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7.4.1x - A week of QA. Thoughts?

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, DWho said:

Well, to address the original topic. Making things take longer does nothing to increase revenue for Broadsword. If you're a sub, they get the same from you whether you play 60 hours a week or not at all. The only thing longer slogs does is create the appearance of a server being busy and that only if it is in an area where people would congregate naturally (daily areas and group content). Longer slogs often, in fact have the opposite effect, fewer people subbing as they make the decision the slog isn't worth their in game time. The more likely explanation for the increased slog is that group play is collapsing and they want to try and force people into that style of play (since it is vastly more profitable from a time played perspective to the player). It also draws people's attention away from a compete lack of engaging new content.

That's why i mentioned that the jury was still out on who this nerf is really meant for. It has to be about the few newer and or occasional players that may be F2P or don't have billions on hand.

I like what you've said here about the appearance of being busy. If I were a new company trying to make a profit from a video game management gig, I'd want people to feel like there are people here playing the game.  But ultimately you're spot on imho. Queue times are a good indicator as well

Edited by Darviset
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2 minutes ago, Darviset said:

That's why i mentioned that the jury was still out on who this nerf is really meant for. It has to be about the few newer and or occasional players that may be F2P or don't have billions on hand.

I like what you've said here about the appearance of being busy. If I were a new company trying to make a profit from a video game management gig, I'd want people to feel like there are people here playing the game.  But ultimately you're spot on imho. Queue times are a good indicator as well

I think inability to create new content for whatever reason plays into it as well. Based on the assets in the game, it's clear GS6 was intended to have a reputation track but for some reason, they were unable to implement it (or it was a last second change). Why even have a currency drop if it is only really vendor trash, sort of goes against the idea they were trying to reduce the influx of credits to cool the economy. The choice of the flashpoints in the first GS misssion as well is telling. Those are some of the longest flashpoints to run (thus "stretching out" the content).

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On 3/18/2024 at 6:39 AM, Darviset said:

First, it's worth noting that Broadsword is a business and as such, they have bills to pay, overhead, sales goals, and strategies to make Star Wars profitable.

Then it's a weird flex to nerf solo PVE players cq rep to the point they are unsubbing in droves. I am still waiting to see if they roll this back before my sub expires. If not, they're losing my monthly input of cash. What possible strategy can they have that causes paying customers to spend their money elsewhere?

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42 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

Then it's a weird flex to nerf solo PVE players cq rep to the point they are unsubbing in droves. I am still waiting to see if they roll this back before my sub expires. If not, they're losing my monthly input of cash. What possible strategy can they have that causes paying customers to spend their money elsewhere?

I'm not thrilled with the change either, but we don't really know if players are actually 'unsubbing in droves'.  Some are for sure, but others like me are just cutting back on how many alts we get to conquest each week and playing a bit less.

I have a feeling (an opinion, I have zero facts for this) that more players are unsubbing (or choosing not to sub) over the Shae Vizla mishandling then the rep conquest point nerf.

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1 minute ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I'm not thrilled with the change either, but we don't really know if players are actually 'unsubbing in droves'.  Some are for sure, but others like me are just cutting back on how many alts we get to conquest each week and playing a bit less.

I have a feeling (an opinion, I have zero facts for this) that more players are unsubbing (or choosing not to sub) over the Shae Vizla mishandling then the rep conquest point nerf.

Maybe. I am just going by what people are saying in the forums and noticing that when I do log on (which is NOT even close to what I was playing before the Quick Travel charges and is even less since this latest update) there seem to be fewer people around, even during peak times.

I know that I, personally, am definitely unsubbing due to the rep cq nerf if it's not fixed in the next month or so before my sub runs out. It's simply that last straw for me; we've lost so many QOL things, power and tactical nerfs, and now, piled on top of all that, this was the one thing that made gear progression and helping small guilds progress bearable.

There really is no reason at all to sub if you have to cut down on how many alts you run or can gear with mats from meeting cq on multiple toons Just saying.

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Step 1: Implement obstacles to make the already slow grind a torture

Step 2: Players unsubscribe because they don't like torture

Step 3: Profits????????????

I don't know, shouldn't "make playing easy for everyone-> everyone plays more -> play more = more space barbie demands -> CM profits" a much easier business model?

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15 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

We are really comparing the lowering of points of one conquest goal to torture now?

This week they introduced an Galactic Season objective which gives you 8 points for traveling to a stronghold.

Did the net quality of life went up or down?

Anything that saves me from wasting time from doing boring tasks and give me more time to play actual game contents is a plus in QoL.

To be clear, I don't give a damn about CQ myself but it hurt people who run it heavily and I can emphasize them by imagine how torturous it will be if BS shadow nerf the "discount" of upgrading legendary implants from 2500 tf to the "original" 6500 tf.

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21 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

"torturous"...  i believe you. i can honestly say i believe you. you are being tortured. that is how you feel. i believe you. you are being tortured by playing this game. this is what you say, and this is what i believe. i believe your words. you are being tortured. the message is received. this game is torturing you.

you got likes and hearts for your initial post mentioning how tortured you feel, so you are not alone. others feel tortured too. lowering the points of one conquest goal was torture.

but as others already said " I do think the devs are going to back-pedal a little bit after the amount of pushback there's been on the forums" 

Source: Going Commando | A SWTOR Fan Blog: Galactic Season 6 & Reputation (swtorcommando.blogspot.com) "

you have been tortured, but i think it will not last forever. devs will see this and end the torturing.

You look so very mature by inserting the word torture between every other word.

PS: too late for you to edit your very mature post.

Edit: trust me, I haven't logged in except to raid twice in a week since last summer until last week when they open the SV transfer. CQ doesn't affect me the slightest but you don't need to be a genius to recognize BS bs and call it out. I'm not the one BS should worry about, I have to subscribe as long as my raid team is active. But they should worry about the people who are affected by the CQ change. In long term, it's BS who suffers the consequences of their mistakes, not me. I just log in and list my complaints (maybe occasionally the things I like *wink* date night *wink*) during my work hours because I'm bored.

Edited by eabevella
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I have to say I have been so pre-occupied with the abysmal way the Apac server and its players have been rolled out/treated I had neglected to look at the new patch.
I remember when we used to get gear drops, black talon was great for some adaptive gear, and noticed over the years that the drops got less and less, then we started to see mostly decorations and "junk" until now we are just (it seems) getting wardrobe gear.

Whilst Annoying AF I wish I could say I am surprised; it seems this company is pouring one bad decision after another doubling down on them for whatever reason and bugger the consequences. 

I understand player retention and making money but someone above player level needs to tell them what any high school student can... this is not the way to do it.
If your customers are not happy, they will leave, fortunately at least with SWTOR we can still play if the mood strikes us without giving them another cent. which is exactly what I am doing now due to APAC issues.

It's a shame they are further diluting the player base, and in turn less profits, someone in the company really thinks this is the way to go and that is actually frightening. 

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Posted (edited)

There is something that dawned on me this week that I feel is worth adding to this post. In reading some of the Dev justification responses to the Advancement: Reputation Nerf, they mention the addition of other conquest objectives to off set this jaw dropping change. They added Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives - 4 tasks worth 21,125 (weekly task) and Galactic Seasons: Progress - Gain a seasonal level worth 9,500 (daily task). On Satele Shan server, if I'm not chasing these weekly objectives on Tuesday I may or may not get the group(s) to complete them. The first 2 weeks into the season I've been 7 of 7 for weeklies on Tuesday. That being said... IF you log in and do a little conquest every day you're getting 2 points as a daily and thus the Galactic Season: Progress is going to pay out 3 POSSIBLY 4 times depending on where the login reward awards in the schedule. So at BEST... assuming you finished your weeklies on Tuesday you're going to get 59,125 throughout the rest of the week for these laughable new objectives. Add the 7,625 per day for post nerf Rep and you're getting 112,500. This is compared to the 301,000 you were getting across 7 days for pre nerf rep. Please feel free to check my math.

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17 hours ago, Darviset said:

They added Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives - 4 tasks worth 21,125 (weekly task) and Galactic Seasons: Progress - Gain a seasonal level worth 9,500 (daily task).


17 hours ago, Darviset said:

Add the 7,625 per day for post nerf Rep and you're getting 112,500

The problem is, correct me if I am wrong, but the Seasons level thing being a daily means you punish yourself for not drip feeding your GS levels over the course of 7 days. If you max your GS potential on Tuesday, you are now left without the daily for 6 days.

Second, the weekly being worth 20k can't even compare a daily worth more than twice as much.

Finally, since the rep nerf, I have not bothered to use a rep token. I feel at this point, 8k CQP is worthless for the amount of effort it takes me to get 1 Rep token. So I won't be seeking them out or using them as a daily anymore.


17 hours ago, Darviset said:

Please feel free to check my math

Your math is fine. Broadsword's math on the other hand might need a refresher.

Edited by Traceguy
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9 hours ago, Traceguy said:

The problem is, correct me if I am wrong, but the Seasons level thing being a daily means you punish yourself for not drip feeding your GS levels over the course of 7 days. If you max your GS potential on Tuesday, you are now left without the daily for 6 days.

And that’s assuming people can login everyday to play. I think the devs forget this is supposed to be an MMO on PC. Not a mobile app game that you can quickly login anywhere on your phone when you have a spare 5 mins. 

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