional side content, all main story content for the entire game (and especially everything with romances) up until recently was full voiced.  As I said, this is what got me hooked on the game and keeps me coming back. 


Which is why it was so instantly and horrendously jarring for main story content to suddenly employ the black bars of doom and make our characters stop talking in the last few story updates.  And if those sections were optional side content it would still suck but at least be less jarring, but they're part of the main required story to play through.


Every single one of these sections, I tune out.  I instantly don't care about anything that's happening because it feels like my character is suddenly not involved, because they aren't saying anything.  Yeah I'm choosing some options on the screen but because my character isn't saying them out loud it doesn't feel like they're actually saying them at all.  Which really sucks when it is meant to be an important part of the main story.


I know that it costs a LOT to pay all the voice actors and animate the faces and voices to match the spoken dialogue for every scene, and I know the game is low on funds, and that updates would come way slower and be shorter if everything was fully voice acted.  But literally, that is what I would prefer.  If it is too expensive to fully voice act a scene and have my character talk during the main line story, I would rather just not even have that scene at all, or would rather it be pushed to optional side content.  Bottom line: I would rather have shorter updates with fewer scenes and less dialogue but all of them voice acted than these longer updates with silent protag sections.

I know this is not the first post about this issue, and sorry this was such a long one, but I hope it is one of the last because I hope we stop losing our character's voice during the main story.

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11 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

As the title says, I would very much like an end to the sections of main story where our characters are suddenly unvoiced, something which has quite frankly reached ludicrous levels in the last couple of updates.


These sections are painful to sit through, frustrating (nay, maddening), and make me instantly check right out.

I 100% agree. I hate it too. It just doesn't jive with the rest of the game. However, in the interest of at least bringing some understanding, please also consider this: They need to requisition SIXTEEN DIFFERENT VOICES for the Player Character alone (eight Origins with both Male and Female variations); on top of all the other characters that need voicing on both Republic and Imperial sides. I am, quite frankly, happy that the PC is getting any voice work, not to mention the sheer quantity of out-of-cutscene dialogue we got during today's update; which is rare for the PC.

I 100% want the full thing voiced as much as you do. But I can at least understand why that's hard.

Full VA list for just the PC (using Coruscant Aegis and Empire's Fury call signs when a canonical name cannot be inferred), with at least 4 major names on it:


Jedi Battlemaster "Shield", Hero of Tython
Male VO: David Hayter
Female VO: Kari Wahlgren

Jedi Master "Guardian", Jedi Barsen'thor and Scorekeeper's Herald
Male VO: Nolan North
Female VO: Athena Karkanis

Lieutenant "Meteor", commanding officer of Havoc Squad
Male VO: Brian Bloom
Female VO: Jennifer Hale

Captain "Ace", the Voidhound
Male VO: Maury Sterling
Female VO: Kath Soucie

Lord "Tempest", the Wrath of the Empire
Male VO: Mark Bazeley
Female VO: Natasha Little

Darth Nox Kallig, head of the Sphere of Knowledge for the Dark Council
Male VO: Euan Morton
Female VO: Xanthe Elbrick

"Nightshrike", the Last Cipher
Male VO: Bertie Carvel
Female VO: Jo Wyatt

Hunter "Scree" of Clan Lok, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt
Male VO: Tom Spackman
Female VO: Grey DeLisle


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43 minutes ago, Gamer_Auto said:

I 100% agree. I hate it too. It just doesn't jive with the rest of the game. However, in the interest of at least bringing some understanding, please also consider this: They need to requisition SIXTEEN DIFFERENT VOICES for the Player Character alone (eight Origins with both Male and Female variations); on top of all the other characters that need voicing on both Republic and Imperial sides. I am, quite frankly, happy that the PC is getting any voice work, not to mention the sheer quantity of out-of-cutscene dialogue we got during today's update; which is rare for the PC.

I 100% want the full thing voiced as much as you do. But I can at least understand why that's hard.

Full VA list for just the PC (using Coruscant Aegis and Empire's Fury call signs when a canonical name cannot be inferred), with at least 4 major names on it:

  Reveal hidden contents

Jedi Battlemaster "Shield", Hero of Tython
Male VO: David Hayter
Female VO: Kari Wahlgren

Jedi Master "Guardian", Jedi Barsen'thor and Scorekeeper's Herald
Male VO: Nolan North
Female VO: Athena Karkanis

Lieutenant "Meteor", commanding officer of Havoc Squad
Male VO: Brian Bloom
Female VO: Jennifer Hale

Captain "Ace", the Voidhound
Male VO: Maury Sterling
Female VO: Kath Soucie

Lord "Tempest", the Wrath of the Empire
Male VO: Mark Bazeley
Female VO: Natasha Little

Darth Nox Kallig, head of the Sphere of Knowledge for the Dark Council
Male VO: Euan Morton
Female VO: Xanthe Elbrick

"Nightshrike", the Last Cipher
Male VO: Bertie Carvel
Female VO: Jo Wyatt

Hunter "Scree" of Clan Lok, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt
Male VO: Tom Spackman
Female VO: Grey DeLisle


Don't get me wrong, as I stated in my original post, I understand completely that it is expensive to get SO MANY different voice actors to record that many different lines (and then also the animation cost for every scene and lip syncing to every different actors' delivery of every line).  But if they cannot afford to do it, I just don't want it.  I don't want scenes in the main story where I just choose lines from a list and my character does not speak, PERIOD.  I would rather have no updates, or just an update that's one amazing fully voice acted scene (like if 7.5 had ended after the first scene, I would have been RAVING about how good the update was 😂), over an entire long story update where my character only talks in 1/5 of the cutscenes.

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